The Lazy Guy Café
| The Lazy Guy Café
The Lazy Guy Café 将懒惰艺术视为生活的一个重要方面,赞美晚起和做白日梦等闲暇和放松的时刻。咖啡馆的设计将现代、酷炫、时髦的元素与体现慵懒概念的轻松活力融为一体,不仅肯定了这些慵懒的时刻,还将它们赋予了生命。空间的每一个角落都散发着悠闲的魅力,这得益于对纹理、饰面和建筑特色的一丝不苟。
The Lazy Guy Café embraces the art of laziness as an essential aspect of life, celebrating moments of leisure and relaxation such as waking up late and daydreaming. These lazy moments are not just acknowledged but brought to life through the cafés design, which blends modern, cool, and funky elements with a relaxed energy that embodies the concept of laziness. Every corner of the space exudes a laid-back charm, achieved through meticulous attention to textures, finishes, and architectural features.
| Cakeology
This café was inspired by the brand name. Alluding to the science of making cakes,the layout of the café cleverly guides patrons through the various stages of cake production. From the entrance, which symbolizes the start of the process, to the exit where the perfected cakes are proudly displayed, every corner breaks down a different part of the cake-making process. This type of experiential, exhibition-like design invites patrons to explore and appreciate the intricacies of baking.
502 Coffee Roasters
| 502 Coffee Roasters
The exploratory nature of a space is enhanced when its elements establish meaningful relationships and are visually clear. However, achieving the desired level of comfort in a large café may be difficult to realize due to the lack of connection and sense of purpose between the elements.
Stof 通过将品牌对 关系 的强调转化为空间体验来完成任务。他们设想了一个空间,在这个空间里,持久的价值观蕴含在环境中,并通过互动来传达。设计运用了 关系从咖啡开始 的概念,在结构元素、环境、程序方面和用户行为之间建立联系。
Stof accomplished its mission by translating the brands emphasis on relationships into a spatial experience. They envisioned a space where enduring values are embedded in the environment and communicated through interaction. The design employs the concept of relationships start with coffee to create connections between structural elements, environments, programmatic aspects and user behavior.