

create a showroom that consider a
for the world of pastry& cooking packaging.
is a fashion store for high-quality quality packaging, hospitality products and accessories from the world of professional pastry, confectionery and cooking.
The showroom was designed to suit both business and private customers.
The showroom was custom-designed to meet the needs of the company in a unique and purpose-oriented retail. In order to understand and plan the retail functions according to the dedicated customer audience, a study of the market segments was conducted for all its layers - business and private.
The guiding idea in designing the retail experience is to create a customer-product interaction. The first impression of the space invites the customer to ”touch & play" with the products and stay there until they find the right packaging for them - for this purpose, long platforms have been created in the center of the space, with a unique and prominent surface for disassembly and assembly of the packaging.
The main design concept is to convey the home feeling in the space and translate home function into this space. All the tailor made displays provide both home-functionality and visual-retail by choosing finishing materials with "warm and inviting" tones, special visual games for branding prominence and by special lighting to emphasize the warm home atmosphere.
The homey feel is also conveyed by the marble and wood combination counter, which simulates home kitchen island with bar stools, topped with special lighting fixtures, open displays for all the baking and cooking accessories anyone would want in their home, extension of the kitchen. Modular shelves open to a lightweight space, Glorify-product Library Designed and upscale with lighting that enhances each product on display and of course, to extend the home ambience, clients can sit and rest in the green garden in front of the showroom.
After researching all the packaging of the company, each display element in the store was designed for details, based on the constructive and visual nature of the unique packaging, so that the display carpentry is actually planned in the same language as the packaging presented.
With an in-depth study of the light reflection behavior on the various plastic packaging, each lighting fixture in the hall is carefully selected and placed at precise heights, to give the highlighting and empowering illumination of every product and packaging available in the showroom.
坐落:Rishon LeZion / Israel / 2019