知末案例   /   建筑   /   体育建筑

Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency

2018/03/05 19:41:12
Louis de Cormontaigne学校的新体育馆位于摩泽尔河与运河之间的一座小岛上。其弓形的体量位于学校与高速公路的对面,这也为该项目带来了声学设计上的难点。该建筑与中学建筑楼的朝向保持了一致:垂直于运河。基于对采光量的考虑,东北偏北的立面安装有宽阔的Reglit玻璃,能够带来均匀理想的自然光。西南偏南的立面则较为封闭,如同一张面具,抵挡了来自高速公路的噪音。体育场区域上方的屋顶呈现出坡度。整座体育馆包含一个完全由木材作为饰面的全功能体育场,以及一个小健身房,共同为所有类型的体育运动提供了充足且适宜的场地。
Louis de Cormontaigne’s new gymnasium is located on the tip of the island between the Moselle River on one side and the canal on the other, a bow-shaped structure across from the day school and the motorway, the location’s major acoustic challenge. The building reproduces the orientation of the high school building and is perpendicular to the canal. It has also been designed according to the input of light with broad openings in Reglit glass on the north-by-northeast side to offer unified, ideal natural light. The south-by-southwest side has been designed as very opaque, like a mask—a large acoustic shield to counter the motorway noise. Work on the volumes and roofs, reproducing the shed-like appearance, also adds to the indoor staging and the design of the sports areas. Composed of a main all-purpose gym entirely clad in wood and a secondary gym for body-building, the new gym offers the best possible conditions for all sporting activities.
▼新体育馆位于摩泽尔河与运河之间的一座小岛上,the new gymnasium is located on the tip of the island between the Moselle River on one side and the canal on the other
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-3
▼建筑外观,exterior view
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-5
环境带来的挑战 | A Challenging Context
场地中的体育馆如同一艘船的船首,面对着Louis de Cormontaigne中学三层高的教学楼。体育馆位于摩泽尔河与运河之间,其对面的高速公路是该项目在声学设计方面的难点所在。户外运动场位于学校和体育馆建筑之间,这为二者提供了足够友好的距离,有助于形成新体育馆与整个中学校园的连接,并在新的综合体完工之前满足学校的使用需求。建筑的朝向与教学楼保持了一致,均垂直于运河,并以桥梁为中心呈现出同轴的倾向。桥梁也是该项目的一部分,起到了组织户外区域和功能的作用。为了抵挡来自高速公路的噪音,建筑的西南立面被设计为一面封闭的屏障,刻意抬升的墙体在北面形成了遮挡,同时使其免受公路噪音的打扰。该立面的外部覆盖有绝缘层,内部则铺设以木制隔音板,从而保证了场馆内外的声学品质。
The new gymnasium is located on the site like a ship’s bow, facing the Louis de Cormontaigne High School building, a three-story structure housing the classrooms between the Moselle River and the canal and facing the motorway, which is the site’s main acoustic challenge. The decision to place the playing field between the two buildings creates a welcome distance between them. It makes it possible to suitably meet the need for working continuity with the present gymnasium and the entire high school having to continue to operate until the new complex is delivered. The geometric composition reproduces the high school’s orientation, perpendicular to the canal, with a slight concentric zone rotation up to the bridge, which itself is a part of the design. It incorporates the outdoor areas like full-fledged elements of the entire layout. To limit the motorway noise, the southwest facade has been designed very opaque like a shield, a purposely elevated acoustic screen to both create a shed in the north and to protect it from the motorway noise. This facade is covered by cladding over insulation on the outside, then another wooden soundproofing layer on the inside. It thereby ensures both thermal and acoustic quality inside both sports halls.
▼户外运动场有助于形成新体育馆与整个中学校园的连接,the playing field makes it possible to suitably meet the need for working continuity with the present gymnasium and the entire high school
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-10
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-11
三个层级,三个屋顶 | Three Layers, Three Roofs
The sports halls call for imposing volumes that are often difficult to incorporate into an urban setting. Here, we have carved the building up into several layers. It includes a low, telluric foundation; this is the volume of the annexes. Above it three ledges form 3 layers that cut through the top of the big halls through which abundant natural light flows in. This composition creates 3 ledges for 3 roofs: the first roof caps the low volume of the annexes. It is landscaped because it is visible from the school building, the classrooms, and motorway. It is extended by a slight overhang of the roof between the annexes and the outdoor areas. The second roof covers the large halls. A slight inflection translates the sectioning, a two-layer sealant placed onto a steel base. The third roof serves as an acoustic screen facing the motorway. Its curve enables a third contribution from the north, partially vertical light, and completes the luminous scheme. It is clad in continuous metal between the roof and its vertical part.
▼屋顶分为三个层级,three ledges form 3 layers
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-16
▼屋顶的斜面带来了额外的垂直采光,补充了室内的光线,the curve enables a third contribution from the north, partially vertical light, and completes the luminous scheme
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-18
明亮的空间 | Bright Spaces
With a view to visual and environmental comfort it is essential for gymnasiums to choose the best orientation in relation to the sun. In this case the gym’s north/south position highlights the quality of natural light. The vertical, abundant northern light provides the uniformity good for sports because it isn’t too dazzling. The translucent Reglit glass of the northern facades provides generous, harmonious light in the main gym’s remotest corners. The sheds make it possible to increase the light cone throughout the entire volume of the two gyms that avoids shadowy or overly bright areas. They also add to the indoor decor and the design of sports areas. The soft, controlled southern light provides the gyms with added heat from the sun. This intentionally soft opening gives a direct view to the surrounding plant life and woodland, creating a warm, friendly undergrowth-like atmosphere. The presence of a “hat” at the upper level makes it possible to avoid overheating from sunlight in the summer while still taking advantage of the winter sun. The gyms thereby enjoy excellent lighting and add to the building’s heating performance while providing a pleasant view.
▼体育馆主厅,the large hall
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-23
▼顶棚设计增加了光锥范围,避免了阴影或过于明亮的区域, the sheds make it possible to increase the light cone throughout the entire volume of the two gyms that avoids shadowy or overly bright areas
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-25
▼柔和的开窗方式使得人们可以更直接地观赏周围的植物和林地,the intentionally soft opening gives a direct view to the surrounding plant life and woodland, creating a warm, friendly undergrowth-like atmosphere
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-27
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-28
▼健身房,the secondary gym for body-building
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-30
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-31
简单易读的功能 | Simple, Readable Functionality
The annexes’ low volumes open onto the athletics track and outdoor football pitch. It revolves around the volume of the main gym by circling it on the northern and southeastern corners. A large glass facade in this low volume makes the foot traffic-friendly, pleasant and bright. Interaction with the outdoor areas is therefore clear-cut. This entire low volume is topped by a green roof to limit the volumes in rainwater retention, improve heating and offer a pleasant view from the classrooms which have an uninterrupted view of the new gym.
▼长条玻璃带为建筑的带来友好、明亮的步行环境, a large glass facade in this low volume makes the foot traffic-friendly, pleasant and bright
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-36
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-38
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-39
有许多接口汇入这个基地,例如从沿着路基的道路至此,从高中教学楼至此和从室外的田径场至此。内部的空间组织使得副楼和入口拥有多种用途: -较小的健身房有专门的更衣室。健身房位于更衣室的对面,也可以打开到户外的地方 -主体育馆有两个专门的更衣室,也可以通过玻璃带进入 -路基上有通往体育协会和俱乐部(晚上和周末)的次级入口 -通往服务检修室和储藏室的外部入口
This base condenses the many access points, i.e. from the path along the embankment for outdoor users, from the high school’s buildings and from the outdoor track and pitch. The inside has been organized to enable several uses of the annexes and access points: · The smaller gym has a dedicated changing room. It is located across from it and also opens onto the outdoor areas · the main gym has two dedicated changing rooms, also accessible through the glass band · the main access to the centre gives onto both gyms with a second access point into the main gym · a secondary access point from the embankment for sporting associations and clubs (evenings and weekends) · outdoor access to the service and storage rooms
▼足球场,football court
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-43
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-44
从学校和室外可以很容易地看到普通公众的入口大厅。它与两个体育馆的入口、接待处、厕所、教师更衣室和服务区相通。这是一个友好的空间,如果天气允许,将从视觉上延伸到户外空间。更衣室都做成了可步行穿越式的,从而确保了项目的理想布局:-肮脏的脚vs干净的脚 -街上穿的鞋vs运动穿的鞋
The entry hall for the general public can easily be seen from the school and outdoor areas. It communicates with the entrances of the two gyms, the reception, the toilets, the changing rooms for teachers and the service areas. A friendly space that, weather-permitting, extends to the outdoor space. The changing rooms are walk-through in order to adhere to the ideal layout: dirty feet/clean feet;street shoes/sports shoes.
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-48
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-49
Location: Metz (57) Client: Région Alsace-Champagne-Ardenne-Lorraine Team: agence Engasser & associés ID+ (engineer) Programme: Reconstruction and extension of the gymnasium, two gyms and an outdoor field Area: 2,000 m² SP – 1,850 m² SU Budget: 2.9 M€ HT Year: 2013–2017 Photographers: Mathieu Ducros
Louis de Cormontaigne中学体育馆,法国梅茨 / Engasser & associates agency-51
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