Location:Berlin, Germany; | ;View Map
Project Year:2016
Category:Exhibition Centres
This was a beautiful example of event architecture - by TRIAD for Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft - for the 2016 edition of DIA - Denk ich an Deutschland Conference - by Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft and Frankfurter Algemeine Zeitung.
TRIAD created this open architectural scenography for the Conference held at Deutsche Bank in 2016. They used around 500 white GRID modules as a modular system to form the sculptural structure with special made printed signs. All in all an impressive scene for the conference.
TRIAD is an award-winning creative agency focusing on spatial communication. TRIAD has been designing and producing exhibitions, museums, theme parks, trade fairs, brand environments, retail spaces, and events across the globe since 1994.
Alfred Herrhausen Gesellschaft is an independent, non-profit organisation supported by Deutsche Bank. It is part of the activities with which Deutsche Bank fulfils its social responsibility.