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2024/03/13 12:59:23
动物造型游戏设施|Animal shaped play equipment
It is a series of play equipment using steel pipes produced by our design studio. Characterized by its soft, curved body and short legs, it has a cute, animal-like feel that brings a sense of life to a space wherever it is present. Since it has an abstract form, students are free to use them with their own creative ideas.
▼学生们在玩动物造型游戏设施,Students playing with animal-shaped play equipment© 张超
▼游戏设施的抽象性训练学生们的创造力,The abstract nature of play equipment trains students’ creativity© 张超
爬架|Climbing frame
The climbing frame has different spatial characteristics from the ground form playground. Students can freely move back and forth between inside and outside, allowing them to experience new perspectives. If you put your feet on it and hang it upside down, you can see the world upside down.
▼学生们在爬架上玩耍,Students playing on the climbing frame© 张超
B 区 绿岛自然体验区 Area_B Green Island
改造前,内庭院里没有绿化,但通过这次改造,我们在内庭院北角设计了一个小植物园,这里每天的日照时间最长,种植了 25 种植物。学校开学后,这个空间被用来开办自然教育课和美术课,观察植物和写生。
▼拥有 25 种植物的小型植物园,Small botanical garden with 25 species of plants© 一十一建筑
Before the renovation, there was no greenery in the inner courtyard. We designed a small botanical garden in the north corner where the sunshine lasts the longest every day, and planted 25 species of plants. After school started, this space was used to hold nature education and art classes, observing and sketching plants.
▼小型植物园,Small botanical garden© 张超
▼穿过小型植物园的狭窄散步道,Narrow path through a small botanical garden© 张超
▼学生在自然教育课上观察植物,Students observe plants during nature education class © 一十一建筑
▼改造前楼梯下空间 ,The space under the stairs before renovation© 一十一建筑
There is a large staircase leading to the second floor in the space between the teaching block and the cultural and sports building. The largest banyan tree in the campus is planted next to it. Before the renovation, this place seemed to be an iconic landscape node from a distance, but when you get closer, you will find that there are many structural columns, and it looks messy and dark. By taking the advantage of this characteristics, the another Green Island area was designed as an exploration space surrounded by shade plants.
▼改造后的大榕树周边空间 The space around the big banyan tree after renovation© 张超
▼楼梯下全新改造的活动空间,Newly renovated activities space under the stairs© 张超
▼被喜阴植物包围的探索空间,An exploration space surrounded by shade plants© 张超
C 区 体育课运动区 Area_C Sports Ground
教学楼首层有一个 L 形的架空层场地,我们在场地的长边设计了一个 25m 的跑道,在短边设计了一个有大镜子的空间,可以用于舞蹈或武术课程。
There is an L-shaped overhead area on the first floor of the teaching block. We designed a 25m running track on the long side of the area, and a dance class space with a large mirror on the short side of the area.
▼改造后的架空空间,The renovated overhead space© 张超
Students should spend their childhoods the way children supposed to do. By transforming the landscape around the school buildings, we created a place where students can play creatively and immersively with their friends.
▼项目概览,project overview© 张超
校园焕新 Campus Renewal
2022 年,深圳市南山区工务署启动了“南山区百校焕新”改造现有中小学和幼儿园的行动,一十一建筑设计事务所也参与了第一季三所学校的改造。此行动的目的不仅是修复老化校舍和设施,更是打造符合新时代教育理念的新环境。这种更新而非重建的活动不仅在深圳,而且在全国引起关注。虽然海德学校的这次改造不是工务署牵头的项目,但我们参考“南山区百校焕新”的理念和方法,并与校方讨论,确定了设计方向。
In 2022, the Shenzhen Nanshan District Public Works Department launched the “Nanshan District Hundred School Renewal” to renovate existing primary and secondary schools and kindergartens. We also participated in the renovation of three schools. The purpose of this action is not only to repair aging school buildings and facilities, but also to create a new environment that is in line with the educational concepts of the new era. This activity of renewal instead of scrap and build has attracted attention not only in Shenzhen but also across the country. Although the renovation of Hyde School was not a project led by the Public Works Department, we discussed with the school and determined the design direction by referring to the concept and method of “Nanshan District Hundred School Renewal”.
▼课间 10 分钟,学生们在内庭院玩耍,Students come out to the courtyard in 10 minutes recess©张超
海德学校是一所九年一贯制学校,校舍于 2004 年建成,今年已有 19 年的历史。进入学校正门,眼前是由礼堂和体育馆组成的综合文体楼,西侧是小学校舍和两个篮球场,东侧是初中校舍和 300m 跑道的运动场。该项目利用景观设计更新西侧小学部教学楼周围的户外空间,并通过将内庭院和篮球场与校舍周围几处未明确定义的空地连接在一起,创建了一个环形活动空间。小学校园在视觉上变得整体统一,未利用的土地被赋予了意义和功能,使其得到有效利用,学生的户外活动空间也比以前大了很多。
▼小学校园更新计划,Renewal plan of the primary school campus© 一十一建筑
▼改造前,before renovation © 一十一建筑
Hyde School is a nine-year school. The campus was built in 2004 and has 19 years’ history. Entering the main entrance of the school, in front there is the cultural and sports building consisting of an auditorium and a gymnasium. On the west side there are the primary school buildings and two basketball courts, and on the east side there are the junior high school buildings and a sports field with a 300m track. The project used landscaping to update the outdoor spaces around the primary school campus and created a circular activity space by connecting an inner courtyard and basketball courts to several undefined open spaces. The primary school campus has become visually unified as a whole, and the unused spaces have been given meaning and function so that they can be used effectively.
▼小学部航拍图,Aerial photo of the primary school campus© 张超
由于该方案超出了原设想的改造规模,决定分两期施工,北半部的一期改造区于 2023 年暑假完工。一期面积 2,025 平方米,设计了三个主题活动空间,分别是 A 区的玩中探索交流区、B 区的绿岛自然体验区、C 区的体育课运动区。
▼一期平面图,基于三个主题的活动空间,Plan of the first phase, and three themed activity areas© 一十一建筑
Since the design plan exceeded the originally envisioned renovation scale, it was decided to construct in two phases. The northern half as the first phase was completed in the summer of 2023. It covers an area of 2,025 ㎡, including the main courtyard surrounded by teaching blocks. We have designed three themed activity spaces, namely Area_A Playground, Area_B Green Island, and Area_C Sports Ground.
▼改造后的小学部北半部航拍照片,The northern half of the primary school after renovation© 张超
A 区 玩中探索交流区 Area_A Playground
学校建筑规范中,为了应对噪音和确保充足日照,两栋教室建筑间距需超过 25 米,根据这项规定,所有小学基本上都有内庭院。因为毗邻教室,学生在课间短短 10 分钟也可以高效地使用内庭院。然而在很多情况下,作为“边玩边学习的地方”兼具空间魅力的庭院设计却很少。我们认为内庭院很有潜力,可以对学生的成长产生更大、更积极的意义。这会是一个自由、复杂、激发好奇心的空间,也是鼓励学生之间各种交流互动的空间。在这个“玩中探索交流区”,通过对地形的重塑和定制游戏设施的设计,我们正在挑战创造一个与新的教育理念相对应的内庭院空间新原型。
According to the school building regulations, in order to deal with noise and ensure sufficient sunlight, the distance between two teaching blocks must be more than 25 meters. Due to this regulation, all primary schools basically have inner courtyards. Because it is adjacent to the classroom, students can efficiently use the inner courtyard in their 10 minutes recess. However, there are few designs of courtyard that have spatial charm as a “place to play and learn.” We think the inner courtyard has the potential to have a larger impact on student growth. Hyde’s courtyard will be a place that is playful and complex, and it stimulates curiosity of students. Through the reshaping of the ground form and the design of customized play equipment, we try to create a new prototype of the inner courtyard space corresponding to the new educational concept.
▼更新后的内庭院玩中探索交流区,New design of the inner courtyard© 张超
▼内庭院的设计灵感来自于一座漂浮在海上的岛屿,The design inspired by islands floating in the sea© 张超
地形|Ground form
▼大地、大坡、大山、小山、小群岛,Ground, Large slope, Mountain, Hill, Small islands© 一十一建筑
▼复杂地形活动场,Playground with complex ground form© 一十一建筑
We designed an activity field with complex ground form by combining terrain units with different characteristics such as Ground, Large slope, Mountain, Hill, Small islands. On the slopes, students experience balance, friction, speed, and gravity through the body’s various senses, and begin to create new games.
▼学生们通过身体的各种感觉体验平衡、摩擦、速度和重力,Students experience balance, friction, speed and gravity through various senses of the body© 张超
大山的山顶高 1.8m,将其设置得比学生们的身高还高,看不到山的另一边的状态激发了他们的好奇感和探索欲。为了确保安全,在陡坡的半山上安装了金属单杠。当学生们玩单杠时,这里就成为了互动的场所。
The top of the mountain is 1.8m high. It is set higher than the height of the students. The state of not being able to see the other side of the mountain stimulates their curiosity and desire to explore. To ensure safety, metal horizontal bars were installed halfway up the steep slope. This becomes a place for interaction as students stay around the bar.
▼学生们在山坡上玩单杠,Students play with the metal horizontal bars on the steep slope© 张超
小山中嵌入了一个由直径 270 毫米的钢管制成的游乐装置。在山外面可以看到它的三个部分,在山里面则是连在一起的。当敲击一端时,振动会传递到其他两个部分。
A play equipment made of steel pipes with a diameter of 270 mm is embedded in the hill. Its three parts can be seen outside the hill, but they are connected together inside the hill. When one end is struck, the vibrations are transmitted to the other two ends.
▼学生们在小山上玩耍,Students playing on the hill© 张超
▼学生玩钢管游乐装置,Students figuring out how to play with the equipment © 一十一建筑
大坡|Large slope
The large slope has a gentle angle and no arc, which is suitable for students to lie down and roll down. Steel pipes installed at an angle have less friction and therefore students can slide off the pipe. By arranging multiple steel pipes, interaction between students is encouraged.
▼学生们玩钢管滑梯,Students play on the slide© 张超
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