In Chinese gardens, dealing with water refers to the treatment of water bodies or water features. It is an important garden design technique that creates diverse landscapes and artistic conceptions by cleverly combining water bodies with surrounding landscape architecture. Dealing with water not only includes the fluidity of water, but also the different landscapes brought about by seasonal changes, as well as the related sound effects.
The project in this case is named dealing with water because it mainly focuses on nutritional therapy, with water as the mediator and reason as the collateral. Drawing on the concept of dealing with water, the flowing lines of the form are curved and secluded, with stone fences as partitions, and the overall style is an art gallery, presenting an orderly and varied spatial rhythm in the design.
Although created by humans, it seems like heaven has opened up
The water system, regardless of its size, must be meandering and elegant, with some intentionally creating bends, inlets, and water mouths to display the pulse of the source. It also emphasizes the gathering and dispersing, as the saying goes, gather to be broad, disperse to be gentle and meandering.
The reception desk is composed of geometric forms with three different textures, with the water reflections of the curtain wall serving as a focal point, gathering a small path to the side, and an art installation at the end of the passage serving as another focal point, extending the concept of water dripping through stone.
The artwork takes on a rounded and flattened form, maximizing the transformation of angles into curves, although made by humans, it appears as if it were created by nature.
See the water, must see its waves
The reception lobby introduces itself in the form of a symmetrical front desk, with artistic installations placed on translucent glass counters, resembling ink-brushed landscapes and ink-splattered garden courtyards.
Large art paintings guide visitors into another artistically constructed space, presenting an overview akin to an art gallery.
Accompanied by the falling shadows of crowned clouds and the emerald spouts of the Yellow Dragon, the echoing spring, the projected membrane lighting reflects endless imagination, welcoming you like the Ten-Mile Gallery.
Water possesses its unique texture, seemingly devoid of life yet nurturing countless lives. It appears tranquil but is incredibly vibrant. Although colorless by nature, it presents a kaleidoscope of hues. Water, under the perception of human senses, reveals a rich and three-dimensional presence. Through these seemingly calm and inexpressible entities, it elucidates that their existence is the most fundamental component of this planet.
Water bends on the banks, water separations on the embankments
The partitioned passageway once again echoes the artistic installation of water dripping through stone, cleverly separating the flow of traffic between the restaurant and customers.
The restaurants main color tone is natural wood, with a square grid ceiling design symbolizing the continuous layers of mountains, using mirrors and paintings to create horizontal partitions. The hand-painted art complements the restaurants cuisine, with blooming flowers concealing the overlapping emotions of water.
The shore bends due to water, and the embankment is separated by water. Flowing water does not compete for the first, what competes for is endless flow. In the noisy city, looking for a quiet and comfortable world is the deep desire of modern people. WATER SPA is like a clear spring in a corner of the city, flowing clear and rippling in every inch, erasing a trace of fatigue. The industry needs to update and progress, subvert tradition, express art and culture, and aim to shape a leisurely space.
Taking water as the heart and following the melody to form a harmonious formula
The therapy space continues the technique of stone mosaics, with a skylight well in the ceiling guiding the indoor light changes, as if another brilliant bloom is unfolding and scattering. Where is the human realm in this dualistic thought? Water has become a healing harbor, hoping for dreams not to dissipate. Through the translucent glass, the scattered light and shadow resemble the silent imagination of thoughts, combining reality and illusion. The embellishment of spar stones is like poetry and song seeking richness in the cold winter, adding the finishing touch like a harmonious melody.
When the body meets the water in the adult three-day dance camp, open the body and enter the body. When the body meets the water, how can you feel the language, emotion, and wisdom of the water... Perhaps transforming into water, becoming a flowing river, lake, or sea, then the stories in life are not only joy, anger, sorrow, and joy, but also the scenery where the energy of life emerges in the flow.
理水 spa 的室内设计不仅考虑了水的美感,还考虑了水的智慧。理水 spa 的空间设计以画廊的形式呈现,让人步入其中,享受休闲之余,又可欣赏艺术品的熏陶。
理水 spa 的空间设计利用滴水成线的原理,将水的流动和静止结合起来,形成一种有序而富有变化的空间节奏。
The space design of the water spa uses the principle of dripping water to form lines, combining the flow and stillness of water to form an orderly and varied spatial rhythm.
理水 spa 的空间设计还运用了石头包围分割的手法,切分空间比例之余,又作为空间围挡的实用性,增加了空间的层次和安全感。
Exclusive Interview
Yinji: 先有理水品牌还是先有设计?
JG PHOENIX: 在这个项目中,是通过我们一开始定的基调还有理念,然后寻找出有文化底蕴的品牌定调,再定义为理水品牌,最后再开始设计。
Yinji: 空间面积是多少?最终的造价是多少?
Yinji: 您的设计与品牌后期运营有什么的考量?
Yinji: 有人说理水像是“在艺术馆里做 SPA”,那么您是如何对艺术品进行选择的,收藏了哪些艺术家的作品?
JG PHOENIX: 何藩、Hiroshi Sugimoto、Robert Motherwell 等一些摄影绘画作品,还有一些国内年轻艺术家的作品。
Yinji: 在 SPA 空间中,光充当着一个很重要的角色,您如何考虑“光”的设计?在项目中设计几处天井,这是什么样的设计思考呢?
Yinji: 您觉得在这个项目中,有哪些地方的设计是还可以进行提升的?
JG PHOENIX: 照明效果:尽管在设计阶段进行了详细的照明规划,但在实际落地中,某些区域的照明效果并不如预期。这可能是由于施工过程中的技术问题或材料选择不当导致的。
项目名称:理水 WATER SPA
摄影:叶晖 Ye Hui
2008 年成立今古凤凰设计机构,是一家多元化建筑及各类高端空间设计的机构。融合东方的人文气息和西方的理性思考,通过用“无华”的材料,“无形”的表达而“无声”的映入人的心灵,致力于使建筑、环境与人共同形成一个和谐的气场,让人与自然美学产生更多的留白与对话。
今,是现在与过去的贯穿和延伸。凤凰,代表着东方精神,传承着中国 5000 年的文化标识。我们秉承着“设计改变生活”的设计理念,用当代的语言解析古代的文化,古为今用,力今以胜古,弘扬东方文化。