

在当地社区团体的参与和支持下,Tongva公园与Ken Genser广场成功地在Santa Monica市中心创造出一片现代简洁、可持续而又具有改革意义的城市景观。在Palisades公园,Santa Monica码头与Santa Monica市政府间创造了新的联系。
Shaped by extensive community participation, the design of Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square creates a contemporary, sustainable, and transformative urban landscape that redefines the center of Santa Monica and makes new connections between Palisades Park, the Santa Monica Pier, and Santa Monica Civic Center.
▼ 城市与海的新连接,a new connection between city and the ocean
这片位于Santa Monica市中心的公园广场由来自纽约,以高线公园名扬天下的James Corner Field Operations设计完成。James Corner认为本项目“为Santa Monica创造了一个新的心脏,不仅成为人们日常生活中最受欢迎的目的地,也同时实现了社会、生态和城市的象征意义。”
此外,他还说:“我们创造了一片起伏错落的丰富地形,大量本土植被的运用以及随处可见的户外家具、水景、游乐设施和活动区带来了一个极富吸引力的公园空间。我十分享受这个与Santa Monica居民合作,联手打造这样一个让人眼前一亮的场所的过程。”
Designed by James Corner Field Operations, best known for its design of New York’s High Line, the park and square are a centerpiece for Santa Monica’s Civic Center. James Corner describes the project as “creating a new heart for Santa Monica—a new destination and gathering place of great social, ecological, and symbolic value.” He says, “We have sculpted a dramatic topography of hills and hollows and incorporated a very large number of native plant species to create a spectacular horticultural garden, replete with generous furnishing, water fountains, play elements, and activity areas. It has been an absolute pleasure to work with the people of Santa Monica to create a place together that feels so fresh and dynamic.”
▼ 位于城市中心地带的开放空间,an public space locates at the heart of the city
Ken Genser广场为公民集会提供了新的空间,同时也让市政府标志性建筑的空间序列更为完整。
▼ 总平面图,site plan
Inspired by the Southern California arroyo landscape of washes and ravines that once defined the site, a series of braided pathways appear to organically emerge from the footsteps of City Hall, extend west to Ocean Avenue, and weave the park into the fabric of the City.
Dramatic rising and falling topography reinforces the fluid pathway system and organizes the site into four thematic hilltop areas, each calibrated to a different primary use and experience:
- Garden Hill is defined by a series of seating alcoves and intimate display gardens that showcase a seasonally dynamic, native, and appropriately adapted Southern California plant palette;
- Discovery Hill is a play space for children, offering a range of discovery experiences and settings with hill slides, a music wall, play elements, water feature, and forts embedded into a lush and shaded landscape;
- Observation Hill reaches a height of 18 feet, offers the best views of the ocean and neighboring vicinity, and includes overlooks, a bridge, and public restroom tucked under the hill;
- Gathering Hill provides open space for congregation and relaxation including a large multi-purpose lawn, seating terraces, and an informal picnic area;
Ken Genser Square provides new space for civic gathering and complements the City Hall landmark building.
Ken Genser广场 Ken Genser Square
Garden Hill
▼ 水景元素被一条忽隐忽现的“河流”串联起来,从山脚流向大海,如同真正的河流一般,越来越宽。水景元素被一条忽隐忽现的“河流”串联起来,从山脚流向大海,如同真正的河流一般,越来越宽。
Water elements are poetically linked by a single runnel that flows downhill to the ocean. Their volume and presence increases the closer they are to the ocean.
▼ 蜿蜒的曲线划过山丘,形成了一个个如同海湾般的内凹空间,供人们沉思冥想。
Alcoves are carved into Tongva Park’s hillsides to create interior garden bays with seating for contemplation.
▼ 丰富的季相变化,Seasonal changes of the plants
Discovery Hill
Gathering Hill
▼ 被阶梯状座椅区环绕的巨大多功能草坪,large multi-purpose lawn with seating terraces
▼ 由艺术家Iñigo Manglano- Ovalle创造的雕塑Weather Field No. 1被放置在绿意葱葱的草地之上,以极富艺术感的形式向人们展示着风向与风速。
A sculpture, Weather Field No. 1, by artist Iñigo Manglano- Ovalle, is located on a berm of meadow grasses. It features a grid of tall stainless poles with weather vanes and anemometers, showcasing the direction and speed of the wind.
Observation Hill
▼ 鸟瞰,birdview
▼ 滨海侧公园入口,entrance of the park at the sea side
▼ 向上爬升的小路,the climbing slope
▼ 如同贝壳般瞭望台坐落于公园的最高处,坐拥Santa Monica与汹涌大海壮阔的全景。
Shell-like overlooks are perched on top of the tallest of the park’s hills to frame iconic views and vistas of Santa Monica and the ocean.
▼ 夜景,evening view
▼ 公共卫生间则巧妙地隐藏在山丘的下方,public restroom tucked under the hill
▼ 蜿蜒的曲线形成了一个个如同海湾般的内凹空间,人们停放单车,或是临时聊天歇脚的最好选择, exterior bays with bike racks and social seating for community comings and goings.
无论是富有建筑感的错落空间,肌理丰富的岩石与卵石材料,还是繁茂生长的草甸与花园都仿佛在呼应着基地被纵横交错的沟壑所占领的过往,但同时也为Santa Monica创造了一个让人眼前一亮,独特而极富创造力的标志性场所。
Architectural features, a texturally rich material palette of boulders and pebbles, and lushly planted meadows and gardens reinforce the site’s “arroyo wash” history, while at the same time, creating an exciting new identity that is unique to Santa Monica.
▼ 公园与大海,park and the sea
Tongya公园和Ken Genser广场创造了一种全新的城市景观,它们自然,节约资源,并且充满活力。公园的可持续性不仅体现在生态,水,能源和材料上,还增强了社会的活力,提升了人们的健康水平和生活质量。
基地本来是一个普通的停车场,改造后的这里焕然一新,草地和花园延绵起伏,其生态系统得到了很好的恢复。园内种植了大量植物,包括超过300棵精心挑选的树木和上千种新植被。除此之外,Tongya公园和Ken Genser广场中还有数百种不同的加利福尼亚本地植物,成为了最早展现加州当地园林风采的大型当代城市景观之一。
Tongva Park and Ken Genser Square embody a new type of urban landscape that is active, innovative, resource-conscious, and
Park lighting is the primary energy consumer within the park and square. Energy demands have been kept to an extreme minimum with LED and other efficient fixtures and technologies.
Materials for the Park and Square consist of non-tropical hardwoods that have been sustainably forested, local aggregates and stone, numerous products with recycled content, low VOC paints, sealants, and adhesives and soy-based anti-graffiti coatings.
Human Health
Apart from the physical aspects of the site, the social sustainability of the project is uniquely high. The Park and Square provides a range of social spaces, quiet contemplative spaces, and promotes human health through a series of walking trails and loops, bike parking areas, and inclusive play spaces for all ages and abilities.