知末案例   /   餐饮空间   /   快餐店


2023/06/16 13:50:00
鱼丸原名七星鱼丸,传统福州鱼丸,以前的福州风味小吃的售卖都在街头巷尾设摊,以敲打竹筒招徕顾客的鱼丸烹食担,让人们从车水马龙的都市中穿越回那个伴随着“锵、锵”声,推着自行车,走街串巷卖着鱼丸的旧时光。 The fishballs, formerly known as Chixing fishballs, are a traditional Fuzhou-style snack sold at stalls in the streets and alleys, where fishballs are cooked and served on sticks, with the sound of bicycles being pounded to attract customers.
项目愿景 | Project Vision 颠覆传统的小吃空间 A small subversion of tradition Eating Space 推陈出新,传统小吃风味不变,强调传统与现代文化的碰撞,用餐体验大升级。在传统迭代至今的共性面前,我们期待它们去赋予空间某种新的秩序并被到访者重新理解和接近。 因此我们希望该项目能够成为城市收纳情绪与故事、连接人与人情感、填补琐碎日常的庇护之地。 A new take on traditional snacking, with an emphasis on the collision of tradition and modern culture, and a major upgrade to the dining experience. In the face of the commonalities between the traditional iterations to the present。 Thus,we look to them to give a new order to the space and to be understood and approached again by the visitors.
空间视觉 | Spatial vision 传统与现代结合 Combining tradition and modernity 门店招牌将传统与现代结合,门头结合传统建筑屋面形式,框架搭建进行表达,配以孔雀蓝作为VI主题色,吸引消费者目光。 门店内部主要材质使用木饰面和漆面,门店施工标准易统一,吊牌和海报的框的设计元素,均在不失传统的构架基础上做了创新。 The shop signage combines tradition and modernity, with the frontage combining traditional architectural roofing forms and frame construction to express this, with peacock blue as the VI theme colour to attract consumers attention. The interior of the shop is mainly made of wood veneer and lacquer, the construction standard of the shop is easy to unify, and the design elements of the hangtag and the frame of the poster are made innovative without losing the traditional structure.
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