▼ 外观
The chapel rehabilitation is for a new typology –a multi-purpose space for events—ranging from a formal wedding to the mellow ambiance of a yoga retreat. The reconstruction involved resolving the complex pathologies suffered by the original structure since being abandoned in 1969.
▼ 两个主要空间,一个保持原有空间高度,另外一个植入悬挑的木格栅盒子
亚当·布瑞斯尼克的建筑师们通过研究不仅修复了现有建筑,同时为其增加了新功用。哲学指导干预是为了尊重时间的流逝。从外部看,石墙重新勾缝,传统瓷砖屋檐得到修缮,石头线脚仍旧保留了磨损的痕迹,包括原先痕迹斑斑的塞利奥式入口。内部的3个不同的区域相互联通,翻新的圆顶保留了原有空间,教堂中殿的入口对曾经的部分有所保留,同时融入了悬臂式新构造,最低限度的接触原有结构。由松木板条建成的新圆拱屋顶代替了坍塌的拱顶。按照旧墙的裸石工艺做的石膏模型,同样做成原来拱形的样子。最后第三个区域是将以前唱诗班用的房间添加了很多现代用途,安装了电梯,方便残疾人到达任意楼层的电梯,以及洗手间、厨房、 工作间和储藏区域。这个4层楼新结构与原有的石墙结合,而楼梯介于结构和石墙间形成的空间,显示这是在原有容器中的新植入体。
Adam Bresnick architects studied and restored the existing architecture as well as inserting new uses. The philosophy guiding the intervention was to respect time’s passing. From the exterior the stone facades were repointed, traditional tile eaves restored and stone moldings left with their worn faults, including the original scarred Serlian entrance. In the interior 3 distinct areas are articulated, the refurbished dome where the original space is restored, the entrance into the nave is a mix of archaeological remains and new construction cantilevered over the space, minimally touching the original. The fallen vaults that once covered this space are recalled by a new vaulted ceiling of pine slats. Plaster moldings cutout over the bare masonry of the original wall also mark the shapes of the original vaults. The last third occupying the old choir area houses all modern uses, from the elevator allowing for handicapped access to all levels, to restrooms, kitchen, staff and storage areas. This 4-story structure is inserted within the stone walls, a skylight in the stair accentuating its conceptual separation from the original container.
▼ 被挑起的木格栅盒子占据两层楼面,顶部的天花板采用同样的语言–木格栅
The materials used are the same as the original; beige marble main floor, white paint on the plaster moldings, pine slats on the ceiling and to enclose the modern choir that floats within the volume of the nave.
▼ 高空间被重新粉刷,体现出原来的韵味。原来的石材线脚,墙面,以及墙面壁柜向访客展示着厚重的历史风情
▼ 照明设计营造出不同的光环境
▼(左)格栅空间顶部 (右)楼梯也通往后方的服务空间
▼ 格栅空间顶部
▼ 格栅空间内部,安静的氛围可以进行瑜伽
该项目对欧洲文化做出了杰出的贡献,既在古老的空间里创造新的用途,并在西班牙乡村环境背景下增加了许多就业机会。该创新设计已经被FADETA(Federación de Asociaciones para el Desarrollo Territorial del Tajo-Tajuña)认可,FADETA是欧盟FEASER(欧盟乡村发展农业基金)项目的一部分。工程总造价为85.2万欧元,且由私人资助。同时因其优质和别开生面又得到了FADETA20万欧元的补助金。
The creation of new uses for historical spaces and new employment possibilities in the context of rural Spain is an outstanding contribution to European culture. The innovation of the initiative has been recognized by the FADETA (Federación de Asociaciones para el Desarrollo Territorial del Tajo-Tajuña), a local program forming part of European Union FEADER (Fonds Européen Agricolepour le Développement Rural) program. The total construction cost is 852,000€ and is privately funded. Nevertheless, the quality of the intervention and its novelty has been awarded a subsidy of 200,000€ by FADETA.
Adam Bresnick, principal architect
Miguel Peña Martínez-Conde & Antonio Romeo Donlo, team architects
Juan F. de la Torre Calvo & Ana Fernández-Cuartero Paramio, structural engineers
Olga Vallespín Gómez, archaeologist
Joaquín Fernández González, construction coordinator
Federico Vega Ortega, clerk of the works
José de Andres Abad, industrial engineering
José Lucas Hernández, Joyluc, contractor
Alberto Martínez Gamboa, foreman
Mariano del Olmo, Steel structure
TMC, Técnicas y Mantenimiento del Centro, HVAC
Incom Pastor, marble
Hermanos Esteban, carpintry
Tabernero de Andres, electricity
Ecoaneva, Circular chandelier