尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab

2017/05/15 16:17:35
著名建筑设计公司联创 UDG 的老板邀请我们将一个健身房改建成尖叫实验室。尖叫 wowdsgn 是一个家居电商品牌,而这个实验室就是尖叫的线下体验店。为什么一个有着成百上千建筑师雇员的建筑师去找一个非典型建筑师来设计他精心培育的跨界新品牌?按照薄院长的讲法,俞挺和 Wutopia Lab 一向所追求的公共性和生活性,是尖叫实验室这个生活品牌所需要的。
Owner of the famous architectural design company, UDG, invited us to rebuild a gym into a WoW lab. WoW is a household E-commerce brand, and this laboratory is WoW’s offline experience center. Why an architect with hundreds of architect employees wants to find an atypical architect to design his carefully cultivated cross-border brand? According to director Bo, Yu Ting and Wutopia Lab’s pursuit of publicity and life feature is what the lifestyle brand-WoW Lab needs.
▼ 注重体验的空间,the laboratory is an experience center
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-3
▼ 项目鸟瞰,bird’s eye view of the site
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-5
任何室内设计都要去刺激城市公共空间 Interior design should stimulate the city public space
The gym’s current situation is a glass box. Transparent glass creates an open illusion, but is actually a cell which we want to break. We see WoW Lab as a complex system that grows, it needs to break through its own boundaries. We first set up a distinct entrance on the south side, directly lead the south main road traffic into the laboratory.
▼ 南侧主入口,the main entrance on the south side
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-10
According to YU Ting, ‘In my painting study, the Chinese Yuan Dynasty landscape ink and German expressionist emotional color is two important models. During the long-term modernist architecture education, I slowly isolated colors outside the architectural design. WoW Lab LOGO’s base color is black and bright yellow, so I used these two colors to shape the basic background of the interior. In the back of the house there is a redundant small corner, echoing the bright green outside, I decided to use its contrast color red.’
▼ 设计使用了鲜亮的颜色,the vivid colour creates a vibrant experience
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-14
followed by retaining the north side entrance, once again used fixed furniture to separate the exhibition hall and the office area to keep the aisle in between. On the east side we used a cantilevered transparent glass space to break the building interface to reach the east side woods. Finally, we studied the roof of the building, decided to design a miniature atrium with a lift inside. People could break through the ceiling to occupy the roof and overlook KongJiang road.
▼ 东侧悬挑的玻璃空间,a cantilevered transparent glass space on the east side
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-18
▼ 北侧入口旁具有引导性的颜色,the bright red indicates the position of the north entry
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-20
一个室内可以是一个微型城市 An interior can be a miniature city
WoW Lab’s essence is firstly a furniture exhibition hall, the architect decided to use furniture to create a miniature city. The city should consist squares, commercial streets, terraces, elevators, large steps, street facades, skyline and some edge spaces. The architect tried to experiment some conclusions of the book “A Pattern Language ” with the design and combination of furniture.
▼ 建筑内部的空间组成,the organisation of the internal space
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-25
The architect designed three sets of fixed furniture, the first set is the cabinets which used translucent acrylic backboards to express the street continuous facade and urban skyline. In recent series of works, the architect continued to test translucent on the interface. He noticed that the interface could be closed by luminous beams, or it can be semi-open due to the dissolve of shadow. This kind of interface possesses multiple meanings. The architect wants the city interface to be so.
▼ 由北侧入口进入室内,get into the building through the northern entry
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-29
▼ 正对南侧入口的空间,the space facing to the south entrance
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-31
▼ 家具象征着不同的城市界面,furniture symbolizes the city’s interface
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-33
We designed the acrylic cabinet as a unit with a triangular top. These units can be separated into different areas by needs. As the traditional Chinese screens, this is which furniture redefines spaces. The second set of fixed furniture is partition the of exhibition hall and office area. When the furniture’s leafs and concealed cabinets are closed, it is a common wall closet used as partition. When the concealed cabinets and the leafs are open, this is a display area.
▼ 家居中隐藏的暗柜,the concealed cabinets and the leafs
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-37
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-38
The third set and the first and second sets of furniture defined the so-called terminal of the commercial street, it is not only a display but also a seat and a facade. But that is still not enough. Bo Xi put a prototyped chair which Alva Alto gave the carpenter on top of the transparent glass house. The chair – which was brushed into red by the carpenter’s own idea – redefined the glass house into a space for people to daze and think next to the outdoor branches. So that this space can be separated from the main space and exist independently.
▼ 半透明展柜围合的休息空间,translucent acrylic backboards creates a comfort resting space
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-42
▼ 半透明的休息空间,a prototyped chair of Alva Alto is puted on top of the transparent glass house
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-44
A chair and a coffee table are placed on the lift, thus the traffic space can be defined as a movable rest space. When the platform slowly gets out of the roof, glass ceilings reflect the person’s own body as the lake surface, this is a moment of absence. I think, if this could be just one person’s afternoon tea, then how lonely it is.
▼ 舒适的阅览空间,comfortable reading space
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-48
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-49
城市微空间复兴的一个诘问:工人新村如何复苏 A question of city micro-space revival: how to revive the workers new village
UDV LianChuang Shanghai Design Valley is converted from the former new Fengcheng Hotel. And its location Fengcheng new village was a famous workers new village which derived from Shanghai municipal government’s “twenty thousand” plan to solve the problem of workers ‘s dwelling problems after liberation. In the past 20 years, Fengcheng new village does not seem to catch up with the pace of Shanghai.
▼ 旧场地的更新过程,metabolism of the old place
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-54
Streets in Yangpu distinct are mostly named after the Northeast cities. And the result of Yangpu seems to become the northeast of Shanghai – which had a very brilliant history but lags behind nowadays. Commercial centers and high-rise residential buildings can not cover the decline of Yangpu, but act as a blindfold to conceal the glory of Yangpu’s worthy preservation industrial context. WoW Lab’s city meaning is that design, as an industrial weapon, can borrow architectural and spatial transformation to redefine the workers’ new village and the industrial heritage. The lonely afternoon tea is not the so-called romanticism, but a possibility of acupuncture, to create a proud hope in places which people are accustomed to.
▼ 更新前的原貌,the original space before renovation
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▼ 图纸,drawings
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尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-61
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-62
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-63
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-64
主持建筑师:俞挺 项目建筑师:鲍勃胡 地点:上海市杨浦区控江路1500弄UDV联创上海设计谷8号楼 面积:180平米 时间:2016/11-2017/4 材料:欧松板,亚克力,硅酸钙板,碳化木地板
设计公司:Wutopia Lab 摄影:CreatAR Images 清筑影像(艾清,史凯程),陈默默
Chief architect: YU Ting Project architect: Bob HU Location: Shanghai Design Valley Area: ​​180 square meters Project year: 2016-2017 Material: OSB board, acrylic, calcium silicate board, carbonized wood flooring
Design company: Wutopia Lab Photography: CreatAR Images (AI Qing, SHI Kai Cheng), CHEN momo
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尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-70
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-71
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-72
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尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-74
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-75
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-76
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-77
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-78
尖叫设计实验室——激活工人新村的契机 / 俞挺-Wutopia Lab-79
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