

The Bedford Sales Gallery
| The Bedford Sales Gallery
Bedford 酒店的展示廊证明了 Paolo Ferrari 工作室在营造身临其境的环境方面的精湛技艺,这种环境将熟悉与创新融为一体。法拉利与 Burnac 合作,展示了即将在多伦多开业的这家精品酒店,法拉利精心策划了一次超越平凡的感官之旅,让人们一睹Bedford 酒店的灵魂。展厅以天然材料和舒缓的色调为主,邀请参观者在喧闹的都市景观中探索宁静与平和的真谛。
The Bedfords Presentation Gallery stands as a testament to Studio Paolo Ferraris mastery in crafting immersive environments that blend familiarity with innovation. Teaming up with Burnac to showcase the forthcoming boutique Toronto property, Ferrari orchestrates a sensory journey that transcends the ordinary, offering a glimpse into the soul of The Bedford. With a focus on natural materials and a soothing color palette, the gallery invites visitors to explore the essence of serenity and calmness amidst the bustling urban landscape.
Nacho Polo 和 Robert Onuska 是 STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN 背后的远见卓识者,他们在纽约市历史悠久的纺织大厦内精心打造了一种身临其境的艺术和设计体验。他们对这座城市的悠久历史和翠贝卡的当代背景有着敏锐的理解,因此重新设计了一个 7000 平方英尺的空间,将美学与情感完美地融合在一起。
Nacho Polo and Robert Onuska, the visionaries behind STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN, have meticulously crafted an immersive art and design experience within New York Citys historic Textile Building. Their keen understanding of the citys rich history and the contemporary context of Tribeca has led to the reimagining of a 7,000 square foot space that seamlessly blends aesthetics with emotion.
STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN 于 2018 年在迈阿密成立,代表了当代艺术和设计的精选,反映了 Polo 和 Onuska 对永恒、奢华作品的热情。他们的画廊展示的都是独一无二的珍品,每一件都是精心制作、量身定做。studiotwentyseven 的客户遍布全球,他们都在寻求具有收藏价值的设计,STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN 已经成为精致和优雅的代名词。
Founded in Miami in 2018, STUDIOTWENTYSEVENn represents a curated selection of contemporary art and design, reflecting Polo and Onuskas passion for timeless, luxurious pieces. Their gallery showcases exclusive and unique statement pieces, each meticulously crafted and made-to-order. With a global clientele seeking collectible design, STUDIOTWENTYSEVEN has become synonymous with sophistication and elegance.
Balzar Architects
| Balzar Architects
黑钢、灰色和微红的色调以及宁静祥和的氛围营造出Balzar Arquitectos在瓦伦西亚的新办公室。该工作室位于瓦伦西亚Ensanche区的Joaquin Costa街,这里是瓦伦西亚的中心地带,交通便利。
Black steel, gray and reddish tones and an atmosphere of serenity and stillness define the new offices of Balzar Arquitectos in Valencia. The studio is located on Joaquin Costa Street, in the Ensanche area of Valencia, a central yet accessible enclave within the city.