

滑板公园是艺术家GUE为“Subsidenze” 艺术节所打造的作品。该艺术节是意大利北部城市拉文纳一年一度的重要节日。
公园位于一片新改造的旧城区,靠近拉文纳的历史中心——Darsena Popup。这个休闲及运动综合体位于河边。集装箱元素的引入呼应了公园所处的港口语境。抽象图案覆盖了整个滑板公园的地面,为在其中滑行的人们带来了感官和视觉上的沉浸体验。柔和的形状和曲线的灵感源自滑板少年及自行车手在坡道上划过的弧线,而缤纷的色彩则强调了地面起伏的地势,使得空间变得更加清晰。
The project is part of Subsidenze, an annual event dedicated to public art in the city of Ravenna, north Italy.
The skatepark is nestled in a newly refurbished urban area, close to the historic center of Ravenna, the Darsena Popup, a recreational and sports complex built along the banks of the river. A new point of reference realized by the reuse of containers typical of a port context.
Through the use of abstract codes, the intervention covers the entire skatepark, offering the possibility of sensory and perceptive involvement in those who cross the surface. Soft shapes and curved lines suggest the idea of movement generated by skaters and bikers on ramps, colors seek to highlight the surface’s three-dimensionality, offering an immediate ability to read volumes.