

本项目坐落于华沙附近一个名为Lesznowola的小村庄中,周边环绕着风景如画的松林,优美的自然环境堪称住宅建筑的理想环境背景。该设计将功能与优雅完美地融合在一起,由总部位于华沙的Hola集团旗下的Exterio建筑工作室和室内设计公司Hola design共同创作。这座豪华别墅的形式宛如一系列飘浮于半空中的林间小屋,因此得名“飘浮住宅”。华沙工作室的设计师面临的最大挑战是将住宅的功能与森林环境融合在一起,同时保持建筑的尺度亲人且氛围舒适。
A small village called Lesznowola, nested near Warsaw in the confines of a picturesque pine wood, has become an ideal backdrop for a unique residence. The design, where functionality intertwines in perfect harmony with elegance, is a joint creation of Exterio architectural studio and interior design Hola Design, part of the Hola Group, headquartered in Warsaw. The luxurious villa’s form brings to mind several houses suspended in mid air – hence its name. The greatest challenge the designers of the Warsaw studio faced, was to integrate the extensive functionality planned for the residence into forest surroundings, while keeping the building’s scale small and cozy.
▼项目与周围环境概览,overall of the project and surrounding environment © Yassen Hristov
“我们的设计灵感来源于现代主义的座右铭‘形式遵循功能’。现代别墅旨在将一个大家庭聚集在一起,同时满足所有居民的期望,在这里,每位居住者都能够享有安静的私人空间,同时也享有绝佳的森林景观,”Exterio工作室的建筑师Marcin Klukowski说道。 “In our design, we proposed architecture harking back to the modernist motto: “form follows function.” The modern villa is meant to bring together a large family, while meeting the expectations of all inhabitants, who may wish to have their own quiet enclave with a forest view”,says Marcin Klukowski, an architect with Exterio studio.
▼远观,viewing the house at distance © Yassen Hristov
▼顶视图,top view © Yassen Hristov
▼草图,sketch © Exterio architectural studio
The form began to take shape with the creation of a separate “house” for every inhabitant, to be their private sanctuary. Thus a composition of repeating structures in the form of modern day barns was created.
▼外观,exterior views © Yassen Hristov
“每座谷仓都代表一个独立的生活空间,类似于一栋典型的坡屋顶住宅,带来了温暖和安全的联想。”建筑师Marcin Klukowski补充说,“为了强调每个空间的独立性,建筑的结构被抬高到地面之上,并以突出的结构形式悬垂下来 —— 因此,设计给人呈现出一种结构悬浮在森林中的印象。” “Each barn represents a separate living space, resembling an archetypical gabled house, bringing forward associations with warmth and safety. In order to underscore them being separate, the structures were elevated above the ground floor and overhung in the form of bays – Thus, we were able to build the impression that the structures are suspended in the forest”,the architect Marcin Klukowski adds.
▼每座谷仓都代表一个独立的生活空间,each barn represents a separate living space © Yassen Hristov
▼飘浮般的上部楼层结构,levitating form of the upper floor © Yassen Hristov
▼底层外立面材质为红砖,上层为锌钛金属板,the ground floor facade is made of red brick, and the upper layer is zinc and titanium metal plate © Yassen Hristov
▼场地入口,gate of the plot © Yassen Hristov
▼围墙,fence © Yassen Hristov
▼分析图,analysis diagram © Exterio architectural studio
Sanctuary houses were seated on a connecting glazed base, which is the common living area for the entire family. It houses the entrance hall, a two-story living room, a dining room, a kitchen, a study, as well as a recreation zone with a sauna and a swimming pool. All spaces open up into the surrounding view through facades that are almost entirely made of glass. The functional division of the building was underscored with the materials used, drawing inspiration from industrial architecture seen at the turn of the century. The ground floor, which serves as the base for the entire building, is trimmed with full, hand-formed red brick, layered into a decorative motif. Black coated tiles made of zinc-titanium sheet metal cover the first floor and the roofs. Each house’s levitating form is additionally accentuated by the use of corten sheet metal, both for the top elements of the facade, as well as soffits.
▼上部楼层结构近景,closer view of the upper floor structure © Yassen Hristov
▼山墙立面采用了玻璃与耐候钢,the gable facade is made of glass and weathering steel © Yassen Hristov
▼细部,details © Yassen Hristov
室内空间堪称是建筑的和谐延伸,在材料和色彩方面与立面相互呼应。除了老砖、黑钢和玉米色元素外,精心挑选的天然橡木则成为了室内的点睛之笔,地板和墙面采用了法式人字形拼花的形式。“现代的精致与轻盈的阁楼形式与迷人的室内风格相结合,微妙的灰色、温暖的木色和棕色、粗糙的混凝土纹理,以及强烈的黑色线条无缝地交织在一起。而黄色、金色和蓝色的装饰元素则为室内增添了活力与生机。”Hola设计工作室的联合创始人Monika Bronikowska和Adam Bronikowski说道。 The interior constitutes is a harmoniums extension of the architecture, as its matches the facade both in terms of materials and colors. Aged brick, black steel and corten-color elements appear inside. The whole design was meticulously warmed up with natural oak, in the form of brushed French herringbone on the floors and smooth wall facings. “A refined combination of modernity with light loft form and a touch of glamour characterize the interior style. Subtle grays, warm shades of wood and brown color seamlessly intertwine with the roughness of concrete and strong black lines. While decorative elements in yellow, gold and blue add life and a feisty character to the interiors”,say Monika Bronikowska and Adam Bronikowski, the co-owners of Hola Design studio.
▼室内概览,overall of interior © Yassen Hristov
硅华材质为厨房空间赋予了优雅和持久的自然气息,而由锤打花岗岩制成的壁炉则为其增添了独特的个性。浴室中使用了石英岩和大理石等天然石材,原始的马赛克使这些私密空间更加个性化。楼上的卧室形成了山墙的建筑形式,为每位居住者创造出独立的空间。在儿童空间中,建筑师在阁楼上设置了游戏区。在主卧室里,一张切斯特菲尔德风格的绗缝床头格外引人注目,它是由天然麂皮制成,根据Hola design的定制设计制作的。
Quartz sinter in the kitchen bestow an elegant and durable nature to this space, while the fireplace made of hammered granite adds a distinctive character to it. Natural stone, such as quartzite and marble, was used in the bathrooms, with original mosaics personalizing those intimate spaces. The upstairs bedrooms, creating gabled houses, create an individual space for each inhabitant. In the spaces meant for children, architects set up play areas situated in mezzanines. In the master bedroom, a Chesterfield style quilted head of the bed, made of natural suede leather, catches the eye, made according to the custom design from Hola Deign.
▼餐厅,dining area © Yassen Hristov
▼卧室,bedroom © Yassen Hristov
The area of the villa is decorated with carefully picked design elements delivered by Italian and German brands, bestowing an air of refinement on the whole complex. Interiors have been carefully draped with pieces of art by young Polish and Spanish artists. The residence, with it’s impressive 941 square meters, not only provides a spacious living area, but also state of the art technological solutions. A tasteful study, a home cinema enclosed in a glass cubicle, along with a gym and SPA that houses a swimming pool, saunas and external hot tub, complement the residence’s luxurious offer. Everyday living is further facilitated by a stylish elevator clad in black steel, connecting the levels of the building. Technical rooms and a garage are situated in the underground floor, spanning the entire building.
▼泳池,pool © Yassen Hristov