知末案例   /   公共空间   /   艺术馆

木木美术馆入口改造 ,北京 / 直向建筑

2016/09/01 17:39:46
M Woods Entrance Revitalization is an urban renewal project in Beijing 798 Art Zone. The site was an abandoned industrial warehouse originally and it was used as an art museum since two years ago. The museum operators expect to have a façade and entrance renovation in order to refine visiting experience, and to improve the recognition of the museum’s public image.
▽ 建筑与环境,building and its surrounding
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▽ 美术馆入口,entrance
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In the past two decades, Chinese cities have experienced a rapid development: a substantial amount of old buildings, streets, historical blocks, and even topography were wiped out and replaced by newly “designed” urban appearances. Our living environment becomes more generic but unfamiliar progressively, and this separates our emotion from the settlement we live on. Therefore the key issue of the design is to rethink the urban renewal. Although our existing structure is not a historical heritage, such old architecture is still precious, since it reflects the trace of time.
▽ 新和旧的叠加,the overlapping of new and old
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▽ 设计草图,sketch
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Our primary strategy is not to reform the exiting facade, but to add a layer of translucency on it. Hence people are able to sense the old when they experience the new, and read the historical information of the city. Another challenge is time and budget. The project has to be implemented within 40 days from design to construction. Due to this critical condition, we choose the “galvanized iron wire mesh” as main material. By taking advantage of its light weight and self-support quality, a big number of stud works were eliminated. In addition, translucency and reflectivity of the metal mesh turns the entrance façade into a more lively condition, since the mesh can bring sunlight to where it is in shadow.
▽ 半透明的“镀锌铁网”, the “galvanized iron wire mesh”
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▽ 生动的光与影,a more lively condition
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除了美术馆的立面和入口空间,我们也改造了位于街道对面,一个被栏杆围起来的 “消极的”绿化带。我们将这个封闭的绿化带打开,植入了一个小型的城市广场。这个广场的上方也被同样材料的金属网顶棚所覆盖,和美术馆共同形成一种空间的围合感。此广场在平时是798社区路人休息和小孩玩耍的公共空间,同时,一些以艺术为媒介的公共活动也会在这个广场发生。此外,在未来的周日,此地也会策划固定时间的农夫集市等公共活动。经过改造,这个空间成为了一个非常生动的城市节点,它会给这个街区注入一种新的以文化艺术为依托的生命力,并带来更积极的街道生活方式。
We revitalized not only the M Woods entrance but also a “negative” green belt which is enclosed by a fence across the street. We opened it up, and embedded a small plaza there. This plaza is under a metal mesh canopy with same material as the entrance, unifying surrounded space with the museum. It becomes a public resting area and children’s play ground in 798 Zone. Meanwhile, some public art activities will take place occasionally here, besides a regular Sunday Farmer’s Market. After revitalization, this area becomes a vivid city node which enlivens the block with culture and arts, and brings out a more energetic urban lifestyle.
▽ 小型的城市广场,small plaza
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▽ 入口,entrance
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▽ 展厅,exhibition hall
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▽ 平面图,plan
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▽ 立面图,elevation
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▽ 剖面图,section
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地理位置:北京,中国 业主方: 木木美术馆 设计方:直向建筑 主持建筑师: 董功 驻场建筑师:孙栋平 项目成员: 孙栋平、鲁胤希、丁昆 结构师:纪立新 结构: 钢结构 材料:金属网(镀锌铁网),耐候钢板,竹钢 设计周期: 01/2016-02/2016 建设周期:02/2016-03/2016
Location: Beijing, China Client: M WOODS Design Firm:Vector Architects Principal Architect: Gong Dong Site Architect: Dongping Sun Design Team: Dongping Sun, Yinxi Lu Structural Consultant: Lixin Ji Structure: Steel Structure Material: Metal Mesh, Weathering Steel, Laminated Bamboo Slate, Design Period: 01/2016- 02/2016 Construction Period: 02/2016- 03/2016
Photographer: 夏至 Xia Zhi
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