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岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter

2024/03/20 12:55:17
记忆 Memory
该项目坐落于山顶之上,位于西拉奇卡斯山(Sierras Chicas)的西坡,是科尔多瓦市周边的最高点之一。
Nestled above the top; on the western slopes of the Sierras Chicas; In one of the highest points in the surroundings of the city of Cordoba.
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-4
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-5
▼建筑概览,Overview of the building ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-7
嵌入 Implantation insertion
在山腹中 “挖掘 “出的石头与原始生活方式紧密相连。建筑师寻找外部/内部的空间联系,这本身是一种客体空间,空间的主角是石头、光、木头和视觉效果。 无论白天还是黑夜,环境和视觉效果都将外部融入 “洞穴 “之中。
▼入口特写,Close-up of the entrance ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-11
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-12
▼入口,Main entrance ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-14
▼阳台,Terrace ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-16
“Excavated” in the bowels of the mountain, of the stone connection with the primitive ways of living. Looking for the exterior/interior spatial connection, an object space in itself where the protagonist are STONE, LIGHT, WOOD AND VISUALS. The environment and visuals both day and night; They incorporate the exterior “into the cave”.
▼阳台特写,Close-up of the terrace ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-19
光的演绎 The performance of light
▼室内概览,Overview of the interior ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-23
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-24
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-25
▼傍晚,At dusk ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-27
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-28
▼温馨的氛围,Cozy atmosphere ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-30
▼精致的天光,Delicate skylight ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-32
▼自然元素,Natural elements ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
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岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-35
▼卫生间,Toilet ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
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岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-38
▼自然与人居,Nature and habitat  ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
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岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-41
▼天光,Skylight ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-43
▼材质搭配,Collocation of materials ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-45
The entry of natural light on the materials shapes the spaces; According to the time and season of the year, “its inner atmosphere is different.” Sunlight varies according to the season, artificial lighting; The aroma of the reused woods and the textures end up shaping its interior, contributing to the senses.
▼走廊,Corridor ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-48
▼楼上,Upper floor ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-50
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-51
▼餐厅,Dining room ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
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岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-54
▼通透的开窗,Transparent fenestration ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-56
资源/手法 Resources/Interventions
▼卧室,Bedroom ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-60
▼室内装饰,Interior decoration ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-62
▼石材细部,Details of the stone ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-64
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-65
Stimulating the senses, perception, emotion, multiple visualization, Enlightenment; Light Composition; landscape. Spaces developed with an open floor plan, adaptable to changes in functionality and with multiple versatility. Dividing the activities into Upper floor/double height: Social- Library Studio. Ground Floor: Private Floor-to-ceiling wall-to-wall windows/joinery framing the exterior landscape from the inside.
▼夜景,Night view ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-68
▼夜景局部,Part of the building in the evening ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
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岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-71
▼楼梯特写,Close-up of the staircase ©Arq. Gonzalo Viramonte
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-73
▼+4.5平面图,+4.5 Floor plan ©Arq. Christian Schlatter
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-75
▼+7.5平面图,+7.5 Floor plan ©Arq. Christian Schlatter
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-77
▼+10平面图,+10 Floor plan ©Arq. Christian Schlatter
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-79
▼屋顶平面,Roof floor plan ©Arq. Christian Schlatter
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-81
▼立面图,Elevation ©Arq. Christian Schlatter
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-83
▼剖面图,Section ©Arq. Christian Schlatter
岩石中的住宅丨西班牙丨Arq. Christian Schlatter-85
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