城堡改造,西班牙 / Izaskun Chinchilla

2016/07/06 19:45:37
跨越八百年,经历了阿拉伯统治,中世纪和新古典主义时期的古老城堡Garcimuñoz Casttle静静耸立在西班牙中部的古镇Cuenca之中。建筑师以大胆的手法介入场所,为这历史悠久的建筑遗存注入了全新的气息,极具视觉冲击力的多媒体图书馆悄悄隐藏在高耸的外墙之内,强烈的对比和反差极富趣味性,吸引着无数游人前来探访、体验。
The Refurbishment of the Garcimuñoz Casttle (Cuenca, Spain) is a project and an under construction building. It consolidates a complex existing group of ruins coming from Arab, Medieval and Neoclassicism times (centuries X to XVIII). It also incorporates new architecture with a innovative use consisting on a Media Library. Most research and innovation efforts are focus on achieving a sustainable maintenance of the building in terms of energy, cultural activity within the region, social engagement and finance.
▽ 外部视角,古老庄严的Garcimuñoz 城堡,external view of Garcimuñoz Casttle
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▽ 内部空间,大胆活跃的介入手法,internal space, bold design approach
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The Refurbishment of Castimuñoz Medieval Castle has three main purposes: + To reinforce the existing structures, coming from different periods of History, avoiding their decay. + To transform the existing ruins in suitable and safe spaces for public visit and to contribute to their understanding. + To introduce new cultural and digital uses, proposed by the author of the project, that compensate the lack of cultural equipments within the area and that ensure a self sustained activity and maintenance of the building.
Uses incorporated to the building will be: – Exhibition areas tempered by bioclimatic techniques. 890 square meters. – Outdoor exhibition areas with umbrellas to protect from sun and rain. 390 square meters. – Outdoor cinema in the old Weapon Courtyard platform. 330 square meters with capacity for 108 people. – Video and sound library in the new prism. 42 square meters. – Outdoor smaller cinema on the top of the new prism. 38 square meters. – Cafeteria and tapas restaurants. 21 square meters kitchen and 5 dining areas of approximately 15 square meters. – Library placed in the Throne Tower. – Panorama terraces that can be used as bars during summer nights. 180 square meters.
▽ 建筑入口,entrance of the building
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▽ 楼梯与广场入口坡道,staircase and the slope to the plaza
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▽ 灯柱广场,plaza
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▽ 广场、电梯与露天影院,plaza,lift and the outdoor cinema
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▽ 露天电影院,outdoor cinema
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▽ 一层大露天电影院,the large outdoor cinema
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▽ 二层小型露天电影院,the small outdoor cinema
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▽ 电梯及栏杆细部,lift and the handrail
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The most important material in the project , an architecture that can be dismantle and reassembled, is galvanized steel. The actual Media Library that we have introduced could transformed or substitute in the future. The new architecture is, for this reason, understood as a temporary occupation.The new architecture creates a kind of cage that partially reproduces the old spaces without imitating materials or old techniques. The presence of the light columns separated around one meter in parallel lines to the old walls allow to mentally rebuild the old space. Colors of the glass also help to interpret. The effect of the light passing through the glass has been carefully studied on site so that the effect is not to strong, which would not allow to observe archaeology and exhibitions but it allows the atmosphere of each room to materialize and distinguish from the rest.
▽ 空中眺望台,Panorama terraces
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▽ 露天电影院后侧,rear space of the outdoor cinema
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▽ 广场下层空间,underneath space of the plaza
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▽ 楼梯空间,staircase
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▽ 室内阅读空间,reading room
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▽ 卫生间,restroom
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accessibility was a whole challenge in the place because the existing architecture was not easy to adapt to more recent accessible standards. For that purpose and strategic fragmentation, reorientation and duplication of certain programs have been produced. The necessary facilities including ramps, disable toilet, small slopes, disables sites and lift were installed to ensure the accessibility of disable users.
▽ 建筑平面,plan
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▽ 剖面图,section
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▽ 入口设计,entrance detail
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▽ 广场设计,plaza detail
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▽ 屋顶设计,roof detail
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Author: Author of the project. Izaskun Chinchilla
Consultancy during the project Structural Consultancy: FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores. Service Consultancy. R.ÚRCULO ingenieros Consultores. Budget, safe and healthy Consultancy: Julio Hernánz Cabila. Archeologist: Joaquim Parcerisas Civit.
Colaborators during the project. Carlos Jimenez Cenamor. Consultancy for the building works. Supervising Director: Izaskun Chinchilla Technical Supervisor: Urbano Chousa Supervising Co-director from March 2010 to December 2011: Carlos Jimenez Cenamor Structural Consultancy: Roberto Marín Sampalo. Execution Supervision Assisttants: D-fine S.L. Archeologist: Joaquim Parcerisas Civit. Contractor: CLEOP S.A.
Supervisors. Castilla la Mancha Heritage. Lorenzo Castellanos and Carlos Villar. Spanish Minister of Public Works. Emilio Larrodera. Special Supervisor in the Spanish Minister of Public Works to check Technical Building Code satisfaction. Javier Sierra. It is worthy to mention that Javier Sierra is also one of the authors and coordinator of the Technical Building Code, the main legal regulation for building in Spain and was commissioned by the Minister to supervised the project due to the uniqueness and experimental character of the project.
Quality Control On Site. Intercontrol Levante S.A.
Tittle: Refurbishment of Garcimuñoz Casttle including a Media Library (Cuenca, Spain)
Output Type: Building (under construction).
Key Facts: Client: Spanish Ministry of Public Works. Funding Program: 1% Cultural. The Spanish National Heritage Law establishes the obligation of dedicating 1% of the budget of all Public Works to retrofitting and refurbishment of the Spanish National Heritage or to the encouragement of artistic activities within the building area or its closer context. The budget for this kind of projects is reserved from the general National budget dedicated to Public Works. The major compulsory condition imposed by the program is that the future use of the renovated building has to have a cultural public character and exploitation. Property: Catholic Church is the owner of the existing building although the Castle has been ceded for 50 years to the Spanish Public Heritage Buildings. Exploitation: Castillo de Garcimuñoz Village City Hall. Official Budget for Public Contract: 3.335.833,17 €.
It is worthy to underline that the two main consultants for the project, are the most prestigious consultant in structures, FHECOR Ingenieros Consultores, and services, R.ÚRCULO ingenieros Consultores, in Spain.
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