The site of La Duranne is exceptional.The construction process always leads to a modification. The question of the natural, architectural urban landscape allows to relate the construction to its development in the time.
The question of the structure is here an important point. A logic close to landscape, to the light and to the structure. It allows to draw a link between the existing and changing landscape with also a notion of effectiveness. The structure will provide to the multi-purpose hall the ability to deliver the different goods. In this way, the particularity of this program is the multi-purpose option. A special attention will be taken to the structure studies : efficiency, cost-efficient and multo-purposal.
We prefer the liberation of bearing points to allow the users to develop themselves. The question of development will be a key element during the approach.The pre fabrication services are promoted : interesting cost-efficient. This technic improves a clean building site. The speed of realization is also an important point which creates a minimum incidence on its environment.