

Stella Maris是圣母玛利亚在天主教中的古老尊称。此尊称用来强调圣母是基督徒的希望与向导,这源自圣经旧约中以色列人隐喻外邦人为海洋,意为“对岸的人”,海洋指以色列领土边境。人们相信圣母会保护并指引旅人和依靠大海生活的人,所以便称呼她为海洋之星。
Stella Maris is an ancient Catholic title for the Virgin Mary. This title is used to emphasize that the Virgin Mary is the hope and guide of Christians. It comes from the Metaphor of the Israelites in the Old Testament that the Gentiles are the sea, meaning "people on the other side", and the sea refers to the border of The Territory of Israel. The Virgin Was called the Star of the sea because she was believed to protect and guide travelers and those who depended on the sea.
多年来,El Pris 渔民村的邻居一直试图在水手的守护神 Virgen del Carmen的召唤下推动建造一座合适的神庙。尽管为它指定了几个不同的位置,但由于各种原因,这种结构是不可能的。邻居们都非常虔诚敬仰的圣母画画像被存放在一个属于渔民协会的仓库里,等待着被放在一个神圣的地方。
For years, the neighbors of the fishermen village of El Pris had tried to promote the construction of a proper temple, under the vocation of the Virgen del Carmen (Our Lady of Mount Carmel) who is patroness of the sailors. Despite designating for it several different locations, this construction for various reasons was not possible. The image of the Virgin, for which the neighbors are strongly devoted, was stored in a warehouse belonging to a fishermen association, waiting to be placed in a sacred space.
The plot located on a rocky headland next to the old pier, was certainly complicated due to its small size and irregular shape. This difficulty was even increased by the significant slope of the base on which the chapel was supposed to be constructed (it was not possible to excavate the rock due to the danger which such works could cause for adjacent poor, self-build houses) as well as the restrictions of the law and limited economical resources.
在混凝土神坛上,有一个天顶光的入口,穿过蓝色玻璃创造了空间的氛围。在材料层面上,建筑源于巨大的节俭,使用的材料的简单性和自然照明等资源的使用,这为建筑提供了寻求本质的禁欲主义特征。碎裂的混凝土祭坛中有大量的蓝色玻璃杯,这些玻璃杯来自当地的白葡萄酒,在El Pris的邻居们庆祝奠基后分享了这些葡萄酒。
On the concrete altarpiece, there is an entrance of zenith light, which passing through a blue glass creates the ambient of the space. On a material level the construction results from great austerity, the simplicity of the used materials and the use of resources such as natural lighting, which provide the building with an ascetic character that seeks the essential. The crushed concrete altarpiece contains blue glasses in its mass, which comes from the bottles of local white wine that was shared by the neighbors of El Pris after the celebration laying of the cornerstone.
构成神庙平面图的圆周代表了圣母玛利亚的女性气质,她是拥抱信徒的母性形象。因此,Virgin del Carmen占据了空间,它位于北方,象征着它在夜间为水手提供向导的功能。The Stella Maris是Star of the Sea(海之星)的拉丁文翻译。
The circumference that forms the floor plan of the temple, represents the femininity of the Virgin Mary, the maternal figure who embraces the faithful. Thus, the Virgin del Carmen presides the space, being located in the north like metaphor of its function of guide to the sailors during the night. The Stella Maris or Star of the Sea.