


Located in central business space in Reus, the proposal for Xavier Masdéu assessorials based on offering an integrated solution that represents and best identifies the valueof this business: openness, transparency, communication, and efficiency. The planned distribution of spaces emphasizes these values, with solutions that improve natural lighting, communication between workspaces and defining clear ways of using the space by the users.
In order to provide a solution that is as simple and complete as possible, the project proposes a furniture system that edges and cuts through the space, configuring a series of rooms with different uses. The furniture changes depending on the use, the storage or the light. A cupboard becomes a bench and then a window to let light through.
With its layout, the new structure incorporated into the place generates a centralwork space. This L-shaped "agora" operates as a work area, a place of customer service and a distributor spot to the rest of the business rooms, such as the manager's office, the archive, the meeting room or the kitchen. To improve the functionality of the workplace, the worker's circulation spaces have been clearly separated, with the clients having a simple and clear route to speed up their procedures and transacts.