

The charm of space stems from the resonance of emotions, and design is the language we use to converse with it.
The core of interior design lies in people and their lifestyles. The project's advantage lies in the bright and expansive floor-to-ceiling windows, but the original functional partitions restrict the entry of light. To this end, we have optimized the original four-bedroom to a three-bedroom to enhance the fluidity of the space and maximize the introduction of natural light, making the space more spacious and bright.
The material and color combination of the space is restrained yet infectious. We mainly use light and dark oak and beige latex paint to create a natural and quiet atmosphere concisely and neatly. The contrast and integration of black elements add details and texture to the space, and the full-height off-axis door made of glass material gives the space a more transparent and layered feel. Different colors are combined in different proportions in each space, deducing different emotional needs.
自然的空间无需繁复的装饰,光的投射、材质的温度、结构形态和灵活的路径形成独特的空间韵味,经得起长时间的反复推敲,以“自然而然”的哲学,构筑属于每个人的精神港湾。 Natural space does not require elaborate decoration.
The projection of light, the temperature of the material, the structure and form, and the flexible path form a unique spatial charm, which can stand the repeated scrutiny over a long time. With the philosophy of "naturally", it builds a spiritual harbor for everyone.
项目名称|XY宅 极简原木风
项目地址|河南 郑州
设计单位|MOOI TIMELESS建筑室内设计事务所