家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所

2017/09/13 12:11:01
天全县新场乡中心幼儿园共设六个班,是2013年芦山地震后壹基金向灾区援建的十多所幼儿园中的一所。项目用地位于新场乡丁村西北侧一块不大的台地上,四周群山环抱。 基地向西遥对着一个山口,让人在大山之中仍能感知到远方的存在。附近的村落与自然紧密依存,又和它微妙地对峙着,气氛安宁而静谧。为了保持乡村的知觉宁静,新建筑的介入应该契合这种家园氛围。
Xinchang village’s kindergarten is one of more than ten kindergartens that Open Foundation has donated to the disaster area of 2013 Lushan earthquake. Surrounded by mountains, the site is a relatively small platform in the northwest of the village. It faces a mountain gap to the west, so that people can still sense the faraway from here. The surrounding settlements, while providing shelters to the inhabitants, confronts subtly the nature that dominates. In order to maintain this peaceful and tranquil rustic atmosphere, the new architecture should embrace a homy atmosphere existed locally.
▼与自然紧密依存,close to nature
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-3
The entire kindergarten is conceived as a “village”. The total volume of one thousand five hundred square meters is decomposed into nine isolated “cottages” according to the programs. They are placed on the north, south and east sides of the site to enclose a U-shape courtyard facing west. The courtyard pavings and the building facades adopt locally-produced shale sintering bricks, endowing the place with a strong sense of artificiality. Hence, on the one hand, the design stands apart from the nature; on the other hand, it forms an inseparable ensemble with the sky, the platform, the nearby villages and the further mountain gap.
▼建筑体量按功能组成被分解成九个彼此游离的“村舍”,the total volume of one thousand five hundred square meters is decomposed into nine isolated “cottages” according to the programs
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家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-9
The sense of dimensions is specific there spatially and temporally. The manifestation of nature is controlled to be deeply related to the development and transformations of the site. The inner courtyard is the centre of the kindergarten, and also the kernel of the sense of directions and identities. As children playing in the courtyard everyday, it becomes the place where affinity with the kindergarten and memories get started. The courtyard is the source of affiliation.
▼内广场是整个幼儿园的核心,the inner courtyard is the centre of the kindergarten
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家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-14
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-15
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-16
The design also took serious considerations of children’s mental and physical characteristics, making efforts to realize the diversity and capability of playfulness in the spatial typologies. Because Ya’an area rains a lot, the unit buildings of the kindergarten and the main entrance are connected by a circuitous veranda. This veranda adapts the level difference of the site. Cooperating with the ramp and stairs, it creates an intimate layer between the courtyard and the architecture and provides more possibilities for the children’s daily activities.
▼空间类型的多样化和可游戏性,making efforts to realize the diversity and capability of playfulness in the spatial typologies
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家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-21
▼丰富的层次感,multi-layer space
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家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-24
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-25
Limited by relatively tight budgets, the design must attend to the local construction and crafting abilities. We took the authenticity and autonomy of nearby villages as a good reference. Considering the fact that the mean annual precipitation locally could be up to two thousand millimeters, the waterproof structure is influential. Not large as the unit building of kindergarten is , single-pitch roof was thought to be efficient to drain the rain and convenient to construct. In terms of facade treatment, we used the shale sintering brick wall on top of the wall-filled frame to resist water. The shale brick as a common rustic practice is much better in water-repelling performance than ordinary wall paints. As for the veranda, the light steel materials are employed for their easy-carrying feature; they also add a dash of industrialized vibe to the hand-crafting brickwork site so as to separate the expression of architecture from the primitive cottages.
▼外廊采用便于手工搬运轻钢材料,the light steel materials of the veranda are employed for their easy-carrying feature
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-29
▼便于排雨水的单坡屋面与作为防水措施的页岩烧结砖墙,single-pitch roof is efficient to drain the rain and the shale sintering brick wall is used to resist water
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-31
▼空间的趣味性表达,way to show playfulness
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-33
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-34
Xinchang village’s kindergarten is neither a design to explore the rustic originality in western Sichuan, nor an attempt for countryside utopia. Out of respect to investment constraints and conformation to local construction procedures and capabilities, the architects tried hard not only to meet the programmatic requirements but also incorporate self-adaptation into the new architecture, in order to fit in the homy atmosphere in western Sichuan’s villages, as well as some sort of autonomy.
▼一层平面图,the first floor plan
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-38
▼二层平面图,the second floor plan
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家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-42
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-44
项目概况 项目名称:壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园 项目地点:四川省天全县新场乡丁村 项目功能:6班幼儿园 建筑规模:1500平方米 设计时间:2014-2015 建成时间:2017 建筑设计:大舍建筑设计事务所 设计小组:陈屹峰、柳亦春、高林、高德 结构机电设计:北京通程泛华建筑工程顾问有限公司 业主:壹基金 摄影师:苏圣亮 Project Info Project Name: Xinchang village’s central kindergarten in Tianquan county sponsored by the One Foundation Location: Xinchang village of Tianquan county in Sichuan Province Programme: kindergarten with 6 classes Scale: 1500 sqm Design Period: 2014-2015 Completion:2017 Architect: Atelier Deshaus Design Team: Chen Yifeng, Liu Yichun, Gao Lin, Gao De Construction: BEIJING TONGCHENGFANHUA ARCHITECTURE & ENGINEERING CONSULTING Co.,Ltd. Client: One Foundation Photographs: Su Shengliang
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-46
家园的呈现 & 壹基金援建天全县新场乡中心幼儿园,四川 / 大舍建筑设计事务所-47
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