

全新的 JOALI BEING 是马尔代夫首屈一指的五星级自然沉浸式健康度假村。它坐落在 Raa Atoll 的 Bodufushi 自然岛屿上,旨在将无限的奢华与自然的方式结合在一起。设计以“失重”为理念,旨在通过摆脱所有不必要的过剩元素,重新将人们的自我和周围环境联系起来,并与自然融为一体,堪称为酒店设计领域带来了一场净化与变革。
JOALI BEING is a brand new five star nature-immersive wellness resort, the first of its kind in the Maldives. Located on the secluded natural island of Bodufushi in the Raa Atoll, the retreat aims to combine boundless luxury with a natural approach, and is based around a philosophy of ‘weightlessness’.
The resort’s design was to emerge from this idea of weightlessness and offer transformative and purifying stay through the shedding of all unnecessary excess, reconnecting with one’s self and one’s surroundings, and becoming one with nature.
▼别墅一侧整体鸟瞰,overall bird-eye’s view of the resort from the villas side
▼公共休闲一侧整体鸟瞰,overall bird-eye’s view of the resort from the public hospitality side
▼整体顶视图,top view of the island
在本项目中,Autoban 围绕岛屿的地理特点与优势,将健康静修的概念和哲学以及建筑和室内设计的无缝融合,构建出体验式的设计叙事。该事务所以亲生物学的分层设计理念为特点,将自然置于设计的核心,强调细节和材料,以创造多感官互动。
For JOALI BEING, Autoban constructed an experiential design narrative around a combination of the identity of the island, the concept and philosophy of the wellness retreat and a seamless integration of architecture and interior design.Applying biophilic principles through our signature layered design approach, we set nature at the very core of the design, emphasizing detail and materiality in order to create multi-sensory interactions.All structural elements were designed in order to achieve a sense of lightness, with linear and flowing architecture that seems to hover lightly in place, at once a part of the natural environment whilst simultaneously floating lightly above it.
▼局部顶视图,partial top view of the island
▼半鸟瞰,half bird-eye’s view of the resort
▼泳池区顶视图,top view of the pool side
▼泳池区,pool side
与 Autoban 的每一个设计作品相同,在本项目中,建筑师也采用了一种总体的设计方法来把控室内外所有空间的设计,以达到各个部分之间的和谐,并为每一个独特的设计故事做出贡献。
Within all areas, we used forms, patterns and textures to mimic configurations of nature along with sumptuous surfaces and delicate touches to evoke the spirit of the island and to create natural, welcoming and warm spaces.
As with every Autoban design, an overarching approach ensures that all external and internal spaces work in harmony to contribute to a distinct design story.
Carefully selected personalized details create an authentic and enchanting experience.
▼泳池区,pool side
▼室外下沉式沙发,outdoor sunken sofa
▼泳池与甲板露台,pool and deck area
▼MOJO 私人海滩,MOJO private beach
Joali 品牌理念深深植根于可持续发展的原则,致力于保护那些无可挑剔的豪华生态旅行目的地。因此,本项目最重要的挑战之一就是保护岛上的自然植物群。
Autoban 致力于尊重郁郁葱葱的景观,不触及岛上的野生森林,围绕现有的自然环境建造和设计度假村。此外,设计还旨在探索简单与复杂之间的平衡,在为旅行者们提供最高水平的奢华体验的同时,为人们带来实现自我更新、再生,与自然重新连接起来的心灵之旅。
Deeply embedded in the Joali brand is a commitment to sustainability and to preserving and protecting the locations in which it presents its impeccable offering of luxury eco-travel.
Hence one of the foremost significant challenges of the project was to preserve the natural flora of the island.
Autoban committed to respecting the lush verdant landscape, and to leaving the wild forests of the island untouched, building and designing the resort around the existing natural environment.
Moreover, a unique balance of sophistication and simplicity was necessary to at once provide the utmost level of luxury, whilst also achieving a sense of renewal, regeneration and reconnection.
▼建筑与自然景观的融合,fusion of the architecture and nature
▼海龟屋,the turtle house
▼海龟屋内部,interior of the turtle house
▼雨林中的音乐治愈之路,healing path of music in the rainforest
The resulting project is a series of intricately designed structures and spaces allowing guests to embark on a journey into a new, immersive and imaginative sense of luxury with wellness at the forefront.
On arrival guests are greeted by a landmark welcome jetty and structure. A contemporary twist on traditional Maldivian architecture, an impressive thatched roof is complemented by playful wooden paravan screens.
The entrance building to the extensive spa similarly ushers guests into a soothing lair-like space, a departure point for the journey towards transformation. Surfaces are rhythmic and organically textured with meticulous handcraft, mimicking the natural rock grooves carved by centuries of waves.
▼标志性的欢迎码头,landmark welcome jetty and structure
▼码头建筑 – 零点,Dock building – Point of Zero
▼码头夜景,night view of the deck
度假村的中心是三座阶梯式的亭子,它们伫立在三层泳池和甲板前,面对着绚丽的印度洋。引人注目的茅草屋顶漂浮在有纹理的柱子之上,高架的结构形式让人不禁联想起神圣的寺庙。传统的屋顶结构下,却充满了宽敞、时尚的氛围,包含了主酒吧、茶室、社交和用餐区。带有各种各样装饰的藤条座椅,雕塑吊灯,360 度的海景以及周围郁郁葱葱的绿色植物,都时刻提醒着人们自己身处于热带保护区当中。
At the heart of the retreat are three terraced pavilions facing the iridescent Indian ocean. Standing before a three-tiered pool and deck, the elevated structures are reminiscent of temples, with striking thatched roofs floating above textured columns.
Lofty, spacious and stylish, under the traditional roofs the pavilions house the main bar, a tea lounge and social and dining areas. With eclectic groups of upholstered and rattan seating, sculptural pendant lighting, uninterrupted ocean views and the surrounding lush greenery this area is a tropical sanctuary.
▼度假村中心的亭子,terraced pavilion at the heart of the retreat
▼传统马尔代夫建筑的当代转译,contemporary translation of traditional Maldivian architecture
▼亭子内部,interior of the pavilion
▼家具与柱子细部,details of furniture and pillar
为了创造出最令人振奋的体验,设计团队为 Joali Being 进行了细致的功能分区,包括:由 39 间治疗室和转换空间组成的大型健康中心 AREKA;当地草药理疗中心 AKTAR;FLOW 互动餐厅;SAI 茶室;以及名为 MOJO 的热带海滩保护区。
度假村共为客人提供了 68 座客房别墅,每座别墅包含一间到四间卧室不等,其中有 34 座海滩别墅和 34 座水上别墅,每座别墅都享有独立的私人游泳池。
Aiming to provide an uplifting experience, Joali Being comprises a variety of areas divided by purpose:
AREKA, an extensive wellness center made up of 39 treatment rooms and transformational spaces;
AKTAR, an onsite herbology center;
FLOW, an interactive dining room;
SAI, a tea lounge;
and MOJO, a tropical beach sanctuary.
Guests can reside in a total of 68 guest villas, ranging from one to four bedrooms, with 34 beach villas and 34 water villas, each one with their own private pool.
▼AREKA 健康中心夜景,night view of theAREKA 健康中心夜景,night view of theAREKA
▼AREKA 健康中心内部,interior of the AREKA
健康中心内部,interior of the AREKA
▼AREKA 健康中心室内细部,interior details of theAREKA
▼AKTAR 草药理疗中心,AKTAR, an onsite herbology center
▼AKTAR 草药理疗中心内部,interior of the AKTAR
Throughout all the areas, a layering of tactile materials, custom furnishings and extraordinary craftsmanship create an environment of immeasurable elegance, comfort and style. Interaction with the natural surroundings is ensured from all points, enhancing the energy and flow of the island.
The design of all structures and interior spaces intends to create a rich sensory experience, summoning both the feeling of an absence of gravity and lightness, and that of being embraced by nature. Roof canopies, surfaces and garden walls feel almost sculptural, folding as lightly as paper, angling softly to envelope the spaces. Divisions are flowing or transparent, and guests can glide effortlessly from one place to another.
OCEAN SALA physical Therapy Center
▼OCEAN SALA 理疗中心内部,interior of the OCEAN SALA physical Therapy Center
▼OCEAN SALA 理疗中心室内,interior of the OCEAN SALA physical Therapy Center
▼QUIET ZONE 水疗户外泳池,
QUIET ZONE Spa Outdoor Pool
▼QUIET ZONE 水疗入口,entrance of the QUIET ZONE Spa
▼QUIET ZONE 水疗室内,interior of the QUIET ZONE Spa
▼KAASHI 水疗中心入口,entrance of the KAASHI spa
▼KAASHI 水疗中心内部,interior of KAASHI spa
▼KAASHI 水疗中心桑拿,sauna of KAASHI spa
Integral to the overall wellbeing experience is the interactive and open-plan dining space. Under a dramatic and undulating roof which mirrors the movement of the ocean, taking inspiration from beach textures like driftwood, coral, shell and fishnet, signature kitchens offer a range of culinary styles. Layered outdoor seating platforms float straight down onto the beach, with lustrous marble steps that descend smoothly into the sand.
▼FLOW 互动餐厅鸟瞰,aerial view of the FLOW Interactive Restaurant
▼FLOW 互动餐厅户外露台,terrace area of the FLOW Interactive Restaurant
▼FLOW 互动餐厅室内,interior of the FLOW Interactive Restaurant
Inherent throughout the design of all areas, guests may also notice a subtle but repetitive use of naturally occurring forms. Omnipresent in nature, the hexagon is often thought to evoke a sacred geometry, signifying balance, harmony, spirituality and even eternity. Hexagonal and triangular lines of the roofs and entrances, and among the patterns and textures of the surfaces, cocoon guests within ethereal and exquisite spaces.
▼ 别墅区入口,villas gate
六角形的藤条柱照亮了舒适的生活空间,这里点缀着定制的 Autoban 家具,色调柔和,有象牙色、金色,还有最柔和的绿色、粉色和蓝色。每一个细节都经过精心挑选,以唤起海洋和岛屿的本质,粉刷墙壁上的沙粒图案和马赛克描绘了沙滩上的海浪,宁静而美好,宛如被这轻柔的海浪催眠。
Finally, in the guest villas, under softly curving roofs that seem just lightly placed above the structures, spaces are maximized with transparent or moving divisions to make you feel as if there is almost no barrier between you and the outdoor world.
Hexagonal rattan columns slide open or closed to reveal living spaces dotted with bespoke Autoban furnishings in a soothing color palette of ivory, gold, and the softest greens, pinks, and blues.
Every detail has been selected to evoke the essence of the ocean and the island, with sand grain patterning in stucco coated walls and mosaics depicting the hypnotic traces of waves in sand.
▼4 号别墅鸟瞰,aerial of the villa#4
▼4 号别墅泳池区,pool area of the villa#4
▼4 号别墅室内,interior of villa#4
▼25 号别墅室外浴室,outdoor bath of the villa#25
▼46 号海上别墅鸟瞰,aerial view of the villa#46
▼46 号别墅泳池区,pool area of the villa#46
▼46 号别墅室内,interior view of the villa#46
▼其他别墅室内,interior of other villa
Joali Being Bodufushi, Raa Atoll 2021
68 exclusive guest villas with private pools
34 beach villas and 34 water villas (one, two, three bedroom options and one 4 bedroom villa)
39 thoughtfully designed treatment rooms