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迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio

2024/04/03 11:26:35
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-0
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-1
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-2
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-3
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-4
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-5
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-6
迪拜 PIMS 咖啡旗舰店设计丨阿联酋迪拜丨KIDZStudio-7
在迪拜这片广袤的土地上,创新和现代气息从沙漠黄沙中升腾而起,PIMS 的出现代表着饮料界的一次全新尝试。我们对迪拜购物中心 PIMS 旗舰店的设计,就像对新茶或新咖啡的精心调制一样,源于我们对传统概念与现代元素的再创造。受迪拜的活力精神和 PIMS 的开创性精神的启发,我们的目标是创造一种身临其境的体验,将技术、舒适和沙漠景观的精髓完美融合。
In the vast expanse of Dubai, where innovation and modernity rise from the desert sands, the emergence of PIMS represents a refreshing departure in the world of beverages. Much like the meticulous crafting of a new tea or coffee blend, our design for the flagship PIMS store in Dubai Mall was born out of a dedication to reimagining traditional concepts with a contemporary twist. Inspired by the dynamic spirit of Dubai and the groundbreaking ethos of PIMS, our goal was to create an immersive experience that seamlessly blends technology, comfort, and the essence of the desert landscape.
从沙漠的色调中汲取灵感,PIMS 旗舰店的内部色调体现了温暖和熟悉的感觉,唤起了阿联酋居民所珍视的舒适氛围。平滑的过渡和圆润的轮廓是整个空间的特点,让人联想起风吹沙丘形成的优美曲线。墙壁上的浮雕灰泥与大自然的纹理相映成趣,而灯光柔和的干花和米色砾石则为空间增添了一丝微妙的宁静。
Drawing from the hues of the desert, the interior palette of the PIMS flagship embodies warmth and familiarity, evoking the cozy ambiance cherished by Emirati residents. Smooth transitions and rounded contours characterize the space, reminiscent of the graceful curves of sand dunes sculpted by the wind. Relief plaster adorns the walls, mirroring the textures of nature, while softly illuminated dried flowers and beige gravel lend a subtle touch of tranquility.
在沙漠绿洲的中心,有一个引人注目的银色装置,象征着 PIMS 的尖端创新与沙漠的永恒魅力之间的对比。金属花朵从地面冒出,交织成令人着迷的舞蹈,而镜面中央装置则反映了品牌理念的精髓--将顾客置于体验的中心。舒适的座椅可满足从半休闲到经典用餐的不同偏好,定制家具的设计兼具功能性和时尚性。宾客在品尝 PIMS 提供的美食的同时,还可以通过互动展示和商品,探索茶文化的微妙之处,加深对这一古老传统的理解和欣赏。
At the heart of the desert-inspired oasis lies a striking silver installation, a symbolic contrast between PIMS's cutting-edge innovation and the timeless allure of the desert. Metallic flowers emerge from the ground, intertwining in a mesmerizing dance, while a mirrored centerpiece reflects the essence of the brand's philosophy—placing the customer at the center of the experience. Comfortable seating options cater to diverse preferences, from semi-lounge relaxation to classic dining, with bespoke furniture designed for both functionality and style. As guests indulge in PIMS's offerings, they are invited to explore the nuances of tea culture through interactive displays and merchandise, enhancing their understanding and appreciation of this ancient tradition.
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