

Westmoreland Park Pavilion is based on a primary form of shading: cloud cover. A welcome sight on a hot sunny day, cloud cover offers a variety of diffuse and filtered light that constantly changes along with playful shadow patterns cast across the ground. Like cloud formations, the pavilion appears striking against the blue Texas sky.
▼凉亭外观,an overview of the pavilion
Profiled steel louvers, powder coated white to give them a durable, high gloss finish, are hung from the underside of the structure. The steel structure above the louvers was designed to be invisible from the ground; frame elements are held back from the edge and taper to minimize their visibility, while the columns seemingly disappear into the undulating, floating canopy.
▼凉亭形态宛如漂浮的云朵, the canopy appears like floating cloud formations
▼钢架结构位于遮板上方,无法从地面看见,the steel structure above the louvers was designed to be invisible from the ground
The structure was shop fabricated and assembled on site with mechanical fasteners. This approach meant that there were very few field welds on site. Field welding can damage the protective finish coating and create the potential for corrosion over time. By minimizing them, the lifetime maintenance costs of the structure were greatly reduced.
▼凉亭由预制生产的构件在现场装配而成,the structure was shop fabricated and assembled on site with mechanical fasteners
▼如波浪般起伏的形态, the undulating, floating canopy
Situated in a neighborhood public park, the pavilion includes long cast-in-place tables for informal gatherings like picnics and parties.
▼凉亭下的就座空间,seating area under the canopy
▼设计草图,design sketch
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼遮板在地面上投射的图案,floor plan showing reflected louver topography
Project size:900 ft2
Completion date:2012
Building levels:1