知末案例   /   公共空间   /   活动中心

Nunawading 社区中心丨澳大利亚丨fjcstudio

2024/02/09 09:20:58
This white, seamless backdrop celebrates people and their creativity, their activity and their sense of togetherness. It celebrates the highly valued park and school building, integral to the memories and future lives of Nunawading’s community-an open and inviting public place, expressing a sense of equitable access for all. Abstract white forms rise up as a backdrop to the heritage fabric, the park and to community life. The scheme creates a certain monumentality whilst playfully developing a dialogue with surrounding post-war boom homes, through its roof profile. The architecture was designed with simple forms, each a response to the environmental framework (proportion and scale), while symbiotic to the functional, pragmatic and environmental control requirements. Designed to a constrained budget, considered design and detail have been delivered with a simple palette.
▼项目概览,overall of the project © John Gollings
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The Nunawading Hub Community Centre is located on the old Nunawading Primary School site. The new community centre is designed with a variety of spaces to learn, meet and collaborate, offering different indoor and outdoor environments, catering for different cultural and ethnic backgrounds.
▼建筑外观,building exterior © John Gollings
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社区中心的设计结合了周围的景观,包括原先学校场地的椭圆形景观和其他的建筑。这片椭圆形的景观被改造成了俯瞰Tunstall公园的社区公园,位于Kulin民族 Wurundjeri 人的传统土地上。这里也曾举办过大型的原住民民族聚会。Nunawading社区中心成为了新的聚集地,再次成为分享知识的场地。穿过一片缓坡和绵延的弧面墙和景观墙,可以从多个入口进入建筑,原先的树木都被保留了并和大量新种的树木和植被相结合。椭圆形的场地景观形成了通透的公园界面。
The hub includes the surrounding landscape, incorporating the old school oval and school house. The oval has been converted into a new community park overlooking Tunstall Park,  located on the traditional land of the Wurundjeri people of the Kulin nation.  Large First Nations’ gatherings were once held here. The Nunawading Community Hub has become a new place of gathering, a place to once again share knowledge. The building is accessed at varying points across the sloping site, via sweeping curved paths and landscape walls. Existing trees were retained and integrated with a vast range of new trees and plantings. The oval drives the highly transparent park interface.
▼建筑与场地的结合,building combines with the surroundings © John Gollings
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维护好遗产般的学校建筑,且坐落在场地的门户位置是设计的关键。设计的要点之一是保留当地的物质性,因其颂扬了许多在那里度过童年的人的集体记忆。这座历史悠久的校舍提供了小规模的咨询室和灵活的大型会议空间,所有空间都具有很高的隔音性。餐车和陶艺工作室位于新建筑的下层,上层的用餐区则面向重建后的景观和 Tunstall 公园。
Retaining the heritage school house, located at the threshold of the site, was a key design objective. By retaining the local materiality it celebrates the collective memory of many who spent their childhood there. The heritage school building offers smaller scale counselling rooms and large flexible meeting spaces, all with high levels of acoustic privacy. Meals-on-Wheels and a pottery studio occupy the lower level of the new building, with dining areas on the upper level open to the redeveloped landscape and Tunstall Park.
▼面向窗外景观的陶艺工作室,pottery studio facing the landscape © John Gollings
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这个空间是民主的,因为它考虑了最广泛和最具体的社区需求。木制的篮球场提供了最先进的运动设施。一座舞蹈房和功能用房的设计也满足了多种不同目的。26 个不同的社区团体聚集在专门建造的设施内,以满足其独特的要求,其中包括Nunawading珠宝俱乐部、Whitehorse艺术协会和 U3A 当地分会。
This place is truly democratic, catering to widest and most specific needs of its community. A timber lined basketball stadium provides state-of the-art sport facilities. A dance hall and function space are designed for multipurpose use. Twenty-six different community groups are brought together under a single purpose-built facility, catering their unique requirements, including those of the Nunawading Lapidary Club, Whitehorse Arts Association and the local chapter of the U3A.
▼多功能空间,multi-purpose space © John Gollings
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▼室内篮球场,indoor basketball court © John Gollings
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A successful community building responds to the needs of the people who use it, recognising its importance in society and community life. Through our many community based projects, fjcstudio has developed a high level of understanding of the elements required to develop an engaging and contemporary community facility.
▼夜景,night view © John Gollings
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▼平面,plan © Fjcstudio
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▼立面,elevation © Fjcstudio
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▼剖面,section © Fjcstudio
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Project size:    3900 m2 Completion date:   2020 Building levels:       1 Project team: Fjcstudio – Architect, Interiors, Landscape Architect WSP Structures –  Engineers
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