ORIGINALFRESH 北京官舍店是绘造社为该鲜榨果汁品牌设计的第三家概念店。宽立面、浅进深的场地条件,启发了绘造社对1960年代“广告牌建筑”概念与当下社交媒体“Instagrammable”文化的联想,以及对建筑图与建筑设计之间关系的再思考,最终以空间扁平化的手法实现了这个设计。
ORIGINALFRESH The Grand Summit Beijing is the third shop Drawing Architecture Studio (DAS) designed for this juice brand. The site is featured with a wide façade and shallow depth, which inspired DAS to associate the concept of “Billboard Architecture” from the 1960s and the present “Instagrammable” culture on social media, rethink the relations between architectural drawing and architectural design, and ultimately realized a flattened design for the shop.
▼ORIGINALFRESH 北京官舍店外观,exterior view of ORIGINALFRESH The Grand Summit Beijing
在《向拉斯维加斯学习》一书中,美国建筑师文丘里提出了“广告牌建筑”概念。建筑巨大的立面作为图像的载体(广告牌)可以用来传递信息。当时这是汽车加高速公路时代的产物。它的商业逻辑是图像要足够大,在很远的距离和很快的速度下可以靠人眼看到。今天,建筑巨大的立面依然可以作为图像的载体,但信息传播的方式变了。人们用手机与图像(广告牌 / 建筑)合影,再通过互联网社交软件传播图像(广告牌 / 建筑)的图像。它的商业逻辑是不仅要大,还要足够吸引人,让人愿意掏出手机在图像(广告牌 / 建筑)前自拍。
In his book Learning From Las Vegas, American architect Robert Venturi raised the concept of “Billboard Architecture”. The giant façade of the architecture could be used as the carrier of images (billboard) to convey information. At that time, it was a result of the era of automobile plus highway. The commercial logic behind it is that the image should be big enough so that people could see it in a very long distance and fast speed. Today, the giant façade can still be the carrier of images, but the way how information is transmitted has changed. People use cellphones to take photos with images (billboards / architecture), and share the images of the images (billboards / architecture) via online social media. Its commercial logic is that for the images being big is not enough and they must also be attractive enough so that people would love to take out their cellphones and take selfies in front of them.
▼以文丘里“广告牌建筑”为概念,建筑立面作为图像的载体,inspired by Robert Venturi’s concept of “Billboard Architecture”, facade of the architecture is used as the carrier of images
▼立面是一幅巨大的《切水果》壁画,加厚的门楣作为画框,扁长空间被壁画一分为二,facade is filled with a huge mural called Cutting Fruits. the thickened doorframe becomes the frame of the mural and long space is divided in two
▼壁画中间掏出三个大窗口,两个区域相互贯通,three big windows are created out of the mural to connect the two areas
In the design of ORIGINALFRESH The Grand Summit Beijing, DAS tries to adopt the same logic into the shop design. The roughly 12-meters-long and 4-meters-high façade is filled with a huge mural called Cutting Fruits. The thickened doorframe becomes the frame of the mural. The 5-meter-deep shallow and long space is divided in two. The front area is used for sale and the back for production. Three big windows are created out of the mural to connect the two areas. The images cut out by the windows are moved to the walls of the production area in the back so the mural looks complete from the façade of the shop. The staff and customers walk through different layers of the mural. All the other elements, pillars, walls, and furniture, are all kept simple with white painted or mirror surface, which is to bring out the giant “billboard” Cutting Fruits. Billboard architecture is internalized as billboard interior.
▼立面截断的壁画在后方墙壁延续,images cut out by the windows are moved to the walls of the production area in the back
《切水果》本身是一张以水果为主题的建筑图,深入探索了建筑图中最重要的一个绘制技术——剖切。图中每一个水果,每一个局部,都是对建筑图“剖切”技术的实验。通过刀片的设计组合,水果被切成各种形态,配以灵感来源于漫画绘图语言的表现速度和运动的动线,最终形成一幅层次繁复但逻辑清晰的图画。在此,被设计的不是“剖切”的对象,而是“剖切”本身。通过这样的探索,绘造社试图证明,建筑图不是一种绘图主题,而是一种绘图方法。正是建筑图的独特绘制技术能够产生其他绘图方式难以实现的图像呈现。两侧通高的镜子,又使壁画在横向视觉上产生了无限延伸,令人想起Archizoom的No-Stop City。这些极致的视觉效果最终形成了整个空间的焦点,吸引路过的行人驻足观看和拍照。
The mural Cutting Fruits itself is a piece of fruit-themed architectural drawing. It explores in depth one of the most important techniques in architectural drawing – section. Each fruit and part in the drawing is an experiment about section. Through the design and combination of blazes, the fruits are cut into various forms, added with motion lines inspired from comics that indicate speed and movement, and altogether made into a drawing of great complexity and clear logics. Here, what to be designed is not the subject of section, but the section itself. With such an exploration, DAS tries to demonstrate that architectural drawing is not a drawing subject, but a drawing method. It is exactly because of the unique techniques of architectural drawing that some extreme images which cannot be achieved by other drawing methods can be created in this mural. The ceiling-high mirrors on the two sides of the mural also create a horizontally infinite visual extension for the image which reminds of No-Stop City by Archizoom. Such spectacular visual effects attract the passerby to stop and photograph.
▼两侧通高的镜子使壁画在横向视觉上产生了无限延伸,ceiling-high mirrors on the two sides of the mural create a horizontally infinite visual extension for the image
ORIGINALFRESH 北京官舍店以一幅巨大的壁画来主导空间的设计,是绘造社将“绘”与“造”合为一体的设计探索。它既是对经典的建筑概念的当代实践,也是对由社交媒体引起的人们对图像的强烈需求的积极回应。在绘造社看来,即使是极度扁平化的、以图像为核心的空间设计,由于图像基于建筑图特有的绘图技术,蕴含其中的依然是最本质的建筑精神。
▼以水果为主题的建筑图,fruit-themed architectural drawing
By creating a huge mural to dominate the interior of ORIGINALFRESH The Grand Summit Beijing, DAS is able to explore the possibility of combining drawing and architecture in one design. This case is not only a contemporary practice on the classic architectural concept, but also a positive response to the huge demand on images due to people’s obsession on social media. To DAS, even if the design of the space takes an extremely flattened approach with images as the core, it still contains the essential spirit of architecture since the image is based on the unique techniques of architectural drawing.
▼主导空间设计的巨大壁画,the huge mural that dominates the interior of ORIGINALFRESH
▼壁画局部,parts of the mural
设计团队:李涵 / 胡妍 / 张欣桐 / 郭赫群
建筑面积:66 m2
摄影师:王洪跃 / 鲁雯泋
Design Team: Li Han / Hu Yan / Zhang Xintong / Guo Hequm
Construction Area: 66 m2
Year of Design / Completion: 2018
Photography: Wang Hongyue / Lu Wenhui