The Station district in Utrecht has been undergoing a real metamorphosis since some years. Between all the new buildings, conversions and renovations, the Moreelsebrug has also been realized recently. Across the railway tracks, the bridge for cyclists and pedestrians now connects the Croeselaan and the Moreelsepark with each other.
▼ 蜿蜒延伸,跨越繁忙铁路的步行桥, The Moreelsebrug in between all the buildings
The design is by cepezed and entirely focused on presence, efficiency and functionality. The bridge is characterized by a lay-out in a single clear, open gesture with a high degree of recognizability and a natural presence. The concept consists of an elongated, raised esplanade with a high level of user appeal and ambiance, achieved through aspects such as the form, materialization and detailing and the integration of an avenue of trees into the design. As a result, the structure functions more as a high-quality continuation of the urban space than specifically as an infrastructural object. The bridge is simple, slender and transparent and consists of two super-sized trough girders with a middle section in between. Part of its straightforwardness is that the bridge does not span all more than 300 m in one go, but is supported at every train platform by a pylon and as a result has an unaffected stability structure.
▼ 简洁而开放的体量,A lay-out in a single clear, open gesture
▼ 火车廊道上的活跃城市空间,An active urban space above the railway
▼ 桥身由两个超大尺寸的槽型梁与一个中间段构成,The bridge is consists of two super-sized trough girders with a middle section in between
▼ 高品质城市空间的延伸,A high-quality continuation of the urban space
▼ 落在火车站台上的桥塔支撑,The bridge supported at every train platform by a pylon
微微扭转的蜿蜒姿态与使桥梁完全融入了城市环境之中,仿佛城市肌理中浑然天成的一部分。而整齐的树列也仿佛城市街道中行道树列的延伸,从城市中心向外蔓延。完整而连贯的体验弱化了空间的转换,形成了自然流畅的国度。夜晚,明亮却不会喧宾夺主的灯光亮起,照亮道路的同时也使得桥梁更显优雅。纤长的线性光带与被下方射灯照亮的树木让这道跨越铁路的道桥成为了城市中一道亮丽风景线,为人们提供眺望城市的无遮挡视野。而来自加拿大新闻媒体《环球邮报》的记者Mark Hume则从这座桥梁中看到了温哥华的机遇,在报道中他写道“Rabobrug项目(Moreelsebrug步行桥工程名)并不仅是一个桥梁工程,优雅的线条构造出迷人的结构,在繁忙的城市中心创造了一条舒适的林荫大道。这对温哥华而言是一个重要的启示,一条跨越False Creek 的类似桥梁将吸引无数游客,成为温哥华极富魅力公共水岸的延伸。”
The various sight lines and orientations arise from and fit in with the given urban design situation, and as a result, the bridge is embedded into the fabric of the city in a natural way. The trees on the bridge form a raised continuation of the avenue of trees already present at ground level on the connecting routes to and from the city centre. In this way, the bridge establishes an experience of uniformity and continuity that contributes to the naturalness of its use. At night, the bridge is modestly lit, which also contributes to the recognizability, aesthetics and functional logic; a stylish, elongated light contour with a row of trees lit from below indicates from afar the presence and objective of the bridge vaulting the railway. There is an all-round view. Mark Hume, journalist at the Canadian newspaper The Globe and Mail, saw in the Moreelsebrug (that formerly had the working-title Rabobrug) direct possibilities for the city of Vancouver: ‘The Rabobrug,’ wrote Hume, ‘is not just a bridge, it’s an architectural statement, a beautiful structure with graceful lines that opens up a pleasant, treed boulevard in the middle of a busy city. A bridge like that over False Creek would be a tourism magnet and would extend Vancouver’s remarkable public waterfront.’
▼ 夜景,Evening View
▼ 总平面图,Master Plan
▼ 平面图与剖面图,Plan and Section
▼ 结构示意,Structure
▼ 细部设计,Detail design
project: Moreelsebrug
location project: Moreelsepark – Croeselaan Utrecht
client: Gemeente Utrecht, ProRail
architectural design: architectenbureau cepezed, Delft
consultant stability: ABT, Velp
consultant mechanical & electrical installations, elevators and lighting design: Arup, Amsterdam
main contractor: Colijn Beton- en Waterbouw B.V., Breda
steel contractor: BSB Staalbouw, Sumar
contractor balustrades: Octatube, Delft
supplier trees: BSI Bomenservice, Schijndel
opening: December 2016
span: 310 meters
photography: Jannes Linders / cepezed | Léon van Woerkom / Willem Heesen