知末案例   /   家装空间   /   别墅   /   Carr Design


2024/04/08 15:44:32
Coastal compound是一座令人瞩目的住宅,沉浸在美丽的海滨景观之中。这座住宅的设计灵感源自贝莱尔的豪宅等建筑,以及坚固和野兽派的形式。
Coastal compound is a striking home immersed in beautiful waterfront views. The design of this home is inspired by buildings such as the mansions of Bel Air, as well as the sturdy and brutalist forms.
卡尔海岸大院酒店(Coastal Compound)以其宽敞和宁静著称,其设计大胆而自信,不回避其宏伟的规模。正如Carr公司的总经理Chris McCue所说,这里是一个理想的场所,无论是大型还是小型的聚会,一年四季都适合家庭聚会和娱乐活动。这个位于莫宁顿半岛的建筑,通过一系列相互流通的空间展现了一种和谐的设计语言,旨在最大化自然光的利用和空气流通的效果。
Known for its spaciousness and serenity, the Coastal Compound is bold and confident in its design and does not shy away from its grand scale. As Chris McCue, managing director of Carr, says, its an ideal venue for both large and small gatherings, family gatherings and entertainment all year round. The building, located on the Mornington Peninsula, presents a harmonious design language through a series of interflowing Spaces designed to maximize the use of natural light and the effect of air circulation.
In order to eliminate the boundary between indoor and outdoor, the main living area is opened to the surrounding natural landscape in a generous gesture, promoting the free flow and interaction of indoor and outdoor Spaces. Carr has cleverly integrated a sense of lightness throughout the design, while taking into account the corrosion resistance and durability required for the building in a seaside environment, ensuring the buildings lasting beauty and practicality.
即便Coastal compound并非作为常住的主要住宅,其设计依然强调了便捷与精致奢华的元素,确保了居住的舒适度和建筑的长久耐用性。该大院的宽敞空间和精品酒店相仿,旨在为家庭提供充足的居住和娱乐场所。配备了私人泳池、众多户外露台和网球场等设施,居住者在此可以享受到无需外出的一站式休闲体验。
Even though the Karr Coast Compound is not intended as a permanent primary residence, its design emphasizes the elements of convenience and sophisticated luxury, ensuring the comfort of living and the durability of the building. The spacious space of the compound is similar to that of a boutique hotel and is designed to provide plenty of places for families to live and play. With facilities such as a private pool, numerous outdoor terraces and tennis courts, residents can enjoy a one-stop leisure experience without going out.
Chris expressed their design philosophy to create an architectural style that is both unique and simple, connected to the surrounding natural landscape and able to take advantage of natural light throughout the year. In order to achieve this goal, they carefully adjusted the layout of the building according to the characteristics of the terrain, so that the building and the natural landscape harmony, to create a beautiful and functional living environment.
Despite the scale, it is clear that every effort must be made not to overpower the landscape. We broke down the overall form to avoid a completely monolithic result. Chris said. We split the shapes and curved them at the corners to literally embed the coastal compound into the landscape, creating the appearance that it evolved from the soil. Concrete needs to withstand the environment, wind and rust, and the material is, as Chris describes it, an ode to the brutalist bunkers that emerge from the coastal landscape.
This house has been designed for current and future living needs, always with impact, durability and permanence in mind. Through careful planning, Karl is able to weave the idea of heritage into each of their projects, avoiding following trends and instead responding to places, people and time.
项目信息 / information 项目名称PROJECT NAME : Coastal compound 位置LOCATION : Mornington Peninsula, Victoria, Australia 设计DESIGN : Carr
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