

The Preschool of Ouled Merzoug comes from a holistic architectural design, incorporating community dynamics, bioclimatics and a new vernacular style. In need of educational infrastructure, Goodplanet foundation aims to install a preschool with bioclimatic functioning, as an extension to the existing school building.
▼全景鸟瞰,aerial view
▼土坯体量和土木混合的平屋顶,a structure with adobe walls and a wood-and-earth flat roof
▼建筑外观,exterior view
The building is inspired by a new vernacular from local typologies, materials and techniques, with a contemporary look, performant bio-climatic functioning and earthquake proof design.
▼建筑的基座部分由当地自然形成的石材构成,the preschool of Ouled Merzoug has foundations of locally sourced nature stone
The preschool of Ouled Merzoug has foundations of locally sourced nature stone, with adobe walls, a wood-and-earth flat roof. The exterior finishing is done with a “tamelass” render, a mix of 2 earths, straw and sand, while the interior finishing is made of polished “nouss-nouss”, a “half-half” of earth and gypsum to create a breathable interior plaster which diffuses indirect sunlight.
▼外墙表面由两种土料、稻草和沙子混合而成,the exterior finishing is done with a “tamelass” render, a mix of 2 earths, straw and sand
▼屋檐处用于收集雨水的装置,the installation for collecting water from the roof
The southeast and northwest façades which have harsh low-sun impacts are protected by tree or courtyard shadows, while the south façade has a cavity wall for insulation and a big thermal mass, making the building cool during the day, but warmer through the night until the morning.
▼庭院为东南立面和西北立面带来荫蔽,the southeast and northwest façades are protected by tree or courtyard shadows
▼庭院细部,courtyard view
▼可组合的桌子,modular tables
▼教室细部,classroom detailed view
The classroom links to two courtyards, one on each side. Both courtyards can be read as the playground for the smaller ones (3-6 years) but can be used as an external classroom for storytelling and other activities. These courtyards are elevated due to the topography of the site and link to a bigger front garden giving access to the rest of the school.
▼庭院可以用作游戏空间和户外教室,the courtyard can be used as a playground or an external classroom
▼墙面细部,facade detail
▼施工照片,construction phase
▼西北立面图,northwest elevation
▼东南立面图,southeast elevation
▼东北立面图,northeast elevation
▼西南立面图,southwest elevation
▼纵剖面图,longitudinal section
▼横剖面图,cross section
Project Description: Bio-climatic Preschool
Location: Ouled Merzoug, Morocco
Client: the community of Ouled Merzoug and the Goodplanet Foundation
Architect: BC architects
Earth consultant: BC studies
Cooperation: Isabelle Verhoeven, Bregt Hoppenbrouwers, Tommaso Bisogno, Christopher Weijchert.
Budget: 35.000 € (VAT excl.)
Surface: 172m2 building + 250m2 landscaping
Concept: 2016
Status: Built January 2017