

Children are a segment of the population with essentially zero political power. Any power they do hold is by proxy. The process and resulting solution for Rockford Public Schools’ new K-5 prototype school pivots this dynamic, designing with students rather than for them. This architecture is community.
▼小学外观,exterior view of the elementary school
▼小学外观概念草图,conceptual sketch of the elementary school
During discovery meetings with the school principal, the design team learned the district holds “morning briefings” with their students, many of whom have disadvantageous, difficult and even traumatic home lives. The briefings are designed to help students release any negative energy they may hold, so they can best take in new information and collaborate with peers throughout the day.
▼小学外观局部,外墙上开有不同颜色、不同布局的圆形窗洞,partial exterior view of the elementary school with circular windows in different colors and formations on the exterior wall
▼小学空间轴测图,the axon of the elementary school
Recognizing the importance of these “morning briefings” with students, our team identified a need for more programmatic space to ensure they could occur and students could best thrive. Balancing budget and space constraints, the design team in collaboration with Rockford 4th grade students designed a covered town hall at the center of the building. The town hall unites the school’s gymnasium, cafeteria, art spaces, library and other public spaces while providing a home for the briefings.
▼大楼中心位置的带有顶棚活动空间,侧向天窗采光,周围有颜色和形状各异的窗户元素,the covered town hall at the center of the building with window elements in different colors and geometries
▼大楼的中心位置的带有顶棚活动空间,设有自助餐厅空间,the covered town hall at the center of the building containing the cafeteria
▼大楼的中心位置的带有顶棚活动空间,设有体育馆空间,the covered town hall at the center of the building containing the gymnasium
The central town hall is surrounded by grade-level learning communities specifically designed to the needs of the distinct age groupings: kindergarten, first and second, third and fourth and fifth grades. As a result of engaging students in the design process, the school moves away from traditional features – such as long corridors and fixed, immovable classroom objects that inhibit interaction and skill development – to embrace a more open village design concept. This concept creates hubs for connection throughout the building and enhances a sense of community. In the case of the Rockford K-5 prototype school, the whole is truly greater than the sum of its parts.
▼围绕着中央活动空间设置学习空间,the learning communities surrounding the central town hall
▼围绕着中央活动空间设置学习空间内部,房子轮廓下设有颜色不同的座椅空间,interior view of the learning communities surrounding the central town hall with seating areas in different colors under the house profiles
Geometric strategy extends to other spaces throughout the building where students learn while playing. With integrated furniture, the students learn mass and void relationships in the physical world. This spatial reasoning is essential for their development. In the learning communities, the soft, moveable furniture is designed to be pushed, pulled, and repositioned any way the students desire. Their collaboration, community, and experience are remade by them each day.
▼学习空间,大面积的开窗使室内充满自然光线,the learning space with adequate daylight introduced by the large windows
▼学习空间,可移动的家具使学生们可以根据自己的喜好和需要通过推拉家具来重新布置空间,the learning space, the moveable furniture is designed to be pushed, pulled, and repositioned any way the students desire
▼幼儿园孩子们的绘画作品,the drawings of children
The architecture engages children directly, at once both stimulating and educational. It inherently responds to the reality that entering kindergarten – in this case an 86,000 SF building – can be a remarkably difficult transition and intimidating experience. Influenced by the drawings of children, the design team created unique kindergarten spaces that are visible from the street to help eliminate any intimidation. Each space has unique geometric windows with different colors that break the scale of the school down to the one room schoolhouse, allowing kindergarten students to understand their space in the larger community. The windows, installed near floor level, are irresistible to the kindergartners, beckoning them to engage with the world around them.
▼空间局部,不同颜色的墙壁配着不同几何图形的窗洞,partial interior view of the school in the different tones with different geometric windows
Finally, the architecture of the whole is designed to reflect the larger community of Rockford, Illinois. Drawing on the community’s agrarian and industrial roots, the 86,000-sf facility is broken down into smaller, identifiable masses, reflecting the student’s understanding of architecture and place. Looking at both the macro (history, community, culture) and the micro (postures, cognitive development, learning styles) the design team synthesized a new prototype for both the students and the community.
▼小学外观夜景,学校建筑被划分为一系列体量较小的、具有辨识度的建筑群,night view of the elementary school, the school is broken down into smaller and identifiable masses
▼小学局部外观夜景,partial night view of the elementary school
Official Name of the Project: Rockford Public Schools District 205, Elementary School
Location: Rockford, IL
Size: 86,000 SF
Completed: 2018
Architecture Firm: CannonDesign
Project Director: Stuart Brodsky
Design Principal: Robert Benson
Photographers: Christopher Barrett and Robert Benson