Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects

2024/03/12 01:14:00
Location:San Benedetto del Tronto, Province of Ascoli Piceno, Italy; | ;View Map
Project Year:2023
The Puma Casual Attitude 1974 store, dedicated to male elegance by FVArchitects, is inspired by American lifestyle environments mixed with contemporary fusion.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-5
A cozy environment like a tailor's shop from times gone by that plays with the colors of dark wood, grays and teal.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-7
Ceramic coverings by Iris Ceramica Belike Blue Patch form the background of the old overhead compartments of railway carriages.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-9
Skilful interplay between patinated anodizing and shiny Kintsugi decorations.
A continuous low boiserie runs along all the walls, dividing the space into two predominant colors, thus creating a timeless elegance.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-12
The floor alternates in three colors with a small format checkerboard geometry.
The furniture is made of recycled wood, others custom-designed in iron, to complete the furnishings.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-15
As per the philosophy of the FVArchitects studio, all the materials are sincere, custom-designed or researched ad hoc.
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The Puma store overlooks a street busy with pedestrians, but even more with vehicles running on the road, and this is why even the façade and the windows stand proud and elegant, to show themselves to the fleeting sight of passers-by.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-19
Smoke black in colour, decorated with frames to recreate boiserie, the façade creates and closes a clear field, well defined with respect to the surroundings, to make itself even more visible.
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The lighting of the commercial space is mixed, technical to enhance the products on display, but also ceiling furnishings such as the Mirro by Wever & Ducré to enhance the style and multiply the light rays with their mirrored surfaces.
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-23
Warm, welcoming and soft atmospheres for a timeless style, which also wants to appear current because in line with the taste for "contamination" of styles, a mirror of our contemporary being, surrounded by lot of styles that have marked our history.
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Layers of styles and "non-styles" that come together to recreate an exclusive environment for the owner Camillo, and part of the Puma Casual Attitude 1974 style.
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Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-29
Puma Casual Attitude 1974 商店丨意大利阿斯科利皮切诺丨FVArchitects-30
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