Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室

2018/08/07 18:00:57
西涛设计工作室最近为高级定制婚纱品牌Shine Moda设计了他们的第一家旗舰店。
Shine Moda is tailor-made bridal brand based in Shanghai, we are invited to design their first flagship store combined the function of a showroom and 4 large dressing rooms.
▼建筑外观,exterior view
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-3
▼入口细部,entrance details
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-5
回应Shine Moda 一贯坚持的舒适精致并经得起时间考验的品牌理念,设计团队打造了一个纯粹凝练的空间。不同于传统精品零售店一成不变的布局和销售模式,这个婚纱店的设计抹去纯展厅的理念,也摒弃了通常婚纱店采用的或复古或华丽的流行设计元素,用现代极简的建筑语汇创造了一个具有古典氛围和仪式感的空间,素净统一的色调和强烈的秩序感,让人联想起希腊神庙。配合展出其中的婚纱,传达出永恒和纯洁的意味。
Located in a warehouse which has been transformed by the landlord and added in a new structure system along with the old structures, the space was stuffed with pillars – old and new ones, counted 16 pillars standing in middle of a 405-sqm footage. Our main challenge is to carefully allocated the rooms between complex and chaotic sites, some pillars are hidden in partition walls and closets, some are revealed as sculptures freestanding in the space by purpose. Formed a series of pure volumes, the marble blocks and free standing rough pillars, complete a space of masses and voids. Different from a general layout of boutique retail shop, the design team reduced the use of superficial decoration, employed the minimalist architectural language generates a strong sense of order, thereby a space with a classical atmosphere to convey a feeling of permanence and purity.
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-9
▼两个拱顶一虚一实相互交叠,形成高度的向上延伸感, two half vaults extend from the ceiling to the wall, one in solid, the other in translucent glass
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-11
Walked from entrance into the portico, two half vaults extend from the ceiling to the wall, one in solid to provide a backstage of sitting area, one in translucent glass to filter the sunlight and bring the outdoor inside. The portico connected to a Basilica main hall in rigorous symmetrical layout with modular walls and ceiling panels. The wedding showcase hidden in the sheet-like array, forming a gentle but not heavy rituality. Through the wall sequence connected to each fitting room.
▼巴西利卡式的主厅,Basilica main hall
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-15
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-16
▼中轴对称的布局,模数化的片墙和天花垂板,有着柱列般丰富的空间层次,rigorous symmetrical layout with modular walls and ceiling panels
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-18
Throughout the space, the design team discreetly and respectfully restrained the materials, the combination of gray colored stone, light color texture paint and dark colored silk carpet, formed a palette of various greyish which are close to each other and subtly different. Subdue in color offers a distinct atmosphere helps to focus attention to the display of wedding dresses. For different area and functions, each shelf or display to be discreetly illuminated with different lighting strategies to ensure a best display effect.
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-22
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-23
▼试衣间概览,dressing room overview
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-25
▼婚纱展示架隐藏于片状的阵列中,形成一种温和而不沉重的仪式感,The wedding showcase hidden in the sheet-like array, forming a gentle but not heavy rituality.
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-27
▼展示架细部,showcase details
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-29
贯穿整个空间,设计师审慎克制又充满敬意的使用材料连接整体架构。灰白色的观音石,浅色的艺术纹理漆与柔软的暗色真丝绒毯搭配在一起,色调和肌理既接近又有着微妙的耐人寻味的差别。像是一幅细腻的单色素描画,结合质地与光线效果塑造出独特气氛。建筑语言的清晰和素净,中性的空间,更衬托出shine moda婚纱轻盈细腻的质感。
The project aims to weaken the concept of an exhibiting and shopping hall, created a pure neutral space for a new fitting-out and shopping experience with simple architectural elements, evokes a sense of ritual and serene, reminiscence an image of a chapel.
▼展示架细部,showcase details
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-33
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-34
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-35
Shine Moda旗舰店,上海 / 西涛设计工作室-36
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