Private Villa 7714
location: Dubai
design and render : Mosayeb moradi
The architectural design of this villa, rendered using 3ds Max and Corona Render software, emphasizes creating a private space within the central area. The team aimed to fulfill residents' needs for light, ventilation, and privacy. This inner space is strategically connected to the surrounding green areas, considering both visual and functional aspects. The building's entrance from the street ensures public accessibility, while addressing the climatic challenges of warm Dubai through compact volume and incorporating green spaces both inside and outside the villa, fostering a harmonious visual and dynamic relationship between the internal and external spaces.
#ArchitecturalDesign #VillaProject #3DRendering #CoronaRender #PrivateSpace #GreenSpaces #DubaiArchitecture #ClimateResponsive #UrbanDesign #InteriorExteriorIntegration