

此项目对位于巴塞罗那Hospitalet de Llobregat区域的La Remunta旧军营部分区域进行了翻修改造,该区域曾经专门用于饲养马匹。通过市议会的批准,一部分营区已经被改造为公园绿地和作为住宅开发用地。场地现存建筑都是历史保护建筑。
The project saw the restoration of part of the former army barracks, dedicated to breeding horses, at La Remunta in Hospitalet de Llobregat, Barcelona. In agreement with the City Council, part of the enclosure has been converted to a public park and sites earmarked for the development of housing blocks. All remaining buildings on the site are protected.
▼改造后建筑外观,exterior view of the building after renovation
▼总平面—参与改造的建筑,master plan- four restoration buildings
▼1号楼轴测图,axonometric of building 1
▼3-4号楼轴测图,axonometric of building 3-4
▼5号楼轴测图,axonometric of building 5
The old barracks consist of six building, four of which were the subject of this project. Building 1 included stables and a soldier’s mess on the ground floor and a dormitory for soldiers and officers on the first floor. Buildings 3 and 4 are single storey, used only for horses. Building 5 was an infirmary and laboratory. The two other buildings that were not part of this project, an old farmhouse and Building 2, will be separately developed as a nursery.
▼参与改造的建筑,buildings being restored
The future use of the buildings is as yet unknown. The aim of project was to ensure the buildings were restored and protected from further dilapidation while a use compatible with the public park is found. Non-protected buildings have been demolished and removed from the site, new roadworks have been completed and the park is already open to the public.
▼建筑内部—木结构屋顶,interior view – wood structure roof
▼马厩改造而来的空间,stable being renovated
▼改造前,before restoration
▼总平面图,site plan
▼入口三视图,entrance orthographic views
▼地面层三视图,ground floor orthographic views
▼地面层三视图,ground floor orthographic views
▼1号楼首层平面图,ground floor plan of building 1
▼1号楼二层平面图,first floor plan of building 1
Consolidation of “La Remunta” barrack buildings. L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Architects: Ravetllat-Ribas (Pere Joan Ravetllat, Carme Ribas)
Location: Parc de la Remunta, L’Hospitalet de Llobregat
Promoter: Consorci per a la Reforma de la gran Vía de l’Hospitalet
Construction company: CRC obras y servicios
Collaborators: Toledo-Villareal AT, STATIC Ingeniería, César Díaz
Photography: Adrià Goula
Start of the work: November 2015
End of the work: July 2016
Surface: 3.042 m2