苏州苏南万科 · 公园里 / 张唐景观

2017/01/06 11:52:00
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场地和愿景 Background and Vision
The 1.5 hactare project is a distribution garden of a future 15 hectare high density residential community located at Suzhou Wujiang high tech district. We have separated the site into 3 parts: East & West Plaza(permanent) and the hill park(temporary, will be transformed to commercial building in the future). We designed two different sets of interactive wave water feature in the east & west plaza. The one in the east plaza is quiet and elegant. People could appreciate and touch the wave. The other one in the west plaza is warm and joyful. People could get into the pool and play with the wave. The hill park has grass slope that mimic the nature hills and white gravel as two major low-cost materials. Several interactive sculptures designed and built by Z+T Art Studio is placed in the park to create a wonderland for children to play. These sculptures could be disassembled and reused in the future community. By those methods, the project achieved the idea of integrating the attribute of urban public space into the site which could attract more people to come and play.
▼ 公园里鸟瞰,Bird View
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东、西街角广场 East & West plaza
1)蒲公英雕塑 Dandelion Sculptures
With height of 10 meters, 8 Dandelion Sculptures locate along the street between East & West plazas emphasize the entrance of the residential area.
▼ 广场上高耸的蒲公英雕塑,Dandelion Sculptures on the plaza
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2)铺装和树池 Paving and Planters
Either in dark grey, light grey or white, the 600X600mm paving blocks create an active atmosphere for the plaza.
▼ 黑白灰三色跳色铺装和爵士白坐凳的光影效果,Trees shadow on the dark grey, light grey or white paving pattern and the white seating
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▼ 三色铺装在雨中肌理更明显,The rain emphasize the pattern of the paving
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▼ 爵士白坐凳底部影线效果,The shadow effect of the white seating and planter
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3)波浪水台 Interactive wave water cascades
The wing-shaped wave water cascades in the east plaza are quiet and elegant for people to appreciate and touch the wave.
▼ 东广场鸟瞰,Bird view of the East Plaza
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▼ 波浪水台,Interactive wave water cascades
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▼ 波光粼粼的水台,Closer look at the cascade
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▼ 人们可以触摸水台的侧壁来近距离感受波浪, people could appreciate and touch the wave / 波浪溢过水台侧壁的瞬间,Water flows along the cascade
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▼ 夕阳下戏水的母子,Kids and their family enjoy playing with the water
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4)波浪戏水池 Interactive wave water pool
The 300m2 interactive wave water pool in the west plaza is warm and joyful. People could get into the pool and play with the wave.
▼ 在波浪水池里戏水的人们,People having great time in the water pool
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▼ 用脚感受波浪的孩子们,Feeling the waves with your foot
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小公园 The hill park
The temporary hill park, which will be transformed to commercial building in the future, has grass slopes and several interactive sculptures creating a wonderland for children to play.
▼ 小公园鸟瞰,Bird view of the hill park
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▼ 掩映在草坡之中的儿童活动区,Playing grounds in between the slopes
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▼ 张唐艺术工作室设计制作互动装置,Interactive sculptures designed and built by Z+T Art Studio
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▼ 总平面图,Master Plan
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▼ 设计分区,Design zoning
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项目地址:苏州市吴江区长板路 设计时间:2016年2月-5月 建成时间:2016年6月 面积:13000㎡
项目概况: 业主:苏南万科,万科上海区域万晟产品能力中心 景观设计:上海张唐景观设计事务所 设计团队:张东、唐子颖、周啸、徐敏、张卿、顾欣俊、孙川、郑佳林、刘洪超 艺术装置+儿童活动设计及制作:张唐景观艺术工作室 施工:江苏天润环境建设集团有限公司 造浪池前期研发:深圳沃特朗宁实业有限公司 造浪池施工:宜兴鼎诚喷泉科技有限公司 摄影:张海
Location: Suzhou, China Landscape Area: 13000㎡ Completion Year: 2016.06 Designers: Dong Zhang, Ziying Tang, Zhou Xiao, Xu Min, Zhang Xin, Gu Xinjun, Sun Chuan, Zheng Jialin, Liu Hongchao
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