项目概述 | Overview
Pioneer Village Station车站坐落于Steels Avenue和Northwest Gate交叉口的斜对面,同时也为西斯蒂尔大道(Steels Avenue West)日后的兴修预留了通道。车站的地面建筑部分已经完成,以最大限度的发挥车站运输功能的潜力。
Pioneer Village Station runs diagonally under the intersection of Steeles Avenue West and Northwest Gate and is intended to provide access for existing and future developments, along Steeles Avenue West. Station surface buildings have been laid out to maximize the potential for transit oriented development to occur.
日常停车位及相关通道位于车站北面的走廊内,可满足1881辆轿车的泊车需求。地铁的主入口位于西斯蒂尔大道(Steels Avenue)的北面,同时为YRT巴士总站提供了站台也为通勤车提供了停车位置。主入口和YRT巴士站台之间是TTC变电站。YRT巴士总站的运营与养护将由约克区(York Region)负责。YRT人行道将从主入口开始,贯穿停车场和YRT巴士总站,从而为行人提供一个受保护的安全路线。
Commuter parking for 1,881 vehicles and associated access roads are located in the hydro corridor to the north of the station. The main entrance to the subway is located on the north side of Steeles Avenue West and provides access to the YRT bus terminal, the on-street Passenger Pick-Up and Drop Off and commuter parking. Between the main entrance and the YRT bus terminal is the TTC substation. The YRT bus terminal will be operated and maintained by York Region. A pedestrian walkway from the commuter parking lot through the YRT bus terminal will be designed to provide a protected route for passengers moving to and from the main entrance.
An automatic entrance is located south of Steeles Avenue West on the east side of Northwest Gate, adjacent to the TTC bus terminal. The bus terminal has access from the new Track & Field Road, Northwest Gate, and a new east-west road link south of the bus terminal. A second automatic entrance is located at the south end of the TTC bus terminal. There are two concourses, one at each end of the station, allowing utilities and to allow future utilities and services to cross over the top of the station. The additional weight of backfill also helps reduce the impact of buoyancy caused by the high water table.
▼主入口建筑,entrance pavilion
▼紧邻公共汽车站的入口,the entrance adjacent to the TTC bus terminal
The Pioneer Village车站项目多处引用了环保概念:凉爽的屋顶和绿色的屋顶;增加日光水平以减少电照明用电;LED作为电缆塔标志照明,节能照明用于照明寻路标牌以降低功耗;高效水管设备;节能空调系统;避免雨水直接流入到市政排水系统,而将其引入绿色屋顶绿化和软美化地区等其他建筑径流区;自行车短期停车位;及乡土植物与耐旱植物的造景。
The Pioneer Village Station project incorporates the following environmental initiatives: Cool roofs and green roofs; Increased daylight levels to reduce electric lighting power usage; LED lighting in pylon signs, and energy efficient lighting in illuminated wayfinding signage to reduce power consumption; Water efficient plumbing fixtures; Energy efficient HVAC system; Reduced storm water runoff into the municipal drainage system by utilizing green roof landscaping and soft landscaping areas adjacent to other building runoff areas; Short term bicycle parking spaces; and Landscaping with native and drought tolerant species.
▼外墙采用耐候钢金属板,并在底座上配上搪瓷板,the façades are clad with weathering steel metal panels with matching porcelain enamel panels at the base
▼室内等候空间,waiting area
▼玻璃使用了对鸟类友好的多孔玻璃,glazing is clear bird-friendly fritted glass
The roofs over the entrance buildings are cool roofs and the roofs over the TTC bus terminal and substation building are green roofs. Glazing is clear bird-friendly fritted glass. The façades are clad with weathering steel metal panels with matching porcelain enamel panels at the base. The TTC bus terminal, entrance buildings and substation are clad in solid weathering steel panels above the touch zone with glass or porcelain enamel below. Hard landscaping will be white and grey concrete in a pattern to match the architecture. Soft landscaping will be hardy and low maintenance for durability in the local environment.
▼通向站台层的入口大厅,entrance lobby linked with the platform level
公共艺术:Tim与Jan Edler | Public Art: Artists Tim and Jan Edler
Jan Edler (实际:美国) 来自柏林,德国,他被Pioneer village station委托负责公共艺术的部分。Tim 和Jan Edler的团队以用高科技的媒体技术著称,对立面的概念和像素的性质以及它们如何分解成图像感兴趣。艺术家们与建筑设计团队合作密切,并且为一个名叫 “lightspell”的公共艺术提供了新的概念。
Jan Edler (realities: united) based in Berlin, Germany, has been awarded the public art contract for Pioneer Village Station. Tim and Jan Edler and their team are known for their technology-based media platforms and are interested in the concept of facades and the nature of pixels and how they resolve into images. The artists have worked in close collaboration with the architectural design team to develop a concept for a public art that is called “LightSpell”.
▼站台层,platform level
LightSpell是一个“超级雕塑”,是一个艺术装置与地铁车站照明的混合体。交互式装置由一系列40个光源组成组成。无需顾虑展示效果,光线能够主动根据情况自动调节使下方空间的照度保持在恒定水平。用设计师的话来说,LightSpell 是一个公共互动的装置,同时也照顾到个体自由与群体兴趣的方方面面。这是一个具有民主精神的装置。无论个人预设了什么信息,这个装置都会为社区中的每个人提供光亮,并且满足其他等候者的需求。
LightSpell is a “super sculpture”; a hybrid between art installation and the lighting of the subway station. The interactive installation consists of a suspended array of 40 light elements. Each element is made of 16 individually controllable luminaires and can produce all letters of the alphabet, as well as special characters and numerals from 0 to 9. Regardless of the character displayed, the light intensity of the active segments is automatically adjusted so that the illumination of the space below is kept at a constant level. In the artist’s words …LightSpell is an experiment in public interaction and will entail various aspects regarding the freedom of the individual versus the interest of the larger group. It is a democratic installation: Whatever message by an individual is projected the installation always serves the demands of the community of other waiting people by providing light for everybody.
▼LightSpell是一个艺术装置与地铁车站照明的混合体,LightSpell is a hybrid between art installation and the lighting of the subway station
建筑师的设计思路 | Architect’s Concept
SGA/IBI设计事务所联合Alsop设计事务所一起设计了Pioneer Village Station。这个地铁站的建成无疑会成为当地的一个新的独一无二且具有世界水准的地标性建筑。该项目将对现有的穿越多伦多市与约克郡的多伦多运输委员会地铁系统产生重要的连接枢纽作用。《国际新建筑》评论:“这座独一无二世界级的建筑将让斯蒂尔西站将成为新的市民地标。她横跨多伦多与约克郡的边界,并连接约克大学园区的一角。”先锋镇车站将作为一个综合性的区域交通枢纽,每天提供多达20000个地铁乘客出行,设有1900个通勤停车场,两个独立的区域巴士总站。
SGA/IBI Group Architects in joint venture with Alsop Architects are designing Pioneer Village Station. This station is intended to become a new civic landmark with unique and world-class architecture, straddling the border of Toronto and York Region and anchoring a corner of York University Campus. Pioneer Village station will serve as an integrated regional transport hub serving up to 20,000 subway passenger trips daily with 1900 commuter parking spaces, two separate regional bus terminals serving the station.
▼检票区域顶部设有互动艺术作品, an interactive artwork was installed in the check-in area
At this undeveloped location, the station entrances and bus terminals will form a new public focal point that will serve the future development of the surrounding area. The design of the subway station itself is defined by a fluid, continuous connection from the surface level down to the platform from both ends of the station. The entrance buildings form a pair of sculptural objects, robust and yet embodying playfulness and free flowing movement. This design theme is taken further through collaboration with an artist to install a major interactive artwork in the station. With this station, the Design Team seek to transform the everyday journey into an experience of joy and delight.
▼艺术装置细部,detail of the installtion
DESIGNER: All Design(原ALSOP Architect) SGA/IBI Group Architects
CLIENT Toronto Transport Commission
SIZE 7,000 m2
YEAR 2011 – 2017