明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR

2017/02/07 14:33:30
Casa 9X20 takes it’s name from the dimensions of the plot where it is built. Located in an industrial warehouses area, which has been transforming into housing developments over the years, the house is part of a small development with barely a couple of streets and 70 available plots. Most of these plots have the same dimensions, except for those located in corners or defined by the topography of the site.
The built context of the area is defined mostly by houses that represent a similar housing concept, with few superficial changes on the facades (as a result of them being built by the same developer), and some others that target a more generic taste, always influenced by commercial architectural tendencies with saleable intentions in mind, which have been spreading all over the city in recent years.
▼ 建筑外观,混凝土块形成独特的立面纹理,external view of the building, concrete blocks create distinctive textured facade
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-5
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-6
The plot of the house is one of the last ones to be intervened in this development. The house is for one young family composed by a couple with 3sons. The house has now two complete levels and one incomplete level waiting for a future expansion, when the family requires more space.
▼ 建筑平面,一二层已经完成,三层可以扩建为其他功能,plan, first and second floors are completed while the third level could be expanded into other functions
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-10
The ground floor includes the social area and general services. This floor is defined as an open plan space, enclosed by a lateral patio-aisle, a large core of services, a backyard and the garage.
▼ 建筑轴侧图,由露台走廊、服务走廊、后院和车库围合,axonometric, the building is enclosed by a patio-aisle, service space, a backyard and the garage
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-14
▼ 连接车库的入口,entrance from the garage
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-16
An aisle of services is delimited from the main area by a large continuous piece of furniture, which organizes the interior space, giving service to both sides: the social area and the services aisle.
▼连续家具包含多种功能,划分公共区和服务区,multifunctional continuous furniture defines social and service area
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-20
▼ 公共空间由露台围合,提供充足采光,social area is enclosed by the lateral patio letting in natural light
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-22
Both the furniture and the core services aisle hide storage and living spaces such as a bathroom and laundry. These spaces are enclosed behind a sequence of doors that form a white surface and solid volumes that create a contrast between this clear plane and the textures and colors of the constructive system used in the slabs and floors of the house.
▼ 白色的家具体块与楼地面形成对比,the clear white surface of the furniture contrasts the slab and floor
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-26
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-27
The second floor includes the private spaces of the house, such as the family living room, the main bedroom and two smaller rooms for the sons. The third level is a rooftop terrace that can be occupied in the future as a playroom or a studio. The built volume is illuminated by the light that filters through the lateral patio and the backyard that separate the house from the neighbor buildings, as well as by the stairs volume, used as a conductor to bring light from the street into the core of the house. In this way, the interior spaces always receive some kind of indirect natural lighting.
▼ 二层客厅,一侧为楼梯,阳光通过露台散射入室内,family living room with stair on one side, sun light distributes into the room through the patio
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-31
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-32
Contrasting with this, the facade presents a textured surface made with concrete blocks arranged to avoid an overheating of the front walls, providing shade to the facade’s surface at all times. This is used as a simple bioclimatic cooling strategy due to the southern orientation of the house’s front facade, which during most of the day receives direct sun radiation. This element is supported on the metallic structure of the house’s garage, a long I-beam that crosses the whole width of the plot. This arrangement of order and equilibrium between elements (blocks and beam) turns into the distinctive identity of the house among all the neighbors’ forms and materials: concrete and metal. Metal, represented in the use of the I-beam, and concrete, used in the front sequence made of blocks: two of the materials and formats most produced by the local industry.
▼ 混凝土块立面,由车库上方的I型梁支撑,具有遮阳作用,concrete block façade supported by the I-beam on the garage, providing shade to the front wall
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-36
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-37
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-38
▼ 立面,elevations
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明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-41
▼ 剖面,sections
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明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-44
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-45
▼ 细部,details
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-47
Project: Casa 9X20 Architects: S-AR Location: Monterrey, Nuevo Leon, Mexico. Architects in charge: Cesar Guerrero, Ana Cecilia Garza, Carlos Flores, Maria Sevilla. Contributors: Marisol Gonzalez. Typology: Single Family House. Client: Arzate Quiroga Family. Construction Area: 227 m2. Project Year: 2015 Construction Year: 2015-2016 Completion Date: 2016 Photography: Ana Cecilia Garza Villarreal. Technical Supervision: S-AR Construction: Gonzalo Tamez Materials: Concrete block, semi-prefab concrete slabs, concrete and steel.
明亮的五口之家 & 墨西哥9X20住宅 / S-AR-49
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