百变智居2.0 / 上海华都建筑规划设计有限公司

2017/08/02 10:23:30
Do you still remember the popular renovation project featuring the movable floor plates? The same architect has a new project to renovate four container boxes.
▼ 百变智居2.0:变形集装箱, The Smart House
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改造背景 Background
The client is a young man who just has his start-up business about 3D printing in Shanghai. By using 3D printing technology, everyone could design their own jewelry. Although such a talented young man has a problem because of high renting for his office. So temporarily he rents 4 container boxes for a very cheap price as his office and house.
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The container box is very flexible and stable. Many avant-garde young people like its industry feeling as well. However, the daylight situation is very bad inside. And during winter, the interior space is not protected.
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百变智居2.0 The Smart House
设计策略Renovation Strategy
Design strategy: exchange time for space. Because of the transformable characteristic of container boxes, we arrange the boxes in different ways. In the future, we can even build the building in Lego way!
▼ 集装箱组合,container
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▼翻板打开空间,火柴盒般的打开方式,flap open space
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▼推拉打开空间,push and open space
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This is a new way of living and working. According to time, the space could change over different program. "living & working & party" are the 3 main functions.
▼ 动画演示,animation demo
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家庭模式Living Mode
During the living mode, the house has a double-height living room. The bed could be folded down. The kitchen and restroom also have very good function as well.
▼家庭模式平面图,section of living mode
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▼翻折床,folding bed
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办公模式Working Mode
During the working mode, all programs have to be reset according to the working environment.
▼办公模式平面图,section of working mode
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自由移动的隔墙,分割出会客空间和办公空间。 拉伸出外墙体块,结合2m变20m的超长桌子,将餐厅变身为workshop。 拉出的厨房桌面,将厨房变身为前厅接待,二层翻折下的楼板,形成了一个会客空间。
The hidden table could be pulled out as a reception table. The folded floor could add on a whole extra meeting room for the upper level.
▼活动隔墙隔出不同功能, the moving wall divides the space
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将卧室的床收起,方向翻折长条桌,形成缪庆个人的把办公空间。 榻榻米中心的木板向上升起,成为团队头脑风暴的场所。 向外翻起的墙体,形成了室外的一个灰空间会客厅。
By folding the bed on the upper floor, one can get a whole new office room. The restroom becomes a place for brainstorming. By folding out the wall, one can get an outside meeting place.
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聚会模式Party Mode
During the party mode, by opening the wall and pulling out the hidden box, one can have an extremely long space for all different activities.
▼多人聚会,Multiplayer party
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工业化预制 Industrial Prefabrication
By new way of industrlization, the components can be pre-made in the factory and sent to the site. In the future, all different possibilities could be open. We can use industry solution to take all component to the site for construction.
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场所精神Spirit of Place
We also take care of Genius loci to protect all plants on the site. The building and nature could live together.
▼总平面图上所有树木保留,all trees are reserved
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In the back yard, we have one more thing to show. This is a simple tri-angled installation for meditation. It is 6 meters high in order to introduce the sunlight. Combining mirror steel and rough steel, one can get a meditative experience inside.
▼冥想空间构造,meditation space
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Renovation of container boxes is just the tip of iceberg for huge renovation projects for the next 10 years in China. We are trying to solve the Chinese living problem by using the premade industry technology.
We are not lacking the living space, we need more innovative mind toward space renovation.
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主创设计师: 张海翱 同济大学城市设计及理论博士 上海华都建筑规划设计有限公司总经理助理 国际所所长、国家一级注册建筑师
唐敏 绿地建筑研究院副院长 同济大学建筑与规划学院建筑学硕士、复旦大学EMBA 国家十二五课题子课题主要负责人之一。
绿地建筑研究院副院长 同济大学建筑与规划学院建筑学硕士、复旦大学EMBA 国家十二五课题子课题主要负责人之一。
合作设计单位: 绿地建筑研究院:唐敏、杨崇、钱进、鲍荣卉、顾天国 上海华都:姚奇炜、徐航、程子峻、吴昊、赵双,王婷婷,黄安琪,袁胤轩 上海曼图:冯未墨 软装提供:造作(北京造化科技有限公司) 整体厨房:宾如(上海)家居有限公司,品牌德国:SieMatic 厨房家电:瑞族中国,品牌瑞士V-ZUG 整体卫浴:苏州科逸住宅设备股份有限公司 室外照明:上海莹通照明工程有限公司
特别感谢:北京卫视《暖暖的新家》节目组、北京和印象文化有限公司、上海得音网络有限公司、素木(上海)建筑设计工程有限公司 建筑室内摄影:苏圣亮 分析图和文字:上海华都
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