Freyming-Merlebach is a town with a substantial industrial past, in a part of Lorraine that developed in the 19th century, driven by the coalmining industry. Since the closure of the mines in the 1990s, this part of north-eastern France has seen a sharp increase in unemployment, and culture is seen as one possibility for resolving the accompanying social and economic difficulties in the town, as has been the case in the neighbouring Ruhr region. The historic theatre in Freyming-Merlebach had deteriorated, and a number of cracks appeared as the result of disused underground tunnels. The old 500-seat auditorium needed to be replaced, and it had also become too small.
▼建筑位于法国东北端的城镇,the project is located in a town of north-eastern France
Théodore Gouvy剧院的新址设于Place des Alliés,靠近市镇的中心区,并且与新的政府大楼和购物中心相邻:市政当局决意要使该地区再度兴旺起来。场地中提供了足够多的停车区域,便于观众使用。新的剧院业已成为城镇更新计划中的标志性项目,它为市中心提供了全新的公共空间。剧院提供了功能全面的现场表演空间,包括传统剧场(配有大尺度的舞台场地)、现代剧场、音乐剧场以及歌剧和舞蹈表演场地等等。Théodore Gouvy剧院为当地居民提供了包含700个座位的礼堂,并配有专门的表演人员场地及后勤场地。
The site decided on for the ‘Théodore Gouvy’ theatre is on the Place des Alliés, in Freyming-Merlebach. The municipal authorities were keen to give a new boost to this evolving sector, which is close to the town centre and next to the new town hall and a shopping centre. It is a prominent location, with sufficient parking capacity for the use of audiences. The theatre has become a symbol of the town’s renewal, and its position is generating a new public space in the town centre. The theatre’s programming is pluri-disciplinary, covering every area of live performance: classical theatre (including the use of large-scale sets), contemporary theatre, musical theatre and opera, dance, etc. The ‘Théodore Gouvy’ theatre offers local residents a 700‑seat auditorium, with dedicated areas for performers and logistics.
▼独特的形态和维度整体呈现出简练的特质,the building’s unusual shape and dimensions give it an steamlined silhouette
The theatre sets up an energetic dialogue with the heterogeneous urban landscape, shaping itself to fit the context and logic of the existing flows. It stands on a base, alongside the new municipal offices; its unusual shape and dimensions give it an steamlined silhouette, the lines of which ensure visual transition between the various parts of the programme while keeping on the same scale as the town.
▼剧院与其所在的城市景观形成了活跃的对话,the theatre sets up an energetic dialogue with the heterogeneous urban landscape
▼位于上方的大厅标示出入口的位置,in the upper part, the foyer is offset to indicate the entrance
▼建筑背面,back side
▼临街立面,street facade
The visitor’s interest is caught by the animation of the volumes: in the upper part, the foyer is offset to indicate the entrance, while in the lower part, transparent elements allow glimpses of the wealth of interior routes and invite the visitor to enter. The foyer occupies a vertical space with a route through an apparent intertwining of staircases leading to the auditorium. Oblique lines reiterating the complex geometry of the site cause spaces to expand, creating a feeling of space.
▼玻璃门窗则透露出室内的动线,transparent elements allow glimpses of the wealth of interior routes
The uniformity of the untreated plaster and the softness of the carpeted floor contribute to the feeling of being in some kind of cocoon. Natural light enhances the various faces and reveals the building’s shape and dimensions. The route to reach the auditorium is therefore deliberately spectacular and theatrical.
▼入口大厅,lobby on the ground floor
▼连续的石膏墙面和柔软的地毯带来一种蚕茧般的质感,the uniformity of the untreated plaster and the softness of the carpeted floor contribute to the feeling of being in some kind of cocoon
▼宏伟且富有戏剧感的交通路径,the route to reach the auditorium is deliberately spectacular and theatrical
▼礼堂前厅,the foyer on the upper floor
▼室外一角,outdoor space
▼楼梯间,circulation area
The auditorium is in strong contrast with the nuanced surfaces of the outer envelope. The building presents the town with an immaculate white facade, while the foyer is in shades of beige. The 700-seat auditorium constitutes a complete break with the foyers. Red, pink and orange lend density to the space, affirming it as the main feature of the project, with colour sanctuarising the idea of performance. Visibility is optimised in the 700‑seat auditorium: the most distant spectator is only twenty metres from the front of the stage. The foyer and public areas are flooded with natural light, varying throughout the day with the course of the sun. This evolutive, dynamic spatial staging echoes the very image of the theatre.
▼礼堂内部与建筑的外观形成了强烈的反差,the auditorium is in strong contrast with the nuanced surfaces of the outer envelope
▼空间中使用了红色、粉色和橙色等富有张力的色彩,red, pink and orange lend density to the space, affirming it as the main feature of the project
▼700座的礼堂为观众提供了极佳的视角,the 700-seat auditorium constitutes a complete break with the foyers
Théodore Gouvy剧院还拥有卓越的视听效果和舞台设施;后台的高度为24米,配备有17米高和19.5米高的布景格架,以及一座T型台和两座桥形通道。这些技术设备均环绕在22×14平方米的舞台及14×9平方米的前场舞台周围。
The ‘Théodore Gouvy’ theatre offers exceptional acoustic and stagecraft properties; the stage house is 24 metres high, with a grid at a height of 17 metres and an upper grid at a height of 19.50 metres, a catwalk, and two bridges. These technical fittings are arranged around a stage measuring 22 x 14 metres with a proscenium measuring 14 x 9 metres.
▼后台空间,dedicated areas for performers and logistics
▼空间示意图,void diagram
▼舞台空间示意,stage diagram
▼场地平面图,site plan
▼首层平面图,ground floor plan
▼二层平面图,first floor plan
▼三层平面图,second floor plan
‘Théodore Gouvy’ Theatre in Freyming-Merlebach
Client : Communauté de communes Freyming-Merlebach
Design Team : Dominique Coulon & associés
Architects : Dominique Coulon, Olivier Nicollas
Project Architects assistants : Jean Scherer, David Romero-Uzeda, Ali Ozku, Fanny Liénart, Grégoire Stouck
Competition : Olivier Nicollas
Construction supervision : Olivier Nicollas
Structural engineering : Batiserf
Mechanical Plumbing Engineer : Solares Bauen
Electrical Engineer : BET G. Jost
Cost control and monitoring : E3 Economie
HQE (high environmental quality) consultant : Solares Bauen
Acoustic : Euro Sound Project
Scenographer : Changement à vue
Roads and networks : Lollier Ingénierie
Program : 700-seats Performing arts center (Balcony 223-seats, stalls 477-seats)
Address: 1 Place des Alliés, 57800 Freyming-Merlebach / Google maps Location: 49.14422, 6.81724
Area : SHON 2850 m2
Budget : 7 700 000 €
Dates : Competition : june 2011
Schematic design : from april 2012 to july 2013
Construction work : from january 2015 to april 2017
Construction companies :
Earthwork road works (COLAS), Structure (CARI-FAYAT), metal structure (ERTCM), water proofing (COUVREST), exterior steel joinery (SOCOMET), ventilated facades (DEOBAT), metal works (MULLER), interior wood joinery – furniture (JUNG), plastering (NESPOLA + WEREY STENGER), glued floors (SGR), tiles floors and walls (MULTI SERVICES), interior painting cleaning (DEBRA), elevators (ASCELEC), scaffolding (KAPP), electricity (ETA), heating ventilation (SCHAEFFER), plombing and drainage (LORRY), Lockmithing, machinery and scenic carpentry (CAIRE), scenic curtains and drapes (AZUR SCENIC), theater armchairs (DELAGRAVE), scenic lighting and audiovisual (SYSTEME SON)
Photographer : Eugeni Pons, David Romero-Uzeda, Thibaut Muller