

▼住宅场地是一片绵延起伏的山丘和原生态草地,the house site is a point where rolling hills meet meadows of native grassland
Located at the point where rolling hills meet meadows of native grassland, this house was designed to sensitively merge with its landscape. Commissioned as a getaway for a London-based couple and set within a 19-acre parcel of Central Coast landscape, the house is loosely based on traditional California ranch houses. Nestled among oak trees and into the contours of the site, the house defers to its surrounding. Composed of two primary elements—residence and pool house—the compound is defined by low-slung wings that form a central, private courtyard within. A series of integrated courtyards and terraces accentuate indoor-outdoor relationships. The courtyards and terraces provide refuge from the wide open spaces, establishing intimate settings for the adjacent living areas. Trees frame views from the house to the landscape beyond.
▼从一侧看住宅外观,the house exterior view from the one side
▼设计以传统的加利福尼亚牧场住宅为基础,the house is based on traditional California ranch houses
▼住宅一侧小庭院包围的入口空间,entrance on one side surrounded by a small courtyard
项目建筑师Richard Beard 说:“当我们第一次接触到这个北加利福尼亚Santa Lucia保护区(以前是一片20,000英亩的牧场)住宅设计时,业主已经对住宅有了一个清晰的想法。她在伦敦Knightsbridge有一座漂亮的房子,在伦敦北部有一座充满历史感的花园房子,但是她喜欢加利福尼亚,喜欢高尔夫,滑雪和与朋友一起旅游。她的丈夫是一位在阿根廷长大的美国人,对建筑很感兴趣。她说‘我想要一座加利福尼亚牧场房屋,它必须看起来就是属于北加利福尼亚的,是一个为朋友、艺术和欣赏周围美丽风景而设计的,此外我们还需要一个宽敞的门廊。’我们将这个建筑诠释为一座低调的家庭住宅,内部拥有对比鲜明的现代装饰,现在这里成为业主为朋友、艺术而设计的家,同时也具有她所喜爱的牧场建筑狭长优雅的特征。”
▼入口细节,the entrance from this side
“When first approached by this client for the design of a home in Northern California’s Santa Lucia Preserve—a former 20,000-acre ranch—the client had already established a strong and informed point of view. She had a lovely house in Knightsbridge (London), and a significant historic home and garden in the country just north of London, but loved California, golf, skiing and traveling with friends”, notes Richard Beard, architect for the project. “Her husband, an American who grew up in Argentina, was fond of estancia architecture. She said, ‘I want a California ranch house. It must look like it belongs in Northern California…something that can be a home for friends, art, and where I can appreciate this lovely site. And we need a broad veranda.’” Beard notes, “The architectural translation is an understated home with a contrasting contemporary interior that is now home to her friends and art, and the affection for estancias with their lanky elegance, is not entirely absent either.”
▼住宅另一侧外观,view for the other side
▼低矮的屋檐顺应场地形态,low-sloped roof forms step to follow the natural slope of the site
▼出挑屋檐遮挡西侧与南侧的日晒,generous roof overhangs provide shelter from the southern and western sun
Interior floor elevations and low-sloped roof forms step to follow the natural slope of the site, further merging the 11, 677-square-foot house and pool house, with it’s site. Generous roof overhangs provide shelter from the southern and western sun and add substantial shadow relief on the building’s public face. The material palette is simple and practical, in keeping with ranch house traditions. The walls are predominantly wood siding. Deep eaves incorporate copper gutters and exposed eave framing. Retaining walls, integrated with the colors of the site, are of stone.
▼舒适宜人的观景空间,cozy place to view the landscape
▼泳池,outdoor pool
Hospitality and relaxation are the focus for the interiors, with large gathering spaces, and two wings for the six guest bedrooms and master suite, including a private master living room. A sense of luxury is created through a subtle, yet complex, layering of furnishings within the elegantly proportioned rooms. Natural materials and a neutral palette ground the clean and contemporary interiors, which are accented by pops of color introduced through artwork and accessories.
▼住宅一侧入口空间,entrance area on one side
▼明快的现代风格,clean and contemporary interiors
▼艺术品与摆件为室内增添色彩,shelter-pops of color introduced through artwork and accessories
▼采用自然材料和中性色调,natural materials and neutral palette
▼精致的家具和装饰品营造奢华感,subtle furnishings and decoration bring sense of luxury
▼餐厅,dinning area
▼餐厅空间夜景,night view of the dinning area
▼住宅夜景,house night view
Project team:
Richard Beard of Richard Beard Architects, design architect (project completed while Beard was design principal at BAR Architects)
Lutsko Associates (landscape architecture)
BAMO, Inc. (interior design)
Hunt Brothers (contractor)
Photographer: Matthew Millman