Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室

2018/05/21 12:09:33
Max vision是比利时服装品牌,主要经营女装和童装。业主Jan是比利时人,因为喜欢中国的文化来到中国,并把家和办公室安在了宁波。此次的项目委托是在一栋新建别墅上改建办公。建筑共四层,且地下室只有1.9米高。设计带来的难度是如何在具有居住功能,开间跨度相对局限的建筑基础上解决日常办公的功能问题。要想解决这些问题,设计的工作不单纯是室内层面,要想达到比较理想的状态,需要解决面对诸多限制的条件,如:如何解决满足不同部门多数人一起办公的高效的机能和有效的管理,还有日常的接待、招聘、会议、会客、紧密的讨论和展示的问题;如何更好的在法规允许的改造范围内利用庭院把室外的环境因素介入室内,提供一个更优质的办公环境;如何解决业主希望在三楼能有一个私人活动和亲子功能但又不被员工打扰的空间。
Max Vision is a Belgian women and children’s garment brand. The Belgian male owner Jan settled in Ningbo as he like Chinese culture. The project is to design an office at a newly-built four-story house. Basement is only 1.9meter tall. The challenge of the project is to meet all office founctions in this residence limited scale building. For instance, how employees from different departments can work efficially;how to located reception, recruitment, meeting, discussion areas in this building. Moreover, how to bring exterior green enviroment into office legally to improve work enviroment. The owner also need a private child-parent space at 3rd floor which is isloted from work space.
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-3
The solution to the problem lies in the problem. We visited client’s factory and office twice to invisigate their process flow include design, sampling, photography, sewing, ironing, quality test and shippment. We also measured their equipments and asked empoyee about their daily flows and observe their daily work behaviours.
▼改造前后对比,before and after transformation
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-7
The first step was to renovate structure. We removed part of the slab beside entrance and installed a 8-meter display window. The purpose of display window is to use short storage basment as display also bring light to basement. The dramatic display window on the floor act as a signature of Max Vision. Models with in season garment were displayed at this window. Walking on the transparent runway, it is as if the models downstairs are constantly interaction.
▼从入口打通一楼和地下一层楼板,在地面嵌入8米长的俯瞰玻璃橱窗,removed part of the slab beside entrance and installed a 8-meter display window
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-11
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-12
The second step was to renovate external wall. For the first floor, we opened big window as possible to bring sunlight and landscape into office. Also, we built two walls at different levels at the end of yard and the yard was enclosed by this view. Well designed water flow was place between walls, shallow pool provide habitat for birds. Water, warm lighting and low walls create a peaceful picture at night.
▼拆去外墙引入自然光,opened big window as possible to bring sunlight and landscape into office
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-16
▼庭院的尽头做了两片错落的矮墙和水景,built two walls at different levels at the end of yard
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-18
The third step of our project was to removed garage walls at first floor to make office a transparent space. Old staircase beside elevator was removed as it took up much space. An eyecatching spiral stair at center connected basement to third floor. Three departments also were divided by spiral stair.
▼中央置入旋转楼梯贯穿所有楼层,an eyecatching spiral stair at center connected basement to third floor
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-22
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-23
We hope that the elements that each project presents are related to the space itself. The material we use is not only for visual looks, but also with functions. So our challenge is that how to present the unique genes of the garment company in the existing space. Or whether space design can be as characteristic as weaving clothes, but at the same time solving problems within the range of budget acceptance. After much discussion and modeling, we decided to use 7000-meter long elastic lines to weave the entire office ceiling. At the same time, air condition pipes and electric wire are closed over by lines. As the layout of the wire looks randomly, works on site are hard to control. We calculated the rule of layout on computer and tested method of woven line both at office and on site. The finished lines at both first floor and second floor look geometry. Different colors overlap and form new colors.
▼用7000米长彩色的有弹性的线把整个开放办公室的天花“编织”起来, using 7000-meter long elastic lines to weave the entire office ceiling
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-27
▼几何编织元素延伸至二楼,the finished lines at both first floor and second floor look geometry
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-29
▼样衣间,sample garment room
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-31
业主夫妇因为日常工作的繁忙,希望能在三楼设计一个属于他们家人的私密空间,工作之余可以陪伴小孩玩耍、读书、会客等。 设计之前我们曾去往业主家调研,发现了很多在原来的家里所不能实现的功能,我们希望能在这个三楼改善和补充。三楼为坡屋面结构,最高处有4.5米高。为夹层设置两条通路,使之在空间构成上有一些不同寻常的构筑,让以往单向动线变成一种可循环往复的有趣的立体环形动线,让小孩子可以乐此不疲,而直跑梯加滑梯的组合,在一个亲子空间里,无疑是最佳方案。
Owner couple need a private space for their family so that they can play with kid, read and meet friends after work. In the beginning of the project, we went to the owner’s house to investigate and found a lot of functions that could not be realized there. We hope to achive that functions on the third floor. We built a loft to make better use of space as the highiest point of sloping roof is 4.5 meter. We designed both stair and a slide for the loft so their flows moves in cirlce. The combination of stair and slide is the best idea to let kid enjoy the space.
▼家人私密空间,a private space for family
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-35
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-36
There must be enough space to meet our plan. We removed a column between balcony and indoor, then we installed two big silding doors sideway so the square balcony cut into half. The length of the diagonal line is the opening of the largest view of the landscape. Furthemore, the height of the 1.3-meter wall is lowered to 1 meter to ensure its high security while viewing the distant view. Kid can even ride bicycle at this large free space.
▼大而自由的空间满足了小孩子骑自行车的尺度,kid can even ride bicycle at this large free space
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-40
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-41
The ceiling structure is complicated so we build white painting suspended ceiling to cover up complicated lines and structure. Loft provide kid a place to play. We also opened skylight-window above loft to import airflow and light. The loft is the best place for owner to relax and watch stars with child.
▼利用高度做了隔层,taking the advantage of the height to build a loft
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-45
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-46
▼隔层的设置为滑梯提供了尺度, loft provides kid a slide
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-48
▼夹层向下观望,view from mezzanine
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-50
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-51
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-53
▼轴侧剖面图 axonometric section
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-55
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-56
项目名称:Max Vision 项目地点:浙江省 宁波市 面 积:600平米 施工周期:16个月 材 料:玻璃、水磨石、橡木板、彩线、钢板、涂料 设计团队:继景设计工作室 参与设计:范继景、柴润知、宋万洋、林利达、张齐 软装搭配:李菊 合作单位:icolor 陈林华 施工团队:上海飒噶建筑装饰工程有限公司 摄影师:苏圣亮
Project Name: Max Vision Office Location: Ningbo,Zhejiang Area: 600 sqm Project Time: 16 months Materials: glass, terrazzo, oak wood, color line, steel, painting Design Team: Jin Design Studio Project Designer: Fan Jijing, Chai Runzhi, Song Wanyang, Lin Lida, Zhang Qi Furniture and Decoration: Li Ju Cooperation Organization: Icolor Chen Linhua Construction: Shanghai Saga Construction Ltd Photograper:Su Shengliang
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-59
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-60
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-61
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-62
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-63
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-64
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-65
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-66
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-67
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-68
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-69
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-70
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-71
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-72
Max Vision 办公室,宁波 / 继景设计工作室-73
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