

Following the recent trend of outward migration to urban areas of young people and the impact of ‘School Merging Policy’, it has become a common phenomenon that primary schools in villages close down and turn derelict.
Kai Zhang Primary School, the largest public building in the remote village of Nihegou (Jiaxian Traditional Chinese Date Gardens) in Northern Shaanxi, did not survive either.
How to revitalize this peculiar big white building under low-tech and low-budget conditions? Responding to this question, Original Architect attempted to avoid the stereotypical coherence in style.
By introducing sociological perspectives, we have explored an innovative coexistence between the building and the village through the continuity of collective memories as well as the integration of new functional space.
▼建筑概览,overview ©张思露
差异与记忆|Differences and Memories
Driving over ten kilometres northwards from the Jia County, along the newly-built road along the Yellow River and through the magnificent Qinjin Canyon, the cave dwellings loomed out of the lush jujube woods cuddled by the cliff. Proceeding further to the village committee compound, a three-storey frame-structure building came into sight.
This exceptional big white building was made of cement-covered red bricks with ceramic facing facade and a blue parapet. Four golden characters reading ‘Kai Zhang Primary School’ sat atop, complementing the typical form of a city primary school in China. It was undoubtedly an exotic species in both scale and colour, implanted abruptly into the cave dwelling settlement in sharp contrast against the existing old school, an eleven-hole cave, lying on the hilltop.
▼这座典型的城市小学建筑与山顶现存的十一孔窑老小学形成鲜明的对比。It was undoubtedly an exotic species in both scale and colour, implanted abruptly into the cave dwelling settlement in sharp contrast against the existing old school, an eleven-hole cave, lying on the hilltop. ©杨秉鑫
From the point of view of conventional conservation planning, this building would be normally determined as ‘style confliction’ and hence must be demolished or completely reconstructed for harmony and consistency.
However, through the communication with Professor Sun Qingzhong from the Department of Sociology of the China Agricultural University, who had conducted long-term research on the history of the village, and with the villagers, we learned the significant role this building had played in carrying decades of great efforts and collective memories of establishing a local primary school.
Before 2000, Nihegou Village, the most distant village in the Jia County, had kept a complete system of upland loop yaodong (cave dwelling) settlement. From the old-fashioned private school before the founding of the People’s Republic, to the four-hole cave rent in the 1950s for public education, and then to the six-hole cave in the 1960s and the eleven-hole cave in the 1970s, the education of children had always taken place in traditional cave dwellings with cramped space and steep slippery mountain route. The villagers longed for a ‘real’ primary school like the one in cities.
After years of hard work, the long-awaited ‘Hope Primary School’ eventually put into use in 2003 and became the largest and the most contemporary building in the village. It was also the first collision in architectural typology between this traditional village and the modern city. The school was named as ‘Kai Zhang’ in order to commemorate the contribution of the prestigious villager Wu Kaizhang and his descendants. The school was later taken as the ‘central school’ where children from the neighboring villages gathered for primary education and held nearly 200 students at its most vigorous.
However, in the time of outward migration and the ‘School Merging Policy’, the number of students decreased year by year. In 2012, the last student dropped out. The school was then occupied as village committee offices, storages and temporary accommodation. While the playground in front of the building was used for assemblies, Yanko celebrations (traditional Chinese rural folk dancing), weddings and funerals. This situation lasted for over three years. Nevertheless, the Inscription of Construction, the flag pole, the pine tree and the blackboards remained unchanged over the continuously changing time.
The more we learned about the history, the stronger we felt that the superficial difference between the school and the surroundings weakened. Instead, here emerged a future with continuity in collective memory coexisting with the addition of functional space.
▼历史沿革,Historical evolution
延续与纳新|Continuity and Addition
The Primary School is among the only three collective-property buildings in the village. The other two are the Temple and the Stage.
The renovated school would not only continue providing offices and activity space, but also accommodate city visitors such as volunteers, artists and tourists. The diversity of needs makes the new school a ‘Country Complex’, enhancing both openness and the capacity of sustainable operation.
Through the organization of the vertical differentiation of the three-storey space along with the roof platform, the building demonstrates a vertical stratification of public activity, working, living, and viewing.
▼功能分析图,Function analysis ©孔祥麟
▼剖面草图,Profile sketch ©孔祥麟
Functional response is based on the unique mixture of load-bearing wall and concrete frame structure with verandas. New spaces which include a restaurant, a community centre for the elderly, public toilets, dormitories and standard rooms are added making use of the different widths for the classrooms and offices (5.1m and 3.5m respectively).
Taking the public verandas as the pivot, the circulation within the building extends to floors above and below. The regeneration of deep and shallow space and the connection and enhancement of both everyday behaviour and viewing experience result in distinctive space.
▼改造前后对比图,The contrast diagram before and after the transformation ©杨秉鑫
The courtyard in front of the building, which was enclosed by brick walls painted in pink, was the prime space for collective activity. Yet the villagers had to carry stools whenever an assembly was held, or they crowded around otherwise.
The original fencing walls extend inwards to form stone steps for sitting space in the reconstructed courtyard. The end of the steps stretches into the public toilets inside the building. Planters are reserved in the setbacks on the stone steps to evoke a relaxing experience while facilitating the villagers’ activities.
the use of courtyard stone steps——Election
the use of courtyard stone steps——Yangge, Drying
In the meantime, the stone walls of the veranda expand outwards wrapping around the flag pole and the pine tree and become a shallow front court. The four characters of ‘Kai Zhang Primary School’ are moved downwards from the rooftop and embedded into the stone wall. The old inscription is also brought back into sight into the wall at the entrance.
This space of stones on the ground floor treasured and displayed the precious fragments of the primary school. Due to the limited budget, the first floor continues functioning as the committee working area with minimal change on the interior. The major focus is on the public veranda and the visitor centre on the second floor.
The old inscription is also brought back into sight into the wall at the entrance
The original veranda was long, narrow and monotonous. Making use of the thickness of the walls and the column intervals, benches, recessed tearooms as well as a washing basin are inserted. Meanwhile, the ceiling height of the veranda and the view out through it are lowered to better fit the scale of a human body. Such re-organization of the shallow space creates richer settings for visitors to chat and relax.
▼改造后的外廊,corridor after the transformation
▼外廊开窗框住了山景,the windows of corridor frame the mountain scenery ©杨秉鑫
▼凹间茶室,tea house ©杨秉鑫
According to the size difference between the original classroom and office, dormitories and standard rooms are set in the newly integrated Date Gardens Inn. The ceilings of the rooms are made of woven wicker using local technic, which is widely used for wicker-woven jujube baskets. This reduces the relatively high ceiling height.
The dormitories could host group visitors such as artists and students, evoking the memory of collective life; while the standard rooms mainly take individuals and families. This new operational function of the primary school attracts a young couple, who moved out for working in the early years, back to the village as entrepreneurs.
It has now become the first hotel with relatively large capacity in the Nihegou Village.
▼客栈——大通铺,guest room
▼客栈——大床房,guest room
风景的借望|Borrowed scenery
The external stairs and the veranda linking the three storeys of distinct functions and features are of great significance. From the outside in, their conversation with the views dispels the complexity and peculiarity of the building itself and connects compound functions and diverse people.
Following the different views as well as the varied activities taking place on each floor, the levels of openness vary accordingly from the enclosure of stone walls on the ground floor, to the semi-open gratings on the first floor, and finally to the openness on the second floor.
Additional seats were set on one side of the second-floor steps for sightseeing.
Cement wall window framed the scenery of river
Wooden grille framed the scenery of tree ©唐勇
The sympathetically layered veranda space coordinates the relationship between the inside and the surrounding natural and manmade environment through the movement and short stay of visitors, framing the landscape beyond and shielding off the unwanted.
You can also sit in front of the French sash in the room, overlooking the cave settlements scattered in the back hill and enjoying the slow time flowing through the unique scenery.
An outdoor staircase to the roof
Climbing further up along the newly added steel stairs hanging on the sidewall, a rooftop corridor leads towards the seat shadowed by the old sophora, opening up a panoramic view of the jujube woods and the Yellow River running from afar.
▼屋顶航拍,Roof aerial view ©杨秉鑫
▼屋顶平台,Roof platform ©林艺萍
When the night falls down and the colour fades off, lying down on the rooftop and staring into the starlights dancing with the melody of country tunes, here comes the pure, independent world fusing the past and the future.
▼夜景,night view
取语甚直,计思匪深。 忽逢幽人,如见道心。
清涧之曲,碧松之阴。 一客荷樵,一客听琴。
情性所至,妙不自寻。 遇之自天,泠然希音。
▼总平面图,site plan
▼一层平面,1F plan
▼二层平面,2F plan
▼三层平面,3F plan
▼屋顶平面,roof plan
Project name: Date Gardens Primary School Renovation
Location: Nihegou Village, Jia County, Shaanxi Province, China
Client: The People’s Government of Jia County of Shaanxi
Design team: Tang Yong, Lin Yiping, Yang Bingxin, Kong Xianglin, Zhang Silu
Resident architects: Yang Bingxin, Lin Yiping
Electricity: Shen Jin
Construction: Xinde Construction Engineering Co., Ltd. of Jia County
Design period: 09/2016-05/2017
Construction period: 06/2017-10/2017
Site area: 700 m2
Gross floor area: 750 m2
State: Completed