寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室

2017/05/21 17:43:16
20-1 STATION是上海时装周期间在西岸艺术中心举行的一个展览,委托方布料图书馆希望通过展示20种不同布料制成的产品,来传播布料的多样可能性。芝作室受布料及场地特性启发,以一卷延续一百五十多米的布穿行贯通建筑里外,用布的独有方式带来一场别开生面的“寻布之旅“。
The 20-1 Station is an exhibition organized by the Textile Library during the Shanghai Fashion Week. The goal of the exhibition is to demonstrate the influence and potential of textile in product development. Extending the idea to the spatial experience, Lukstudio wraps a 150m-long fabric around the existing site and choreographs the discovery of the visitors.
▼展览在大舍设计的建筑中举办,the building hosting the exhibition is designed by Atelier Deshaus
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-4
The journey begins at the north entrance where the grey fabric marks the exhibition and leads visitors through the entry into the exhibition spaces.
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-8
▼主展览空间,main exhibition space
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-10
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-11
▼纯净的空间衬托了展品,the pure interior accentuates the displaying objects
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-13
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-14
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-15
Following the architectural columns and openings, the fabric goes up and down, defining different areas for the exhibits while connecting all of them in a sequence. Together with the movement of visitors and the changing daylight, this grey backdrop transforms the original open space into a layered theatre.
▼布料引导着访客的步伐,the zig-zag fabric in the space leads the visitors’ steps
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-19
▼布料在二层空间的延续,the fabric continues in the upper level
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-21
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-22
Flowing through the opening to the second level, the travelling fabric passes around the product try-out area, then continues its way to the exterior terrace lounge and finally rests along the south canopy of the building.
▼上层的展览空间,the exhibition space on the second floor
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-26
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-27
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-28
▼露天的茶座,the terrace
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-30
To finish off the visit, Lukstudio converts the existing stairwell into a fabric sample room with a gradient display of 800 textile pieces, as a kind reminder of the protagonist of the exhibition.
▼布料样品的颜色为空间带来一个小高潮,the exhibition enters into a spatial climax created by the colorful fabric sample
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-34
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-35
At the 20-1 station, Lukstudio explores the notion of space and experiments with atypical material such as textile in shaping spaces. The resulting intervention ties the given site and elements into a cohesive experience.
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-39
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-40
寻布之旅,上海时装周展览空间 / 芝作室-41
甲方:布料图书馆 地点:上海市西岸艺术中心 建筑师:大舍建筑设计事务所 视觉设计:MORE Studio 展览面积:355 平方米 设计范围:室内设计,展览装置设计 设计团队:LUKSTUDIO芝作室 设计总监:陆颖芝 项目团队:林溢晔,丁怡人,沈思韵,黎志远,吴正豪 设计期:2017年2-4月 施工期:2017年4月 展览期:2017年4月8-16号 施工团队:杭州皓泰装饰工程有限公司 摄影:映社动态影像传媒,范石三, 芝作室
client: Textile Library location: West Bund Art Center, Shanghai architect: Atelier Deshaus visual design: MORE Studio exhibition area: 355 sqm scope: exhibition interior and display design design team: LUKSTUDIO director: Christina Luk project team: Yiye Lin, Yiren Ding, Melody Shen, Zhiyuan Li, Ryan Wu design period: February – April 2017 construction period: April 2017 exhibition period: April 8-16 2017 general contractor: Hangzhou Haotai Construction Project Co., Ltd. video: PROJECT|ION| photography: PROJECT|ION|, Shisan Fan, Lukstudio
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