

作为上海玻璃博物馆的新翼以及G+玻璃主题园五周年庆典的亮点, 协调亚洲的新项目 “设计新馆” 以其极简的风格, 为沪上增添了一道独特的文化景观。伴随设计新馆一起开幕的,是“虹之桥”:此廊桥由特殊的玻璃打造,绚丽的色彩犹如一道彩虹般,连接起设计新馆和主场馆。
As part of the Shanghai Museum of Glass and its home G+PARK’s fifth anniversary, COORDINATION ASIA has designed the two-floor Design Wing, breathing new life into a former industrial building. Linked to the Shanghai Museum of Glass main hall by the Golden Fire Bridge, constructed of tinted glass with a special holographic treatment, the Design Wing serves as a beautifully minimalist extension of one of Shanghai’s most unique museums.
▽ “设计新馆” 及 “虹之桥”, the two-floor Design Wing and the Golden Fire Bridge
▽ “虹之桥”的色彩随角度微微变化, the color of the Golden Fire Bridge changes as walking
主馆和设计新馆,作为两栋独立的建筑从不同角度诠释了玻璃的潜能。 2011年开馆以来,馆藏的艺术品和设计品日益增多。设计新馆的空间能适应不断演变的当代玻璃艺术场景,体现了玻璃这种介质的无尽可能性。设计新馆收藏的永久展品包括来 Pia Wüstenberg, Formafantasma, Nendo, the Campana Brothers 等国际艺术家。策展的重点旨在体现玻璃的多样性。
While in separate buildings, these two facets of the museum park are linked by their exploration of what glass can do. Since opening in 2011, the collection of artworks and design pieces belonging to the museum has steadily grown, and the Design Wing is a space that can swiftly adapt to the ever-evolving design landscape in glass, representing the possibilities that glass offers.
Exquisite pieces from Pia Wüstenberg, Formafantasma, Nendo, the Campana Brothers, and more are available to view in this permanent collection. The curated variety demonstrates the breadth of the material’s properties. Renowned architect Tadao Ando, whose glasswork is also on display in the Design Wing, sums up this unique medium beautifully: “During a time when human warmth is being lost, a material such a glass, in itself cold, preserves, through its hand-manufacturing, its warmth.”
▽ 所陈设的展评也旨在体现玻璃的多样性,the various exquisite pieces demonstrates the breadth of the material’s properties
设计新馆由两层展览空间组成, 其设计与上海玻璃博物馆主馆形成鲜明对比,如同日与夜一般遥相辉映。尽管两者兼具简约的风格,但主馆的主调是凝重内敛的,旨在深层次地探寻玻璃的世界; 而设计新馆却巧妙的借用自然光,将展品如画纸般铺陈出来。大幅落地玻璃窗和浅色内墙显得明亮温暖,镜面墙的运用制造了通透的空间感。
When walking from the Main Hall through the Golden Fire Bridge and into the Design Wing, the difference is stark. The two complement each other like night and day. Both are streamlined and minimalistic, however, the Main Hall is dark and withdrawn, made for a deep dive exploration of the glass world that looks inward. Encompassing 2,100 square metres, the Design Wing is open, brighter, and filled with daylight; perfect for creativity to grow, like a studio. It is like a canvas for the nature of these design works to reveal itself. Large windows and light walls maximise the natural light, and mirrors lining select sides of the interior create an effect of fathomless space.
▽ 自然光透过 “虹之桥”和后侧的大玻璃照亮了入口,the entrance is lit up by natural light
▽自然光将展品如画纸般铺陈出来,大幅落地玻璃窗和浅色内墙显得明亮温暖,the Design Wing is open, brighter, and filled with daylight
▽ 镜面墙的运用制造了通透的空间感,mirrors lining select sides of the interior create an effect of fathomless space
漫步在简约干净的空间中,观众会发现意想不到的惊喜:中央镜面阶梯处让人耳目一新的艺术装置, 巧妙的运用了镜面折射的效果, 霓虹灯管打造出“反其道行之”及其相对应的英文字样。设计新馆不仅仅是一个容纳精美设计品的展馆,也给了观众以驻足思考的机会。
Though the majority of the space resembles a minimalist and clean studio, a mind-bending art installation sits at the central staircase that was commissioned for the space. Cleverly placed neon lights and mirrors play on the words “Whatever you think, think the opposite,” and “Everything essential is invisible to the eye” in English as well as their Chinese adaptations. More than a place to walk through and see incredible designs, the Design Wing gives visitors pause for thought about what they are experiencing.
▽ 中央镜面阶梯,the central staircase
▽ 运用镜面折射的效果, 霓虹灯管打造出“反其道行之”及其相对应的英文字样,a mind-bending art installation
协调亚洲继儿童玻璃博物馆以及彩虹礼堂等项目的成功落成之后,将继续与上海玻璃博物馆和G+玻璃主题园紧密合作、共同发展。协调亚洲的创始人兼设计总监Tilman Thürmer希望设计新馆能成为创意的启发之地:“如同艺术一样,设计同样旨在交流;玻璃的表达形式是无穷无尽的。设计新馆将这种非凡的材料特性淋漓尽致得体现出来。”
而G+PARK的负责人Zhang Lin亦对新馆的落成表示祝贺:“设计在现今的工业社会中愈发重要,不仅让生活更加便利,也对启发这人们。从博物馆建成的初期至今,我们一直与协调亚洲事务所有着紧密的合作,他们秉持着无限的创意和严谨的工作态度为我们带来了这些震撼人心的玻璃艺术。”
As the Shanghai Museum of Glass and G+PARK continue to develop, COORDINATION ASIA is proud to work closely with this trailblazing design museum in China, as they did with previous projects such as the award-winning Kids Museum of Glass and the highly acclaimed Rainbow Chapel. Tilman Thürmer, Founder and Design Director, hopes the Design Wing will become a destination for creative people looking for inspiration in the Chinese metropolis: “Like art, design has a desire to communicate, and the expressions of glass are truly endless. Once inside the Design Wing, every visitor will have an incredible idea of all the things you can say with this extraordinary material.”
Zhang Lin, President of G+PARK, is pleased to welcome the wing as a new commemorative addition to the Park for its anniversary: “Design has been increasingly important in the current industrial society, not only making life better, but also bringing spirit. During the initial stage of the museum founding, we have formed a steady and sound cooperation with COORDINATION ASIA, whose creative design and rigorous work attitude pairs well with such powerful and unconstrained glass artworks.”
▽ 建筑后侧里面,rear side of the building
Design: Tilman Thürmer/COORDINATION ASIA Ltd.