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阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio

2023/11/16 16:11:48
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-0
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-1
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-2
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-3
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-4
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-5
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-6
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-7
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-8
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-9
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-10
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-11
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-12
阿斯彭 Sant Ambroeus 咖啡吧丨美国阿斯彭丨Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio-13
备受喜爱的米兰咖啡吧和餐厅Sant Ambroeus首次亮相科罗拉多州阿斯彭西部。新咖啡吧位于海曼大道 520 E号,将以Sant Ambroeus闻名的热情和好客为特色,为客人提供一个受欢迎的休憩场所。
For the first time, the beloved Milanese coffee bar and restaurant, Sant Ambroeus, is debuting out west in Aspen, Colorado. The new coffee bar, located at 520 E. Hyman Ave, will be a welcomed respite for guests, featuring the warmth and hospitality that Sant Ambroeus is known for.
阿斯彭的Sant Ambroeus咖啡吧将以其招牌糕点店为特色,提供各种经典甜点和Paninetti all'olio,以及包括烟熏三文鱼牛油果吐司和以烟熏普拉加火腿、瑞士奶酪、烤茄子和少许第戎芥末为特色的panino Praga等新产品。
Featuring its signature pasticceria, Sant Ambroeus Coffee Bar Aspen will offer a variety of the classic desserts and Paninetti all’olio, as well as new items including a smoked salmon avocado toast and a panino Praga, which features smoked Praga ham, swiss cheese, roasted eggplant and a touch of Dijon mustard.
咖啡吧的设计灵感来源于阿斯彭市,采用阿尔卑斯现代设计手法,将周围环境中的并置元素融入其中。整个空间由Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio设计,还摆放着几件意大利古董,如Mario Bellini的Le Bambole沙发、20世纪50年代的Carlo Ratti椅子和20世纪70年代的壁灯。
Inspired by the city of Aspen, the coffee bar has an Alpine modern design approach, with the juxtaposing elements of the surrounding environment in mind. Designed by Giampiero Tagliaferri Studio, there are also several vintage Italian pieces throughout the space, such as Le Bambole sofas by Mario Bellini, 1950s Carlo Ratti chairs and 1970s wall sconces.
咖啡吧的台面和长凳采用了混凝土元素,地面铺设了石板,并使用了胡桃木、Verde Alpi大理石、蒙古羔羊人造毛皮和灯芯绒织物等较暖色调的材料。Tagliaferri先生说:"我本人是米兰人,也是 Sant Ambroeus 的常客,我与这个项目有着直接的联系。我希望这个空间能成为阿斯彭当地人和游客的主要去处;成为一个避风港,人们可以在清晨来一杯浓咖啡和羊角面包,或在滑雪一天后顺便吃一顿快餐或喝上一杯美味的热巧克力。“
The coffee bar has the presence of concrete elements on the counter and bench, a flagstone floor, and warmer materials such as walnut woods, Verde Alpi marble, Mongolian lamb faux fur and corduroy fabric. Mr. Tagliaferri shares,“As a Milanese myself, and a Sant Ambroeus regular, I felt an immediate connection to this project. I hope the space will become a staple for Aspen locals and visitors; a refuge where one can go in the morning for an espresso and croissant, or stop by for a quick lunch or a delicious hot chocolate after a day on the slopes.”
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