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TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works

2023/09/28 17:52:37
Location: Gebze, Turkey
Interior Design: Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works
Photography: Gürkan Akay & Şenay Akay
Year: 2022
The project comprises the replanning of the offices in the existing factory building located in Organized Industrial Zone.
The offices hosting the management, sales-marketing and software teams has been re-planned according to the needs of the young and dynamic team. The main need conveyed by the employer in the project brief was that the company’s head office, with its disadvantageous location far from the Istanbul city center, should be transformed into an attractive and adaptable work environment for creative young employees.
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-7
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-8
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-9
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-10
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-11
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-12
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-13
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-14
TEPRO OFFICE 室内设计丨土耳其丨Sinem Oymak & Stereo.works-15
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