

No fancy words to express the project, plain is the truth! !! I am Kol, “gogohands Liu Zhiguang”, to write in “Cantonese”. Do not understand, please watch more Hong Kong TV or sing more “Cantonese”songs. . .
GogoHands Liu Guangzhi life record
This year, we plan to rent a piece of land in Baini to put mobile housing products, at the same time, build a garden-style restaurant, do a village just need business, for the future“Food” section of the creation of tuition fees!
Ikigai 餐厅项目旨在融合业主的两大爱好: 烹饪和园艺。此外,这个地方还提供了一种体验,让游客从喧嚣的都市生活中得到休息,与宁静的环境建立联系。餐厅力求提供一种和平和简单的体验,提供一个真正崇高和自然的一瞥。
the Ikigai restaurant project aims to blend two passions of the owners: gastronomy and gardening. Additionally, the place offers an experience that allows visitors to take a break from the hustle and bustle of urban life, enabling a connection with a serene environment. The restaurant seeks to provide an experience of peace and simplicity, offering a glimpse of what is truly sublime and natural.
The restaurant's operation occupies an old house, adapted to accommodate technical areas. The kitchen is visually integrated into the main hall, allowing direct interaction between chefs and customers. The large glass opening creates a visual connection, turning the environment into a stage that attracts those interested in the gastronomic process.