知末案例   /   公共空间   /   展览馆

自然的感知 & 台北生态时代展览馆 / 上滕联合

2017/01/13 13:33:13
环绕的景致, 孔隙之间的绿, 内外交叠映射的景, 光影与时间的流动, 树叶的触感, 四季空气的温度, 树梢清唱的鸟鸣, …………………. 一个感知的日常体验。 Surrounding of scenery Greenery behind the pore Indoor and outdoor scenery overlapped together Fluid of light and shadow diverse with the elapse of time Tactile impression of leaves in the hand The temperature of seasons in the air The bird humming on the trees ………………………………………………………………… The experience of perception in daily life .
The site of this project located in the landscape and ecology restoration area of SINICA. Inspiration of design from the very first comes out with the discussion and communication between landscape and exhibition consultants. By the interdisciplinary integration and crossing through the boundary between professions, which represented the unlimited brainstorming and the dialogue of fusion.
▼ 建筑外观,External View
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In order to preserve the existing old trees, the shape of new mass defined by gap among trees and transformed into an organic plan, so that the new pavilion will be intimately surrounded by trees. Assisting the perceptional experience with plants in the interior atrium, which not only quietly brings in the greenery of landscape, but also extends the vision. The touchable trees have also become a vivid exhibition of nature.
▼ 空间因既有老树随机变形而为树林所围绕, the shape of new mass defined by gap among trees and transformed into an organic plan
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By changing the transparency continuously of wall to create a continuity, ambiguous spatial perception of in and out when roaming. The exhibiting starts from outdoor, creating dialogues between ecological landscape and exhibits, vacancy and reality, internal and external overlapped on the glass wall and came up an ambiguous perception. Therefore, the distinction between architecture, landscape and exhibition has been blurred in the project.
▼ 透明而不断变化的墙面创造出有暧昧内外感知的空间体验,By changing the transparency continuously of wall to create a continuity, ambiguous spatial perception of in and out
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▼ 玻璃立面上的倒影模糊了内外,The reflection on the glazing facade blurred the boundary of interior and exterior
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Such pocket spaces like exhibition area, lobby, frontier, interpreting area and screening room, … etc. composed a fluidly continuous space which is individual but also assembled.
Indoor is still indoor, outdoor is still outdoor, however, the boundary between them has been blurred in the spiritual perception and aspiration.
▼ 内部流动的连续性空间,A fluidly continuous interior space
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规划课题 | Issue of planning
1.感知自然 | Perceiving Nature 藉由墙面材料的变化及营造出虽内犹外、亦内亦外的空间感受。 天井光线通达了室内大部分的空间、多层次室外绿意的引进与接触,及浮力通风的气流导入建物,利用光、风、景的自然元素。 让人森在其中,亦可感知周围自然环境并与之共存。
▼ 墙面材料的变化营造出亦内亦外的空间感受,Utilizing variation of materials of wall to create the spatial experience of both indoor and outdoor
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▼ 感知自然的可能性,Possibility of perception
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2. 建筑永续 | Sustainability of Architecture 配置尊重既有老树、景观、生态。 採用钢骨RC及无梁板构造,降低资源损耗,与对现地生态衝击。 绿建筑亦为生态展示的一环。
Respecting the existing trees, landscape, ecology during the process of planning. Integrating the utilization of SRC and Beamless Panel structure to reduce the consumption of energy resources and ecological impact to the site. Sustainable architecture is also part of the ecological exhibition.
▼ 建筑与环境的呼应关系,The corresponding relationship of the building and its environment
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3. 整合串联 | Integration and Connection  展示馆作为串联、整合周遭生态水池、稻田、森林的重要节点。
The pavilion an important node, which connects and integrates the adjacent ecological pool, rice farm and forest.
▼ 展示馆作为串联整合周遭景观元素,The pavilion connects and integrates the adjacent landscape elements
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4. 空间、景观、展示三者一体的规划设计 | The Planning and Design in trinity by Space, Landscape and Exhibition.  室内、外展示参观的整合,与不同高度的生态观察。 结合建筑空间规划,营造出“漫步林间”感觉的室内展示空间”。 预留最大弹性布展展示空间。
Integration of indoor and outdoor exhibition visit. The observation of ecology in different altitude. By combining the architectural space planning , creating an interior experience of wondering in the woods. Retaining the greatest flexibility of space for exhibiting.
▼ “漫步林间”感觉的室内展示空间,The building creating an interior experience of wondering in the woods
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▼ 轴测分解图,The Floor Explosion
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5. 複合式的机能 | Compound Function   生态展示空间及院区解说导览休息站。 院内主要资讯中心 (Information center)。 茶会、论文发表、研讨会等举行。
Ecology exhibiting space and rest stop for guiding tour of Academia SINICA Park Information Centre of Academia SINICA Location for holding tea party, thesis publication, seminars… etc.
▼ 总平面图,Master Plan
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▼ 一层平面,1F Plan
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▼ 二层平面,2F Plan / 三层平面,3F Plan
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▼ 立面图,Elevation
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▼ AA’剖面,AA’Section
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▼ BB’剖面,BB’Section
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▼ 细部设计,Working Drawing
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作品资料 作品名称:中央研究院「生态时代展览馆」新建工程
业主:中央研究院 地点:台北市南港区 用途:展示空间
建 筑 事务所:上滕联合建筑师事务所
主持人:杨秋煜、刘成举、张雯怡 参与者:刘彦佑、林映辰、华蔚林、林晏嶢、朱维凯、陈彦昇 监造:陈建良 结构:富田构造设计事务所 水电:弘业电机技师事务所 施工 建筑、水电、室内、景观:亚亿营造股份有限公司+巨人水电工程有限公司 材料 外墙:后製清水模、烤漆铝板、6+6胶合Low-E 玻璃 开口:烤漆钢版收边 室内:环保水泥漆 景观:高压混凝土砖 基地面积:2121.17㎡ 建筑面积:429.6㎡ 楼地板面积:841.17㎡ 层数:地上二层 造价 建筑:新台币26,380,000元 水电:新台币7,500,000元 空调: (尚未发包) 室内: (尚未发包) 景观:新台币1,600,000元 设计时间:2012年12月至2014年2月 施工时间:2014年2月至2016年6月 摄影师:游宏祥
Other participants : Structural Engineer: Tomita Structural Design Hydropower Engineer: Hoyai Electrical Engineer
Brands / Products 1. windows_ Chin Hong (CH) Enterprise Co.Ltd 2. Post-fabricated exposed concrete_ Pomplus Co., Ltd 3. 6+6mm Laminated Low-E Glass. _ CHING CHYAU CO.,LTD 4. Elevator _ Liow Chuan elevator
Product Description: – Façade: Post-fabricated exposed concrete, Painted Aluminum, 6+6mm Laminated Low-E Glass. – Windows & Openings: Trim with Painted Steel Panel – Interior : Linoleum , Eco-cement mortar paint
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