

The winery arises as a free standing building with an accentuated singular character. Due to its industrial use as much as to its location in an emblematic environment. It raises a respectful solution towards the landscape of low environmental impact which is suitable for the scale as much as for the dominating colors of the landscape.
▼ 建筑静静地耸立在原野之中,遗世而独立,the winery arises as a free standing building © Hisao Suzuki
The winery is located on the top of a smooth hill that dominates the landscape and the wineyard which south. Half buried, this front back condition polarizes the project and differentiates in a clear way the north face from the south, allowing the spaces that need it to open themselves towards the south views in the most simbolic façade, while the industry facilities are protected located in the north part of the building. In this way the project, being an industrial building, achieves to blend harmoniously with the surrounding elements only the winery.
▼ 建筑朝南看向延绵起伏的丘陵山谷,the winery is located on the top of a smooth hill that dominates the landscape © Juan Carlos Sancho
▼ 微微嵌入山体的建筑形态,the winery is half buried © Hisao Suzuki
▼ 入口处形成了一个巨大的半开放空间,the spaces open themselves towards the south views © Juan Carlos Sancho
▼建筑立面的铝板倒映着不同的色彩,the folded sheet interacts with the landscape
The project comes up as a rectangular compact piece of 85.5 m. X 23.10 m. In which all the necessary elements are included, properly displayed for an optimum industrial development of the winery.
– The base is organized in two levels, a low concrete level of a massive character and the upper level ligther and metalic of a clerly tectonic character.
– The pleated metalic skin made of reflective aluminium, covers the base and provides the façades with a mimetic character. The folded sheet interacts with the landscape, allowing a double game of harmony and dialogue with the surroundings.
▼ 联系内外空间的二层走廊,the corridor at the second floor connecting the interior with the external space © Juan Carlos Sancho
▼ 产出的红酒被安放在建筑的北侧,the industry facilities are protected located in the north part of the building © Hisao Suzuki
▼ 分析图,analysis
▼ 轴测, anoxometric