码头区丨加拿大多伦多丨Norm Li

2023/05/30 19:10:59
Firm: Norm Li
Type: Residential › Multi Unit Housing Commercial › Office Retail Hospitality + Sport › Restaurant Educational › University Other Landscape + Planning › Public Park Urban Green Space Masterplan
STATUS: Concept
YEAR: 2031
"Quayside is a response to the challenge of how to build a dynamic, inclusive and resilient community for people of all ages, backgrounds, abilities and incomes. It will provide housing options for individuals and families and allow residents to age in place. It will be a complete community where residents will have easy access to their day-to-day needs – like food, shopping, recreation and green public spaces.
So how will Quayside Impact’s plan for Quayside achieve these goals? The development plan feature a number of highlights:
- A mix of market rate and affordable housing, including more than 800 affordable housing units – more than half of which will be two-bedroom and larger for families. Importantly, the affordable units will be spread across Quayside and a portion will be delivered in each phase of development. These units will ensure Quayside offers housing for all, regardless of income, as well as help address Toronto’s urgent need for more affordable housing.
- The residential space, along with commercial, institutional and retail space, will be located across five towers and Canada’s largest mass-timber residential building running along the north side of Queens Quay East.
- 3.5 acres of accessible public space across the site, including a 2-acre car-free urban forest, which will provide exposure to nature and promote physical and mental health.
- A 1-acre urban farm on the rooftop of the mass-timber building that will be accessible to residents and the public, creating an opportunity for community gardens.
- Visionary world-class architecture that will raise the An all-electrically powered, zero-carbon community built with sustainability as a first principle. By using more sustainable materials and technologies, promoting biodiversity and creating comfortable and accessible green spaces for all seasons and types of weather, Quayside will reduce greenhouse gas emissions and manage the effects of extreme weather events.
- A Community Care Hub that will promote physical and mental well-being for residents through offering community resources, services and programming, such as daycare, seniors’ services, and medical services."
- via Waterfront Toronto website
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